Save South Texas from mexican invasion

All the threads seem to be shills so now is as good of a time as ever.

Move to South Texas. Save Texas from becoming Mexico. This is the breeding ground of mexicans. The integration zone. They come in typical mexicans and come out Donald Trump supporters. It is your duty to ensure America has a future, and the best way to do that is by making the mexican areas whiter. If a large amount of white people fed up with their state governments, not to mention non-American Europeans, started to move here we could reverse the demographic trends.
If you want to live in a big city or bigish city start looking into San Antonio or Corpus Christi. If you can handle a smaller city look into Victoria (although they have the most blacks out of anywhere down here).
There are lots of good small towns that are white, but most of them are either half mexican and half white or almost completely mexican. We need to make the white towns better and the half white towns whiter. There is money to be made down here. Some nice coast lines. Lots of land. Extremely cheap housing. A culture of ranching, freedom, and conservatism. Even the mexicans that grow up in small mexican towns seem to dislike fags more than "conservatives" up north. The culture down here, protestant and catholic, is very family oriented, because that is all we have. It's hot as hell but there is lots of water to enjoy. My family owns thousands of acres of land and I could potentially some day get an Orania style ethnostate going if it had to come to that down here.

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I forgot to mention the race part.

There are different kinds of mexicans/hispanics. Some of them are extremely short and look like goblins. These are typical part black and part indian. There are some lightish brown mexicans with some european facial features. They are essentially half white half native. A kid with this type produces a mediterannian looking kid if you are a north european. Another generation breeding with a north european and the grandkids looks like any other whites. I see a lot of white people down here with brown parents, I know it sounds like bs, but you would see it if you came here

Maybe its cause I grew up middle class but I never had any problems with Mexicans here so I just find it hard to care about that. A more important issue to me is being able to expand our tech industry to be able to rival California's.

The real problem is blacks, I fucking dare you to hang around the east side of San Antonio

I live in the north side near the border of helotes and rarely go anywhere else so I wouldn't know,Though I do remember seeing more blacks in the area in the years after Katrina. I'm left with the impression that maybe a lot of them moved here from Louisiana after the hurricane.

That is what happened. East of Alamo Heights is now a ghetto. If I manage to stay in San Antonio, which I doubt I will, I will certainly be heading in your direction


You live down here mate?

Alamo Heights master race. I’ve noticed an uptick in AH posters. How many of us are here?

It's probably usually me shitposting at my moms house. I have also talked to a guy came here from California, which, if that is you, we may be the only ones, unfortunately. I have some Trump supporting and libertarian friends, though, so hopefully it won't be too long before they start going down the rabbit hole.

we are legion, Alamo heights controls /pol
We control the narrative
We control the world.

Its too late
> I got BEANED

>I believe this unironically

No it's not, if Trump seals the border it can potentially get whiter. Mcallen area is getting more whites as is downtown SA

I believe the AH population here is much bigger than just us. I’ve had political conversations in my office alone, with people from all over town, and the chans are brought up. We’re gonna make it senpai.

>we must save south Texas!!1!
>only mentions San Antonio and at the most, Corpus

Austin centralists really need to go back to new York or California.

The southernmost city of Brownsville, Texas is mostly mexicans and whites, the few blacks we have here are literally only 8 of them. We hate them and we consider the pisharodi clan (a Hindu family in Texas since the 1820s) or the Filipinos here as allies. We all supported the continued stay of our confederate statues. There is a jewish run newspaper in mcallen meant to distort the latinx youth, promoting homosexuality and mental liberalism. But here, there is deep hatred for illegals and Indios.

>t. son of a mexican illegal immigrant

Maybe I shouldn't leave then. That's certainly encouraging. Yesterday some random guy out in public told me to go to lol, I wonder if he has been on here too

For a while it seemed like all the white people were moving out of those border towns, so I've never really spent much time there. My family owns a ranch halfway between San Antonio and the RGV though, so I will definitely explore it more in the future.

How loyal are most mexicans down there?

San Antonio and it’s surrounding cities of Converse and Alamo Heights are the stem of Niggatry next to Houston, the highest number of interracial couples comes from there and Houston. Asians are taking over San Antonio slowly but the blacks will soon overpower them

Get in with the higher up white folks in town man. they’d appreciate your sentiments more than anyone. You know who to steer clear of. Be smart and focused on our future, and our time will come. It’s destiny.

The Mexican Americans here in the rgv are loyal to Texas first, and the US, Mexico third. I visit matamoros a lot with my family, mainly cause my parents grew up there, but they are Americanized, they get their clothes from the academy, grill, hunt and we also own a ranch in George west, Texas. There is a major divide between the legals and the illegals here, caused by “Neta” an rgv based liberal news outlet ran by a legit Jew and latinx goblins

From the south but interested.

