Unite the Right 2: Electric Boogaloo

Predictions thread? Do you guys think today's rally will be a nothingburger or will it be a happening 2.0?

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why would the majority of the right not in favour of genocide unite with the cringeworthy minority that is? last unite the right rally was a trap, what useful idiots will be dumb enough to get caught up in todays shitstorm i wonder.

Literally nothing but a CIA glow thread IRL.

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>tfw no tiki torch

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The whole thing is a honeypot

You're an idiot if you go


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Your whole continent is a honeypot

It's a honeypot set up by liberals to energize their base for midterms. Think deaths and things big enough to rally the troops.

i predict literally nothing though a false flag is always possible

i wonder what that kid in white is up to these days. i heard he was doxed, he was only 19 during that time

>happening on soros' birthday
>happening right before mid-terms

it's gonna be yuge, antifa will be celebrated as heroes and trump supporters will be painted as nazis

was there citronella in those? Because you're not supposed to breath too much of that shit in

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people with nazi flags in masks?

Hopefully we get some good livestreams. Even though last year was a shitfest, at least it was an exhilarating viewing experience.

I hope every time racist gets arrested

Your hatred is not welcome here

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some feds will get laughed at and their picture taken. they even held it in DC so they wouldnt have to travel

More tears. That what you will get today, more tears.

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>trump supporters will be painted as nazis
They go out of there way to associate with the Nazi image, so that would be a success.

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it will start the race car

bikes will be gassed too

From your image choice, i know you are a shill. Begone with your retard-nazi-shill imagery.

>It's a honeypot set up by liberals to energize their base for midterms. Think deaths and things big enough to rally the troops.
the best possible outcome is if basically nobody shows up. show them the truth about nu-nazis, that theyre imagining most of them and for the most part theyre just not there.

if not enough people show up they might not even try pulling the classic false flag

I have that movie. Pretty hot how the American dude was forced to fuck Ilsa good or his dick would be chopped off.

happening 2.0 isnt until 2019. happening 1.5 is currently happening. has nothing to do with unite the white. multiple states are in a state of emergency and no media coverage. multiple riots and no clips or news stories. a lot of dead people and the nation is silent

So he went to the same university as someone i know. The fag libs and antifa there tried to get him expelled. The school wouldnt expel him. They put his name and face on flyers all around campus, harrassed him on social media and i know just maybe 6 months ago he got chased out of a computer lab

this is the first i and likely many anons are hearing of this. bust out that intel lets see whats going on here

>going to rallies so CIA niggers can give your info to local police
>not waiting til it all collapses
>then start hunting corrupt politicians, police, rapefugees and glowing pizza pedo's

the night of reckoning is coming, we will bathe in your blood, you traitors, you invaders, you satanistic scum.

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He was on the latest Vice News documentary about the Alt-Right, explaining that hes more moderate now or whatever.

Daily reminder all protrst is just glow in the dark honeypots.

If all whites embraced a conservative ethnofaith, had 5 kids and voted for a nationalist party the problems America faces would be solved in a single generation.

Instead you'd rather LARP and vote GOP.

>mob with torches
>doesn't burn anything down

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Op's pic, you should follow this one.

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I hope somebody runs over a bunch of antifa with a Dodge Charger. It should be an annual thing

they would love that, theyre evil so they just want evil to be done even if it means it is done to them. to get good people bathing in blood and killing other people is part of their whole end goal really. get us to corrupt ourselves as low as possible till its all blood and violence and evil.

its like a cancer, cutting out the tumour likely wont cure it. we need to make the body inhospitable to infection ie in this case decentralized systems more difficult for evil to corrupt.


Fucking this. But I want to start building groups now though. No good waiting and then assembling.

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Nazi's and racist are SO gullible.

Antifa is going to riot. They chimpout in Charlottesville, not even the main event. DC is majority black plus antifa, expect anti cop violence.


It's gonna be an utter shitshow whatever happens.

Why time is it supposed to start, anyway?


