redpill me on this cunt
Redpill me on this cunt
Nathaniel Hughes
Other urls found in this thread:
Andrew Murphy
clean ya room cobb
Tyler Long
controlled opposition. He falls into the same category as shills like Shapiro.
Joshua Hughes
Stormcucks hate him because he isn’t a Marxist
Ayden Bailey
goodest of all goys
Joshua Kelly
A con artist.
Adam Anderson
a look another peterson slide thread
Andrew Ramirez
controlled how? he is a a tenured professor and clinical psychologist...
Liam Howard
Pretty cool guy, but still cashing checks from the jews. Solid entry-level philosophical redpilling for the most part.
Andrew Hall
Controlled opposition. He's there to prevent people from connecting together and doing something by focusing on extreme individualism.
Some of what he says is okay, but remember he is controlled.