Alamo Heights hardly has any nogs, but there are some just east of it,, you are full of shit. The only one I know is married to a black women. It is more like Converse and Seguin

My ancestors left Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, etc. for South Texas, they were tired of reconstruction and they wanted to move somewhere free of niggers. They found it. Such is the case with many people around here, they are Sons of Confederates. The culture is a bit different but you will probably feel much more at home than other parts of the country

Thank you

George West seems like a pretty nice town, better than most in South Texas

Recommend any cities?

I did my part and moved outside of Austin into a 90% white city. Who in their right mind would want to move into a Mexican and nigger cesspool to "save" something that's already lost?

How about south arizona as well?

Because retreating is losing, and losing is death.

let them have the cities. keep the surrounding areas red. this is how you keep the state from turning Blue.

You elected Blue Politicians. You got what you voted for. Enjoy.

I fucking hate living in Brownsville. Southmost needs to be razed to the ground. Hopefully we will have a new white police chief soon unless they go with yet another Mexican.

Sure faggot, we all know that

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How big are you looking for? San Antonio is the 27th or so biggest metro in the country but it has plenty of neighbourhoods that feel like small towns. Then there is the Rio Grande Valley which is on the border of Mexico, it is made up of like 6 cities that all connect into 1. Corpus Christi is on the beach and it is a bit smaller than the RGV, but it has more whites. Then Laredo is another city about the size of Corpus or maybe a bit bigger but it has a fuck load of mexicans. Even the white areas are more like hispanic whites, though there are Anglos and Germans to an extent I'm sure. Eagle Pass is like a smaller Laredo with possibly slightly more whites. Victoria is the smallest big city.

It really just depends what size of a city or town you want. I can't ever decide, I currently live in one of the nicest parts of San Antonio (Alamo Heights) but sometimes I want to live in a smaller town because of the traffic and nigs at stores sometimes

>moved outside of Austin into a 90% white city
Horseshoe Bay area? Otherwise, I can't think of such a place that even exists.
I definitely don't recommend anybody move where there are blacks. They are easy to avoid in South Tex

I've never been, think they have more blacks and uneducated illegals

The casta system is different because it never took into effect the fact that Germans and Anglos bleach at a higher and more effective rate than Spaniards do.

Did you grow up there? I've never been. only been to McAllen and South Padre

How was mcallen?

Most blacks in arizona are in phoenix area. The southern part is mostly white and hispanic.

>unironicaly living down town.
Yeah I think I'll stay up here buddy.

Yup, my parents bought a condo on the island so they live there now. The city government in Brownsville is fucked, we have a interim police chief, city manager, city attorney, fire chief, police chief, and hr director (the last one got demoted to traffic). Not to mention a City councilwoman made a local alt-righter to commit suicide.

I was expected a shithole and it was rather nice. They have nice stores and restaurants. Some schools are good and some are bad. There are a lot of rich cartel people that live in the nice neighbourhoods because it is safer than Mexico. Most kids who grow up there have the goal in life to move to San Antonio or Houston lol. If they got like a basketball team and a minor league baseball team like San Antonio have, it would probably almost be a better city, just cause no blacks

I recall a story about wetbacks and nogs in Arizona that behaved absolutely horribly in class, worse than anything I could see happening in Texas, but yeah might have been Phoenix. I don't know anything about Arizona, but it is hotter and they have less water

White people are starting to move into the former east side historically black neighbourhood, they are NUTS.

the Rio Grande Valley is like 90% brown but it's all Texan. immigrants go to Dallas and Houston.

The only good thing, I only had to be close to one black person last week when I had to go to the mall there. But a fuck ton of glow in the dark CIA niggers come down during spring break.

My girlfriend tells me the mall is overrun with mexican nationals.

Pretty weird

How many whites?

Yeah that was phoenix i remember that.
My local had a segment on laredo and it seemed based.

2010 Census says its only 7.75% white.

It was based 20 years ago but sadly a lot of whites left. I think North Laredo is not too bad. Just live in a rich neighbourhood and your friends will be a bunch of rich castizos

*local news

I'm sure it's whiter than that, some people have spanish names so they consider themselves hispanic

i can't truly speak for brownsville as i live in edinburg
but its not an exaggeration at all.

Guess its called Brownsville for a reason lol

not true, as i've been in the edinburg school system all my life i've seen a few schools open up to accommodate the hoppers. wetback autism demands a huge reverence to Mexico for no reason

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Whites are a shrinking global minority.
Non-whites are a growing majority.
Reclaiming land via encouraging white immigration into currently majority non-white land is a losing strategy.