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just wait till you see how bright these people glow

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That would still be a nothing burger, people like that have a rally in the US at least once a week

Chances are nothing happens because the police keeps them seperated to prevent another repeat of last cville, they got alot of shit last time and I doubt theyre fond of making the same mistakes twice

The ((one)) returns

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just more glowniggers for the jew news propaganda cycle to crack down on twitter

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Aww little pussies got beat by a collage professor with a bike lock booo hoo, yeah real tough guys.

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very astute


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Roll for happening. Trips of truth decides.

Dodge of peace 2.0


nothing happens anymore. in the last patriot one the police didn't bother to seperate them and they all stood round with their phones filming each other and shouting "don't touch my camera".
it was embarassing , eventually there was just some of the jesus people holding their signs and antifa and proudboys were doing little circuits round the park following their own e-celebs who in turn had their own camera crew.

don't think there was even a meme from it everyone was so bored

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Hot take: since nobody shows up and the ADL has to make their race baiting lectures the nigs are gonna get fired up and attack every white and hispanic in the lefty crowd leading to a mass riot 30 dead 150 wounded 27 shops damaged in the course of 5 hours. Police will seize an icecream truck full of explosives from a few blocks away. The body of a CIA nigger will be found in a trash can 2 days later a block from the event.

The ADL will release a statement that white supremacy did this. Oy vey

>anti white activism
shill detected

The black mayor will have lots of police there this year in Charlottesville so not much is bound to happen.

Stfu and release FTN

Trump is disposed. Mummy is appointed leader. Antifa wins today. The left gains power forever

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What time does it start?

the police are so often told to stand down at these kinds of things that its less of matter of something happening and more a matter of something being allowed to happen and often usually something is planned to happen during the planned stand down.

still, will be interesting to see what tptb try to pull this time. probably just a classic strategy these events are pretty scripted

It's in DC. If the federal cops are inept, we have more serious problems.

When does the shit show begin

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Bernie would be a Good Choice. Free health Care would be Good for americunts.

And if school is free all the niggers could go to school instead of gangbanging.

This, the media loves it, it's a great propoganda piece, should just be qiuet and let Anitifa REE to their hearts content. It'll make the right look more sane

I think the left is going to false flag some shit so they can get a good story. For all the hype they've been putting out the past week they need to follow it up with something

free healthcare is bad, the cost of it is high and the quality of it is low. How would you feel about paying thousands of your hard earned money every year to the city and state to fund public school even long after you're done with your education?

>And if school is free all the niggers could go to school instead of gangbanging.
that's not how it works. They have free K-12, some of it the highest funded in the country and they tear it down. Free college would only be more of the same

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I predict the fash will be bashed

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i thought muzzies hated doggus

free healthcare lol i got off another tangent i meant public school


New redeye hellcat scores a land whale hattrick. Atomniggers set off dirty bomb and kill innocents. Kikew use these are excuses for guncontrol and introduce max horsepower/torque laws. Shit gets worse and all the norms bend over and take it as long as niggerball is still on tv.


Why is white nationalism so scary to people? Making the biggest deal out of white gathering.

Don't you know that is BASED KURDS??? Now hurry up and die fashie.

>avenge heather heyer
>she wasn''t even hit by the car
>antifa fags chased the driver with rifles before the crash
>fat whale had a heart attack
who are they going to avenge for her death exactly? McDonald's?

I wouldn't be surprised if DC is more of police vs antifa while the 25 neo Nazis are drunk on Keystone having a ball.

Fuck off Fash, youll get bashed too dont worry

That's his WIFE you fucking racist.


Okay this meme is just getting ridiculous.

>yfw you're still waiting while in your 60s-70s
Good luck waiting for a global system to fall in its entirety, it will never happen. It will change but it will not fall.

