
Maybe i should mind my own business. And, afterall, Russians themselves should be able to recognize whether Politkovskaya was "the greatest journalist of our time". I remember her. Was it the Russian government ? Coincidence ? Did she pissed off the wrong people ?... I'm not sure.
But one thing i do know and notice is this:

When i look at her wiki profile, this stuff rings an alarm in my head:
"human rights, social issues"
"Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights "
" an assassination that attracted international attention"

To me, that smells like a globalist useful idiot. Maybe she had genuine and noble intentions, but she was acting like a rogue agent...Like a traitor.

I'm not going to suck Putin's dick for the sake of it. I understand that he's little to no different than a mafiosi. But the way i see it, a mafiosi who doesn't demonize patriarchy, the country's religion, culture, identity (unlike the West), is better than nothing..America used to fucking love this drunkard didn't they ?
Back when Russia was at an all time low, ridiculed..

When i hear "human rights" i think of anti-indigenous european. internationalist..anti-sovreignty, anti-nationalism, i think of the Kalergi plan.

Then Henry Rollins continues and says @4:04 "Putin is a criminal should be in jail for a million billion years"

What about Bill Clinton though ? Isn't he a war criminal ? How about Bush ? Obama ? All of them are objectively speaking "war criminals" . Why make an exception of Putin ?

What happened to Henry Rollins ? Was he always like that ? I used to like some of his stuff, such as: youtube.com/watch?v=awY1MRlMKMc

But i don't like the double standard mentality he's showing on the Rogan podcast, speaking of which, Rogan is a hypocrite isn't he ? he changes his mind at the blink of an eye depending on who he's inviting.

Attached: rollins.png (1267x742, 545K)

Other urls found in this thread:


(((Henry Rollins)))

Rogan explains his flip floppy opinions- he wants people to talk out their own opinions and ideas. He’ll agree or play devils advocate if it fits the bill to get the guest talking.

His style is pretty good, I certainly think it makes his guests open up more than they would like to.

>Rogan explains his flip floppy opinions- he wants people to talk out their own opinions and ideas. He’ll agree or play devils advocate if it fits the bill to get the guest talking.
That's very convenient isn't it?
I guess i understand it from a business perspective. But still...

Henry Rollins should stick to bullying children.

You glow in the dark KGB kike

Rollins is a fucking idiot

>You glow in the dark KGB kike
You'll have to do better than that to convince me that Rollins isn't a monumental hypocrite. Not to mention you have a meme flag.

>to convince me
To convince a troll farm worker? AHAHAHAHAAHA

Attached: 1528246542827.jpg (640x968, 235K)

Rollins was terrible, Dore shitting on Democrats and Jews was far more entertaining desu

Attached: jaa.jpg (816x404, 131K)

Rollins is a fag who ran away when his boyfriend was shot in front of him by a couple of niggers 25 years ago. His life ever since has been a living nightmare. He is alone, washed up and lonely. The man travels the world seeking satisfaction and leisure but is morally bankrupt and emotionally hollow and he will never find a modicum of happiness. His audience peaked a decade ago but despite slipping into irrelevance he will continue shitting out his basic bitch opinions packaged as edgy humour. I almost pity Henry but he is an annoying and selfish kike so instead im ok with him living in hell.

You still have a meme flag. And if i'm a "kgb kike", you sound like a kike...A genuine one.
Btw i'd argue that we have more muslims in my country than in Russia alone..
We're litterally invaded. Our won government lies about the official number of muslims and non-europeans in general;
And at least Russia's muslims are for the most part coming from ex-soviet union countries. Take the Tatars for example...They've been living in Russia for several centuries now. Same goes for Chechens. We don't have that in my country. We have invadors, coming from sub-saharan africa, north africa...(i.e , from a different continent)..Who share NOTHING in common with us. They openly say that they want to get rid of us. (french people), and there's plenty of places where they only speak arabic .

>Rollins is a fag who ran away when his boyfriend was shot in front of him by a couple of niggers 25 years ago. His life ever since has been a living nightmare. He is alone, washed up and lonely.
"boyfriend" ? what's that about ?