Increase birthrates is the best strategy

>live in mcallen. 2nd generation
>dad talks shit almost every time he sees a mexican license plate
>cousin would roll down his window and yell at packs of wetbacks to go back to mexico
>family refers to blacks as negritos

>move to Texas so you can mix with native trash

literally fuck off

Lel, Only thing that will happen if you move to southern Texas is that your grandkids will be brown fool

not what i suggested

maybe if you move to a town with only mexicans

>your grandkids will be brown fool
Not if it's brown girls getting BLEACHED. Why do you think darkie mothers and grand mothers get happy when their girls marry fair skinned men? Literally breeding out the brown.

Yea news flash dipshit- Texas is expanding its cities every day and no white people want to be outside laying down cement in the 100 degree weather. America was built on cheap labor dumbass if you knew anything about history you would know that

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The sword cuts both ways and white genes are more recessive than brown. Also pic related white women there also get beaned so if what you said happens you best hope to not have a white daughter

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most people would hate it down here

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White genes are dominant over indian if it's a white person marrying a mestizo with no black in them


yeah, it fucking sucks sometimes.
>tfw a/c breaks in the middle of summer

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you staying in McAllen for the long haul?

>rgv sports
How short do you think she is to be dwarfed by other hispanics?

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Probably. It's home to me. I still remember when when most the area around my parents house was open field. Now it's filled with stores and restaurants.

you and everyone that grew up here remembers that

Did your elementary school also only have one black kid?

Been to mission texas?

one in kinder at j.f.k elem, then after i moved schools never again

I think i would like south texas. Lived in arizona and like the heat and sure its better than the 40% black states here in the south

How are the south texas schools?

Protect your culture, breed and breed some more, educate your children and the white race will survive.


Play with your phones, watch anime and post on Jow Forums, breed once or twice maybe, let tv and internet educate your children so they can mimic Kim Kardashian, die out and let your grand children carry the fate of white minority's as they are forced through legislation and pure brute force to give everything your white ancestors built to worthless nigs chinks and spics.

Too hot

I moved down here because I got tired of sweating my ass off all summer, freezing all winter, and dealing with niggers everyday. Succeeded on all counts.

t. East coast transplant

My family lived there until I was maybe 3 or 4. My sister kept going to school there after we moved to mcallen because she didn't want to leave her friends. I don't go there often or remember much about it apart from my grandparents living in one house away from a huge open field.
It's still hot as fuck here but on rare occasions it snows during the winter. Not a lot but enough to be nice.

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Follow up - as far as humidity goes, the gulf coast itself is very humid, but south and central Texas away from the coasts are both less humid than practically anywhere on the east coast. It’s not Arizona dry here but i’d say it’s somewhere in the middle if you drew up a humidity spectrum and placed Arizona on one end and, say, Orlando FL on the other.

So whatever happened to the thing about the alamo area in san antonio getting redesigned by soiboi contractors from out of state? I remember there was a petition going around to stop it.

Its like a bad white school. The kids are dumber and while i'd say that the schools are very safe, the kids always form their little gangs that are 100% poser and do nothing but draw and rap.
the teachers are like the same anywhere desu, but i've had a few based teachers i can count on one hand.
last thing off the top of my head is this: the schools are pretty broke or at least act like it, which means low quality food, almost decade old textbooks. and cramped classes; and the number of wetbacks only barely started to stagnate if the reports on immigration are too be believed
anything specific you wanna know?

How is it for whites because the cities close to the mexican border are mostly hispanic?

>almost decade old textbooks
I wonder how many people enjoyed the little flip book animations I put in my text books

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Save your damn selves, you loudmouthed faggots. Texans sure talk a big game for people who need "saving."

This thread is about saving texas. And the southern border region is very important.

golden question friend
in my own experience i can tell you of a few effects it will have on your spawn.
1. because everyone's dumb, if you wanna have friends as a white kid, you will have to learn to snub your own thoughts to only sentence long quips at MAX, which may lead to your kid being very frustrated as he has no peers for long and may lead to him developing some weird ways to take it out.
2. your child will never be fulfilled mentally by their peers or education due to the teacher having to explain shit 10 times over to the rest of the class and wasting days and days
3. and this is important, your child will ALWAYS be an outsider among his peers.
to drive it home; your child maybe have 1 to 2 friends a year that are either the whitest kids there or the rare smart goblino that gets transferred to the fancy paid schools, your child will never be truly happy and you best not let him go to a majority white school after that for any amount of time, (like move one place then move back) because he will actually realize his unhappiness then


I hear chorpus christi is nice. How is san antonio dont know much about it.

This is a good strategy though. The border region is very important


Sounds better than most public schools here in the south actually.