>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
>English language analysis [optional but recommended] [post most recent Red Pill Germany video] [or post english language analysis from other German channels] youtube.com/watch?v=VcjZnGzLObk
reminder: not uneggsbeggdedly, after a longer planned mobilization campaign, as of 5:45 yesterday, zeit online put it forward and declared total race war
>ywn live in the timeline where the Kaiserreich wins WWI and becomes a major colonial power that sends carriers full of Me262 to bomb the crap out of uppity niggers
Christopher Young
Well, if they are going more insane on race like the left in america that's only a good thing. This might erode the (public) racial blindness that's prevalent in Germany.
Jace Johnson
lust gluttony greed comfyness wrath envy pride
Brody Clark
Does anyone want to sing this song with me desu ne\ ~
Why do G*rmans support the roaches, slavniggers, and albozergs? Why are you such autists? Name ONE reason why your pathetic shithole shouldn't be completely genocided in WW3.
Isaiah Sullivan
absolutely. >Well, if they are going more insane on race IT HAPPENING!
still, the memetic conter will be crucial, no mistakes about it please!!!
dis nice. well, if you put it like this: >Haha… Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten (Walter Ulbricht 1961). Die Rente ist sicher (Norbert Blüm 1997). Deutschland ist kein Einwanderungsland (Angela Merkel 2010). Wir sind die Partei der Opposition (Martin Schulz 2017). Wir haben in diesem Land weder eine Asylkrise noch steht uns eine Islamisierung bevor… (DJV 2018).
yes, absolutely. their 'definition'(!!!) declares pigmentation as somewhat unobservable, and then proceeds to declare a really subjective non observable to define reality: the mental state of a potential victim.
never! I will hold Germany dear to my heart, I will hel you guys if you start race car, but allegiance - never. furthermore - if you come to my land, I'll fight you but I love you guys :D
one of Merkel's priceless gold pieces demolished a car of the city of Unna. Also he attacked sellers of a car dealership with metal bollards because they did not want to sell him a 50,000 Euro BMW for play money! He can not be deported because he has no papers! twitter.com/OnlineMagazin/status/1028258538538364928
Found this today ... study says men have better spatial orientation (no surprise here) but the biggest effect they could measure was geographical! Pic related. Now they correlate this with the population's wealth ... but I see a different correlation here: the higher the paleolithic hunter-gatherer ancestry the better the visuo-spatial skills. Now as this also seems to correlate with wealth and success apparently ...
Jow Forums must be messing with me then. Oh well, just play along ... and no, still very sober ;)
Christian Sullivan
>correlated spatial orientation ability with populations wealth are they fucking drunk when they pull such correlations up???
Levi Myers
I know, Germany is infinitely better than the US.
Cooper Clark
Niggers or white trash people are stupid and violent because they are so poor, didn't you know? That's why we need redistribution from you to the party, which might trickle down to them.
Angel Jones
Don't you have some baby dick to suck for your vulcano god?
I know, you told me a hundred times. I would love to see the balkanization of the US. World would be a better place. Besides Germany I've also been looking at the UK or Russia as an escape.
Thomas Gomez
At least everyone knows that the USA is a country, toothpaste.
Nolan Perez
>I've also been looking at the UK you don't even have a loicense for that