He claims they were just roommates. Just two 30 year old friends who shared a house in Venice Beach, California. Note Henry has never been married, had children, or even had a gf. Since the love of his life was murdered by niggers who got away he has been volcel in his closet.

>Note Henry has never been married, had children, or even had a gf.
I had no idea...Interesting. Kinda suspicious.

Henry is a such a fucking faggot lmao

Henry knows he'd better tow the line or else God forbid he might have to go out and get a real job.

Russia is twenty percent Muslim. Moscow has the largest mosque in Europe

He's controlled, like every fake intelligence-connected punk singer.

>Satanism is cool
>The West Memphis Three Dindu Nuffin
>Spend my time at Comet Ping Pong in DC

Attached: henry-rollins.png (1768x1138, 1.39M)

We arguably have the largest non-european (and not just muslim) population (relative to the side of our country) in all of europe.
I don't think you guys realise how bad it is.

Attached: DJuBx2dN.jpg (1024x1177, 265K)

>relative to the side

If Putin hadn't been in power and stopped the Chechens from becoming independent, the Russian Federation would have probably collapsed like former Yugoslavia. The consequences of a civil war in a nuclear-weapons state would have certainly been dire. Furthermore, most of the Chechen Wars took place during Yeltsin's presidency, the fighting ceased while Putin was in power. I'm always surprised to hear how Americans are so naive about foreign policy.

Attached: Omar_Khayyam.jpg (990x1464, 931K)

Hey idiot. She was reporting on the shady dealings in Chechnya, such as how a mayor there was ordering gang hits and then she got killed for it. Putin had nothing to do with it.

That's what happens when you fuck with a region rife with crime and terrorism. It's as if this woman couldn't have possibly had ANY OTHER enemies out of 140,000,000 people

> Spends half hour talking about finding work and surviving in Hollywood.

> Goes on anti-Trump rant and mentions racial "equality".

He was also sexually assaulted as a child.

Seriously though.

Attached: Rollins.png (1003x295, 59K)

I'm surprised at the ability of westcucks to fish out the most irrelevant thot you out of hell, where she currently resides (for being a Soros OP) only to declare her a saint and greatest XY to ever exist in human history, in the quest to demonize Russia.

Muslims hate the west despite Pisslams cocks being sucked 247, yet Russians are still westaboos overall...strange people.
Noone knows about Poletpbovskaya or whatever her name but she doesn't die of old age while carriyng the Sacred to Libshits title granting automatic immunity and Sainthood of """Journalist"" and westoids start cumming themselves over the greatest journo in history.

Rollins is a drooling Boomer cretin and Joe too

That motherfucking bitch - "cold war funnies" - nostalgic for propaganda and his daddy smack on the head. "i am anti-establishment guy, but i love when the state brainwashed me with hatred to the country on the other side of the globe"


I remember how pissed off he was when Cheney suggested monitoring the internet. "Fuck You!", he said. He thought Bush was a war criminal because of Iraq, loves Gore Vidal, and thinks big business is evil.

None of this shit he hated about Bush bothered him about Obama. He's been this kind of lefty dunce for quite a while. I don't understand how otherwise smart or talented people can be so stupid and emotional when it comes to politics.

I can forgive people for falling prey to social engineering. They don't know any better, and are led about like sheep. After all, it's easier to fool a man than convince him he's been fooled.

Rollins is an anarchist at heart who would get eaten alive by shitskins if his morals and policies of "no identity for whites" and open borders were implemented


Strange that those who hate Russia the best excluding halts are all pedos, satanists and kikes

Reminds me of that Bryan Singer pederast in Hollywood hosting a party in honor of Pussy Riot .
Why should Hollywood millionaires care about some local Russian shit?
But they do because Russia triggers their very nature of being human scum
I'm becoming more pro Russia the more redpilled I get

Another virtue signaling left wing faggot

This, Dore is fucked in the head super lefty, but at least he is consistent about it, he really heats Obama too