guys, with the rise of false Christians refusing to vaccinate their children and rather have them put in torture devices, should we buy a small scale factory for iron lungs? It's not like our governments take responsibility and put these ''parents'' were they belong. The big house.
Iron lung market
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the conspiracies surrounding vaccines are not completely unfounded. do you even know of the taxpayer funded payouts made by the vaccine court in the united states? side effects do happen at a rate that may be unnecessary, side effects that may be by design when you consider the satanic nature of many world elite.
with the political bias in science and the evil inherent in centralized governments. you cant just go around trusting everything, you ahve to raise questions.
Occam's razor though. Did rich people and/or jews die of Polio? Yes? thus it's not a conspiracy.
Are iron lungs more costrly than vaccines? Yes? then why are they fading into obscurity?
the people in power are evil enough they dont care if some of their own die. they are willing to make that sacrifice. occams razor eh, two can play at that game. the people in power are evil thereforefore it stands to reason they would poison the vaccines.
its not about making money, its about doing evil. and injecting something into your baby thats supposed to keep him alive but makes him retarded is pretty evil.
be careful with arguments that are too simple like that, you can get caught up in the neat simplicity of your own overly simplified bullshit.
ultimately all we know is the people in power are suspicious, the scientific process corrupted by politics, and theres evidence that the vaccines are shady. so total trust in the vaccine system is pretty naive at this point really.
t. leafpost
if crippling babies was the goal, there is this very common thing called ''Radium'' the Illuminati snake people will use figi water to avoid it. also, if vaccines make babies retarded than how come unvaccinated people are weaker and dumber?
What if the actual goal is just making as much money as possible? It seems reasonable to me that people might lie in order to sell stuff.
all im telling you is we cant trust the people in power and theres a lot of shady shit surrounding vaccines. you cant give some oversimplified dumbfuck gotcha argument to vanish that away.
why didnt they just give us all radium poisoning, i dont know. i dont have all the answers. maybe the vaccines are designed to cripple in such a way that we dont notice. maybe the vacinnes are designed to effect people more if they have certain gene traits in order to prevent the rise of genius individuals by triggering autism in them instead. i dunno, all i can do is throw theories out there. i dont know shit, and neither do you. difference between us being that i understand i dont know, and you think you can arrogantly know something with absolute certainty using absurdly reductionist arguments.
> if they have certain gene traits in order to prevent the rise of genius individuals by triggering autism in them instead. i dunno, all i can do is throw theories out there
Make bullshit up. You meant to say make bullshit up.
wouldn't it make more sense to vaccinate your people, put Polio in the water and shill iron lungs to everyone? it's a negative pressure chamber with 2 pumps. pumps and such chamber cost alot. That's how I would do it if I was on their side.
zero and hundred % probabilities don't exist, but what what else can you do than go with the most likely and logical explanation? Using stealth via vacciens makes no sense either. You can dose radiation damage very carefully.
Stop embarrassing our nation with ad hominems.
If they were found out, they would never make another penny. As a business model, it makes more sense to mix truth with lies. One can rely on the efficacy of, say, polio vaccines for credibility, while introducing new made-up diseases to stimulate the cash flow.
The anti-vaxer's have the blood of children on their hands - never let them forget that fact.
Boomer reddit faggot detectec
well, that is a near-unfalsiable. I brought up probabilities, now, could you tell me why you should go with an unlikely scenario and not a likely one? There is a market war between big pharma for who gets to manufacture and distribute vaccines.
Too late.
> I brought up probabilities, now, could you tell me why you should go with an unlikely scenario and not a likely one?
Calling bullshit is not an ad hominem. Hitchens's Razor, Burden of Proof.
Stop making bullshit up to protect bullshit.
>could you tell me why you should go with an unlikely scenario and not a likely one?
I can't into this question. Are you saying it's unlikely that people would lie for money?
Very scientific emotional appeal, user.
>zero and hundred % probabilities don't exist
>but what what else can you do
go along with the most plausible idea while holding some doubt that you could be wrong. especially when you dont have all the info and some info might be restricted.
as for why they use vaccines, maybe they have their reason. maybe the reason is that we would figure out healthy vaccines on our own without them. and they would rather poison the vaccines instead. did you think about that? you have to realize theres a lot that may have not occurred to you so dont be so certain.
it's unlikely vaccines are bad because there is proof implying the contrary. Unless you say, for example, the market struggle is a facade made up by some aliens or something. That's unfalsiable as you would say these aliens got stealth fields if I remind you of SETI.
Aluminum adjuvants cause brain damage.
1/3 The HHS lied about testing for vaccine safety and haven't made one report since they were mandated to do so by congress.
Tripedia listed SIDS and autism under side effects (As did Merck) before urgently removing them under a "whoopsie that wasn't supposed to be there"
Herd Immunity is a lie.
>false Christians
You mean illegal migrants, and refugees?
ive already mentioned it before, but there is a court system in the us to pay out damages for problems caused by vaccines. for years all their info was public record (not anymore as of a couple years ago) and you could see how many people were paid out damages, and it was a lot, and the burden of proof was high in that court.
but heres the kicker. those millions of dollars in damages werent paid for by the drug companies, but by the taxpayer. the drug companies arent held legally liable to pay these damages.
its fucking shady. when youve got people you cant trust acting suspicious you gotta be sure theyre not up to something.