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I doubt even the dumbest stormfags will show up to this CNN photoshoot - But - Antifa will definitely be there.
The DC police are well prepared to keep factions apart and have banned firearms, so if there is a false flag, it would be something like an an Obama/Hillary hired hit squad shooting innocent fat pantifa women, followed by the arrest of some lone mentally ill or drugged huwite patsy with no internet footprint, wearing a MAGA hat and a Swastika, carrying an AR15.
This way, using the name of the event as planned (Unite the Right) they connect all conservatives with violent Nazis ahead of the midterm elections and get an active shooter incident as a bonus to further their agenda.
Cap this.

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I'm guessing it'll be antifa fighting the police for the most part

I predict a nothingburger and the msm try to milk it to censor more alt lite cucks

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The whole thing smells.


>I'm not going to this CIA staged event
>Media be like: "Hurr, the Right is in disarray!"
Still, objectively the fact that this is chilling on free speech, as you cannot go into public without being silenced (screemed down and attacked by counter-protest) or being false flagged IS a problem that must be adressed.

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Remember what happened in Charlottesville last year?

ANTIFA terrorists were there causing trouble. "Black Lives Matter" is a terrorist organization and they showed up in droves to attack white people..

The Unite The Right people got a LEGAL PERMIT to have a march in support of keeping Confederate monuments in place; litigated that right and kept the permit through the Federal Courts. So they had the right to be there. They marched peaceably, their only weapons being words, and only fought back when attacked.

On the other hand, the BLACK LIVES MATTER terrorists and the ANTIFA terrorists and the other assorted anti-white hate groups DID NOT HAVE A PERMIT to "counter-protest". These anti-white terrorists attacked the peaceful Unite The Right protesters with:


The Unite the Right protesters reportedly fought back with hands and feet when attacked by these weapons. You are allowed to defend yourself when attacked. The whites were greatly over-matched in terms of weaponry and numbers.

And the Mainstream Media blames the Unite the Right protesters and only mention the evil anti-white terrorists as "counter-protesters" and even call them "peaceful".

Presumably not all of the counter-protesters were violent.

But can anyone on the Left not understand that young driver's fear of being harmed by the armed BLM / ANTIFA "counterprotesters"?
See pic.
Democrats jumped in front of the cameras to jump on Unite the Right, but that is no surprise. Some GOP cuckservatives likewise jumped on Unite the Right. No surprise there, either. They all deserved to be voted out of office.

But Trump isn't a cuckservative.

So, just when the fake news media thought the President would grovel and beg for forgiveness from the Politically Correct powers that be, President Trump doubled down.

Not only did Trump not grovel, he said that the ALT LEFT shared a lot of blame in Charlottesville.

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>antifa fighting the fa
so whats your point?

Father Francis of Stormfront Action Radio is going to show up.

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>They go out of there way to associate with the Nazi image, so that would be a success.

No they don't

Most blacks can go to college for free if they actually try K-12.

we must go bigger

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That nothing significant will happen, just some pussy leftists getting beat up by the cops as usual

The Unite the Right rally will take place at Freedom Plaza at 12:00 pm followed by a march on Lafayette Square at 3:30.
Bring only approved flags such as the confederate flag.

A counter march from Faggy Bottom to Lafayette Square is expected take place at 5:00. More than 38 civil rights groups are expected to attend.

Last one I seen (last weekend) the police did a great job and the marchers where praising the police doing their jobs in their chants.
It seems like Burly cops see the praise from the right they received on Saturday and did their job much better on Sunday.
On Sunday bad things where allowed to happen BUT the perpetrators where quickly arrested afterwards.
The police actually looked proud of what they where doing again. You could see the moral boost among them the the rights praise brought.
I hope that the agent provocateurs placed in the unite the right are identified and singled out quickly.

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Flags allowed are:

Betsy Ross

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That would be a travesty to mark with the blood of commies. A viper deservee to mow down an honorabke enemy. Traitors deserve a prius.

how does it make you feel that commie scum like you assisted her death by swinging around rifles like wild faggots because you were gonna "bash the fash"?

face it commie, she was killed by cheese burgers, and you assisted

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based champ poster

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