"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence"

>Hitchens's razor is an epistemological razor asserting that the burden of proof regarding the truthfulness of a claim lies with the one who makes the claim, and if this burden is not met, the claim is unfounded, and its opponents need not argue further in order to dismiss it.

Still waiting for that proof of God.


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You're right, I guess the universe just popped out of nothing for no reason after all.

It's funny that you also included a link to OCKHAM's razor (fuck all the faggots who spell it occam) considering that Sir William of Ockham was a catholic preacher.

Yup, them priests BTFO'd themselves using logic.

The basic believe for all of history was that a God was real.
Therefore it is your job to prove that wrong.

>for all of history
Starting when?

No, atheists are just retards. I'm an agnostic personally but strict atheists who are always preaching and quoting fedora tipping, faggot, pedophile apologist, post modern "philosophers" like Hitchens all deserve the fucking rope.
My book of Ockham's writings is in a moving box right now but allow me to pull a loose paraphrasing out of my ass; the primary tenet suggested in Ockham's razor is that God manifests himself through natural law. And it's from there that it goes on to propose the methodology of investigation (i.e. start with the least amount of suppositions).

And right now theoretical physics makes a lot of suppositions with shit like String "Theory" (It actually barely makes the cut of the definition of Hypothesis). but people let that slide because a bunch of smart sounding people in white coats said a bunch of "them there sciencey sounding words". It's fucking pathetic. It's more pathetic than watching a bunch of brainwashed christcucks sit in a church pew because at least Christians read the bible whereas BASED BLACK SCIENCE MAN XD followers neither follow nor understand their bible, making them the equivalent to a church goer in the dark ages when nobody but the preacher could fucking read.

They also believed that women exist only to serve men plus raping children and slavery are a-ok. What's your point exactly?

>Science still doesn't know the definitive answer but tries its best and getting closer
>Fuck that. It's god!

Nice strawman faggot.

wheres the evidence that there is no God? nowhere, thats where. dismissed!

or it's a simulation and we're something's antfarm

>No, fundies are just retards. I'm an atheist personally but strict evangelicals who are always preaching and quoting racist, mysogynistic, homophobic, televangelists like Billy Graham all deserve to go to burn in their so called hell.

You don't need to prove that something doesn't exist. Shit that you cannot prove doesn't exist by default.

I literally said nothing even remotely like your faggot strawman quote. Like you didn't even read my post. That's how much of a fucking zealot you are. And that's why I hate people who "fucking love science xd" but lack the mental capacity to do scientific investigation of their own more than I hate people who are blind religious zealots. Your level of zealotry is next level compared to theirs.

Nigga you're trying to argue with americans.

Another faggot who didn't read or understand my post
Unironically fucking KYS

prove what the universe is. prove how it was created. there is zero evidence of this, so you are dismissed!

Feel free to explain how God popped out of nothing at all. Conversely, of God may be posited to be eternal, why not so the universe itself?

Prove to me that you're thinking.

>I'm an agnostic personally

This is where everything you say gets thrown away. Too pussy to take a position.

I don't see how that's any less plausible than a god (who popped out of nothing for no reason?) creating it.

Look into the vacuum genesis theory.

Not an argument

There's no position to take. Being an agnostic means I don't pretend to know something I can't know the answer to. Is there a God? I don't fucking know. I doubt if there was an all powerful all loving God that he would subject everybody to Pascal's Wager just to fuck with everyone's head. But by the same measure the idea of a God is beyond empirical investigation. So anybody who claims they can prove or disprove god is equally full of shit.

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still waiting for proof of religion

You know that applies to saying that god doesn’t exist. Don’t you?

Science is us understanding gods work.
If you understand physics, you find out there are some arbitrary rules that make no sense. But that's how it works. It almost seem artificial. Boom, that's god's work.

Don't bother explaining, pussy boy. You wannabe atheist who's afraid of God and will cry and beg on your deathbed.

>If you understand physics, you find out there are some arbitrary rules that make no sense.

Hahah like what please, do tell

>prove what the universe is
>prove how it was created
That's not even proper English xD

Anyway, we don't know if it was eternal or got created. One day we will probably find these answers if we keep religion faggots in line. Saying that the answer is "god" and doing nothing more has 0 value for humanity. The fact that we don't know something doesn't automatically imply god you mental piece of shit.

>That's not even proper English xD
oh, youre retarded then. should have expected that from a hitchens dicksucker.

>If you understand physics, you find out there are some arbitrary rules that make no sense.

On the contrary, every rule in physics is absolutely sensible.
Everything in physics makes sense. If it didn't, nobody would want to do physics.

Except it doesn't. If there is no proof available then I'm 100% justified to say that something doesn't exist until you present me the evidence.

>If you understand physics, you find out there are some arbitrary rules that make no sense
Since when the Universe has to obey human logic and brain capabilities to understand that evolved on fucking Earth?