Pharmaceutical companies don't give a damn whether their vaccines actually work or not.
You can't sue them if you or your children are injured by them.
Iron lungs? Bit of old fashion hyperbole...
We could just administer Vit C. It was shown to cure polio. Although you won't find polio today because 'vaccines cured it'. Of course we'll just ignore the rise of 'new' diseases with exactly the same symptoms...also aseptic meningitis was counted as polio before vaccines but not after..
Goodbye Polio, hello Guillaine Barre Syndrome.
Goddbye Smallpox, hello pustular eczema, varioloid or monkeypox.
Goodbye Whooping cough, hello croup.
Diagnoses changed for the same disease...
Diphtheria in the unvaccinated, bacterial tracheitis in the vaccinated.
On and on it goes...
What I'm saying is that I think it's more likely that some are good, and some only exist to make money. Beyond that, my attitude towards modern medicine is this: let those who trust doctors be guinea pigs for those who don't.
The NCVIA (National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) which was started WITH THE STIPULATION that the government agency, the HHS, would be responsible for testing and ensuring vaccine safety, and they would be required to submit a biennial report to congress about vaccine safety and what they were doing to improve it.
It just came out, as the HHS admitted in a court of law, that they haven't made a single damn report. Not one. Since 1987, when they were first required to.
say, if guina-pigging is a thing (human one that is) why not people nobody would miss and announce they comitted sudoku? why would you not make a working vaccine to create goodwill and make more in the long run? science is not an Union, if a freelance scientist calls BS on you and gets a research grant, you may be done.
86% correlation between autism and vaccines
My daughter is nearly 9 months and hasn't had a vaccine. Never been sick a day in her life. The wide and I have been sick as dogs, never transmitted.
She exclusively break feeds, none of that hood goy formula. Meanwhile, my cousin is 2 months older and has got all the shots. Has excsema and been sick dozens of times in his 11 months.
Autism vaccination link is a shill op to hide the fact that it's circumcision that leads to high rates of autism.
You don't just get "in power" without doing something incredibly shady at best.
In third world countries they control the population with vaccinations.
>100% correlation between indoor plumbing and autism
Autism incidence isn't increasing, we are just diagnosing more kids and expanding the spectrum
This thread again
>We get it, you want us Goys dead, or enslaved
Hurr durr vaccines prevent all diseases and no one ever gets hurt by them!
>Why cant we sue vaccine makers?
Last link is a book that jews pushing vaccines cant argue with.
>But herd immunity, well then you wont get measles then huh....kek
vaccines causes autism is a pseudoscience created by a malicious scientist that lost his titled and right to do research. He tried ot run with the research grants. If you buy this you are like the SJW's that buy the research from that mad gender ''scientist'' that mutilated a boy after he fucked pu the circumcision. He believed gender=/=sex and told parents ot raise him as a girl. He went total madhouse and sudoku'd. this is the level you are at.
that assumes dosages thousands of times higher than vaccines use. Toxicology uses the ''treshold model'' below treshold = no damage. Guess what dose vaccines use.
We should start culling people with double digit Iqs, a start would be to revoke custody and revoke right to Healthcare.
>implying technology nowadays couldn't fit an iron lung equivalent into a backpack
portable breathing machines are a thing here, you ridicule communists for having no food while you have no proper Healthcare. Interestingly, the Iron Lung uses underpressure and portable breathing machines use Overpressure. it's less unpleasant, cheaper and healthier. they're made out of polymer and not steel though. I wonder why...
Enough of that bullcrap. Hundreds of other doctors arrived at similar conclusions on their own. Harp on all of them if you will. Not one insane guy.
>muh occam's razor
I swear most people on here don't actually know how to apply these in a philosophical context and just say "occam's razor" to end political discourse because they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Occam's razor isn't a catch all that you can just say to make something correct.
There's no use arguing with these looneys.
Jews run the world, smallpox and polio are a conspiracy. I have no medical education whatsoever, but trust me, these infographs are proofs vaccines are a sham!
Trying to refute those delusions with research papers and WHO articles will be met by: "keep shilling, Jew!"
and they're still a tiny fraction. False Christianity has deep coffers. I say we launch the Variola vaccine and let people deny it. then we open the lab and let Smallpox out. it would cleanse the inferior brainlets in an automatic holocaust.
smallpox and polio victims are still alive. I want to see one of them go up to them and say how they don't exist. 2 seconds for all respect lost on the victim's side i'd say.
AH yes you're totally right, there's definitely no conspiracy by large pharmaceutical companies to keep the general population ill, and even though there's no economic incentive or benefit for pharmaceutical companies to improve vaccines even with the current rates of side effects, they are certainly working for the people's best interests.
Which is why there are other words in his fucking post you retard. He didn't just say "occams razor".
What do you mean by "false Christianity"?
