Attached: sad trudeau.png (675x723, 381K)

Now die

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I’ll be your fren leafs.

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You can come over and hang out Canada. My mom will make us tendies and we can play dynasty warriors. Nobody likes me either, Canada.

thats what happens when you go around telling everyone they're wrong and only you are right

Attached: fucking leafs.jpg (500x727, 114K)

Give me one good reason why should we befriend a country who puts milk in a plastic bag?

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checked. based and redpilled poo


>Implying having a gallon of milk in bags doesn't save space in your fridge.

Attached: milk-aisle-1.jpg (1024x587, 244K)

i'm sick of all the poo hate on this board, they don't deserve as much as they get

Five minutes on this board couldve taught him that

Good. Fuck Canada.

For fucks sake leafs, that shit isn't even wine

thats funny comming from an American

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A gallon of milk takes up the space of a gallon of milk regardless of the container type.

Show flag leaf

Attached: ForeverAlone.png (3837x771, 3.3M)

Why would an American capitalist pig scold someone else for sticking their nose in someone elses business. Your country defined and refined geopolitical espionage and terrorism.

As funny as I find this, use the fucking catalog retard there's like 5 threads up already.

>slide thread
Sage in all fields