Would you argue that what a population believes does not affect who they are?

>Since when the Universe has to obey human logic and brain capabilities to understand that evolved on fucking Earth?

Since we agreed on the law of non-contradiction.

Are you retarded?
Oh yeah, you are American.
One obvious example is that magnets repel if their charges are the same on both sides. Why are they doing it? Because that's how magnetism works.

I'd follow the likes of Oppenheimer and Thoreau; who were probably fairly agnostic guys but leaned towards some of the writings of Hinduism (the Bhagavad Gita in particular). The idea of an endless cycle of life and rebirth, and a divine purpose, an endless multiverse, etc.

>humans have free will
>God is omniscient and knows everything that will ever happen
>Christians not even smart enough to understand that this is incompatible

I don't hate Christians though, you just have inferior phenotypes that were evolved to make you not eat poison berries back when we were tribal. You actually don't have the mental ability to consider realities other than what you were told as children

?....your argument is "fucking magnets, how do they work"?

The really funny part is that the atheist's arguments is "magnet's, how do they work?"

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"No gods exist." is also a claim, and therefore also needs to be substantiated.

>Since we agreed on the law of non-contradiction.
That shit certainly applies on Earth.
We extrapolate it to the Universe for as long as we can't find examples of obvious contradictions in the Universe. Right now you are correct but as a scientist you must always be ready to change your beliefs when presented with new evidence.

>Plural with apostrophe


So because you can't understand magnetism, god made the universe. Checks out.

I'm not arguing with people who don't have the intelligence to do so, so believe whatever ya want. I truly envy you, believing in God is like a stupidity based cheat code for life.

Like how a black hole also ejects exactly as much matter as it takes in. Exact amount. Because destruction of matter is wrong, but transference of matter isn't.
Because God said destruction is evil and unnatural.

The non-existence of a thing does not have to be proven.

There is a 1 million km tall rainbow unicorn in my pocket

Yep. That's my argument.
Elementary forces just exist and there is no available explanation to "why" really.

You are attacking grammar. Your intelligence isn't all you think it is, or you wouldn't even waste time on policing grammar.

>I don't understand physics, so god exists

It's so pointless to talk to you people. Poison berry avoiders.

>Durr you made a syntax error at 8:30 in the morning. Checkmate! I don't have to support my position anymore.

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Honestly I just use a DE razor because straight razor takes three minutes longer to shave.

So because we were basically cavemen a few thousand years ago and more or less still are, and we haven't developed science to it's end, god exists. Right.


Yeah, I am outright attacking not knowing that plurals do not use apostrophes. People without a first grade education get attacked. Yes, that's correct.

If you want to talk like adults you need to step up your game, son.

Humans have free will because God does not intervene although he has omniscience.

Look at the double spacing after every sentence. We all know where this faggot belongs.

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Law of noncontradiction is not a rule describing the physics of the world.

It's a rule that describes the form that our description of it must take.

It cannot ever be proven false by physics.

Answering a question you can't possibly answer, literally no better than religion. The only true answer is: I don't know.

LOL it's early so I thought plurals used apostrophes, not because I've never read books in my life

Not a defensive position you intellectual lesser.

not an argument.
You are passively disregarding the existence of God. Prove your passive assertation then.
Prove to us God doesn't exist. By creating this thread and begging the question initially, Hitchen's Razor lies with you now.

All you've done is put your fingers in your ears and said la la la la la to multiple pieces of evidence toward the existence of God. It isn't our fault you are too stupid to understand.

God made you that way because he knew you wouldn't be worthy in the end, so he didn't waste the time.

>So because we were basically cavemen a few thousand years ago and more or less still are, and we haven't developed science to it's end, god exists. Right.

I don't believe in god. You are replying to the wrong person. All I'm saying is that rules in the Universe exist and on the most basic level we don't know why. They just do.

Incompatible position. If God knows what will happen then that thing will always happen invariably, meaning no free will.

This one thing defeats the idea of Christian God. But you have to be intelligent enough to understand logic.

>user continues to prove God's existence without understanding how.
Continue user, this is hilarious.

Us not knowing why is meaningless. We are cavemen that destroy our planrt, fight wars, and are owned completely by greed. We are basal non-scientific beings as proven by the people in this thread.

Omniscience automatically excludes free will.
If free will exists then god is not omniscient.
If he doesn't have omniscience then he is no god.
If we have free will there is no god.

If God knows something, that doesn't mean he's actively preventing other options though, you are free to choose your own path in life

Hi leaf-friend.
I'm an atheist and I'll fight and even die for people's right to believe anything they want, even if I find it to lack any proof or substance.

The problem with loud atheists is they tend to be young and surrounded by religious people in some way, so that is their rebellion.

While I understand peoples disdain for atheists, please, do me the courtesy of qualifying statements like this. And being a leaf, e careful when you call for the rope for anyone, they may just bring a rake.