>then we open the lab and let Smallpox out.
We'll still survive because most of those diseases were wiped out by improvements in hygiene and general cleanliness.
Look at how I use 2 words to disprove somebody though.
Toxicological Tresholds.
I took my vaccines and now I'm an autistic shitposter, thanks a lot, I would rather have my iron lung please.
Christianity that opposes the Vatican, believes in the old testament, believes in hell, demons, supernatural wonder cures and that stuff that's islam alike like covering everything up plus believing you getting sick it's god will. WAIT, I ALMOST FORGOT CREATIONISM. I think these people should be culled, I'm no fan of the Vatican either but if the management of your club decides on a change and you resist but keep on calling yourself '''member of club'' you are a bullheaded child and delusional.
you really don't. They cause mental psychosis and muscle atrophy due all that inaction and boredom. boredom is a stressor.
Hey just like shitposting! This iron lung is the deal for me.
Since when does the government care about our well being
They push being a FAGGOT in school despite it causing a massive spike in aids and shortening the average life span by 20 years
Literally nothing our government does is out of the goodness of their hearts, why are you so bluepilled?
>Because making your kid retarded is better
Uh huh
kek, go for the actual steel model from the epimedic in 1950 and not the modern one, modern ones are comfy.
>Have Iq of 170
>took all the shots
>(((oligarchs))) work against me
>shitty education and all
>still have Iq of 170
>(((they))) don't send my invitation. Lost in mail maybe.
yeah uh.... why would they work against potential recruits that resisted their bioweapon?
even in your universe it makes no sense, or are you going to tell me (((they))) are not powerful enough for near-perfection in their ways?
> i am a false christian if want to inject a child with cheaply made aborted baby/aluminum/mercury liquids that help them avoid the flu
At least we can protect ourselves from all the wonderful, totally beneficial 3rd world invaders that are leaving their own people behind to destroy our civilization here, boy im glad to be a real christian!
You are bluepilled if you think the health risk are the anti vaxxers and not the faggots, the illegals, and the fluoride.
You know one of the reasons people kick out Jews from countries? Because they poison the drinking water.
>why not people nobody would miss and announce they comitted sudoku?
What do you think all our precious Doctors without Borders are doing in Africa? Curing diseases?
why would you not make a working vaccine to create goodwill and make more in the long run?
If scientists could actually eradicate a disease, they wouldn't make any money from selling the cure. That's why we have planned obsolescence, user. If you only sell something once, that's the end of the profit. The same concept lends itself readily to medicine.
>real christianity is actually false christianity
Oh wait, is (((catholicism))) the real deal?
I never said the genuine thing is good though, but I bet you post these fake manufactured images of black jesus.
there are no people of businesses suffering damage from illness that are much more powerful. sure.
aluminum and mercury that are injected are below the toxic treshold. if we had no tresholds we could die from a single mercury atom that hits us the wrong way.
I was thinking local jihadi and pedophiles, but sure.
Catholicism is far from genuine. Anyways, no. Jesus was white.
Also, the toxic threshold nonsense makes no sense when you realize that these people are lying about their doses, and the handfuls of vaccines one has to get to be a "normal american/euro" compound the substances. Also, mercury is an inherently toxic substance, it makes no sense that it doesnt do damage in small doses
Out of morbid curiosity, which sect of Christianity do you prefer?
Your born into it. Eather your jewish or a cianigger.
think of it this way, below treshold mercury takes the defense of your cell down abit, you need to deplete all the defenses to start dealing damage. simple, isn't it? Anyhow, these cultist tier christians that believe in flat earth and creationism are no better than mudslimes.
I try to avoid denominations, but if I had to summarize it, id be somewhere around a 7th-day baptist with CI tendencies
I like mine with lettuce, tomatoes, and a light layer of mayo.
>the earth is for sure so many millions of years old, science tell me that hurr
Carbon dating is flawed
Anyways, the manufacturers lie about the doses and there are lies about the toxic threshold
The science is pretty clear that vaccines are not good for you
What did he mean by this?
This is how I prefer to consume Christianity.
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?
That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)
I'm confused. What do iron lungs have to do with vaccines and why would investing in them help anything?
No vaccine is a psyop you retards, most “anti-vaxxers” do want vaccines they just don’t want all of the added bullshit preservatives and unnecessary garbage.
that was the case in the cold war, but because they caused minor illness that lasted a day or two and were uncomfy, that all got added.
jesus why are leaf posters always the most retarded ones. Just baiting or actually this dumb? I can't tell anymore.
The supreme irony of a mobilefag claiming reddit is lovely.
Weak retards prefer a good chance of permanent mental disability over minor illness, fucking faggots
Put your phone down in holocaust class, user. Wouldn't want mr sheckelberg giving you an F
>Get vaccinated
>be weak
>have autism
>never sick because genetics are fine
people are gonna fucking die
The first cyborgs.
This is the future, the ultimate singularity to connect all humanity.
Numale and female dream to become over reliant on their cyborg parts, hoping their little fancy tech improves their social statues.
But in the end they are nothing more then coq in the machine.
fucking kill yourseld