Why does either side require proof? It shows you don't really understand religion from either side of the argument.

No, that's exactly what it means. God's knowledge cannot be wrong so you cannot have any choice.

You must always take into account that the way human brain works may not be suitable to describe everything that exists in the Universe. Our way of thinking may be flawed and suited to describing shit on Earth, because Evolution.

>making spelling errors when trying to make your claim.
Checkmate you idiot. That is just a sign from God that you should abandon this quest of idiocy. It is literal divine Providence trying to tell you to shut up and read some books.

It's like you can't say the fucking A word without attracting all the summerfags who need to fucking lurk more before posting. Unironically KYS.

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>Saying that the answer is "god" and doing nothing more has 0 value for humanity
Yeah society hasn’t been steadily becoming more and more degenerate as people have stopped believing in God and began adopting nihilism, oh wait!
>pedophilia acceptance in the media
>naked men in pride parades exposing themselves to children
>more children than ever born out of wedlock
>white race being replaced by shitskin subhumans
0 value indeed, fucking moron

I'm taking a dump on my phone. This wouldn't be possible if you cretins ran society. Remember the dark ages?

>God this god that
>Everyone dies at 33 from an infected hangnail

Nope. The answer is "I don't know but I will keep trying to find an answer till I die".
Claiming that the answer is "god" and doing nothing more is cancer that holds progress.

The side that believes doesn't want or need proof.
Only baseless abject animals without souls need to prove God's existence when God just asks for faith (that should have been innately instilled upon us, but that resides in the soul and these heathens are soulless).

I only clicked this thread bc that's a nice looking razor.
I hope you guys do t fall for the disposable jew...

There is no point to describing the world if you describe it in a way that we don't understand.

The entire project of physics is to describe the world in a sensible way. That means the law of noncontradiction must never be removed.

You're merely avoiding the task if you try to change that rule.

You DO have a choice though, God knows but does not actively prevent you from pursuing the choice, if you want to burn your hand at the stove you can do it, if you want to kill you're free to do it. You want to genocide 10 million people? You're free to do it. The point is that God knows but does not prevent your doings.

I'm driven by science and I'm better then you. You should seriously change your view of the world mang. Your views shape your reality. Your reality must be sad as fuck. It doesn't have to be like this. You are the master of your personal reality.

I've never tried a reusable razor before, how much maintenance does it take to maintain the edge on the blade? And is it safe to shave dry with? I prefer to shave dry.

I mean a straight razor not reusable. Fucking brain.

See, you literally can't understand. It's not your fault that you are an animal-thing though.

Good luck with your country. As I understand you guys are very religious. It's clearly helping

Hitchens razor was asserted without evidence.

Why should I take your estimation of the "Dark Ages" as factual when you've already proven you can't even spell properly?
You've already shown us that your feeble mind barely works in the pitiful fugue state it is in.

Wrong. The mere fact of knowing the result sets the Universe in one possible way. God doesn't have to do anything. If he knows then determinism is true, there is only one future and we have no free will.

ok, you can't prove God exists, now go and fuck a corpse toiler cleaner.

>Remember the dark ages?
the dark ages created by Muslims that had invaded North Africa destroying the bread basket of Europe and with all of their piracy on the Mediterranean which ended Pax Romana

For 1000 years Europe was locked in a struggle for survival as the never ending Islamic invasion attempts continued

those dark ages

It's alright user, when the transgender pedophiles break into your house and stab you in the gut, you can then proudly say atheism has succeeded. We'll just stay around, existing for the next hundred years
And it's not my fault you can't understand freedom either

You do realize that

>Fuck that its God!


>Fuck that everything came from nothing!

Are equally assumptions?

wypierdalaj na wykop smieciu

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it doesn't work like that, bubba

They become more and more degenerate because your Education system got worse. Drop fucking Marxists at Universities, shot vandals at high schools, force the media to stop spreading degeneracy and see how the society becomes smarter and thus more civilized without religion. Religion has nothing to do with people exploiting idiots for profit.

The observer effect comes to mind. Explain this.

Dude your country is insolvent RIGHT NOW.

Pedophile tranny murderers? That's the angle of attack you're taking here? Holy shit

When did all of these old and stupid people arrive on this site and how?

Or God is a network administrator, not a miracle worker.

>God just asks for faith
He doesn't ask for shit. Written text has no ability to ask for anything.

Does Christianity make you a whiny bitch or is that just you?

Oh, you mean the one we got out of by adhering to our faith and using it as an assertation of our divine rite to live and thrive?
The Dark Ages that resulted in the founding of the United States?
A nation of God fearing and abiding people that have turned their nation into THE single most powerful nation in the world ever since and all claimed as an act of Providence itself?

Yeah, I can see how some heathens would think it was a bad time. You learn to walk before you run user. Life has its ups and its downs.

Please substantiate the claim that you've never murdered anyone. Oh, you don't have any evidence to prove that? Off to prison you go.