UNITE THE RIGHT 2 Starts in 2 hours.
Get cozy senpaitachi what food are you eating and drinking during the happening?
UNITE THE RIGHT 2 Starts in 2 hours.
Get cozy senpaitachi what food are you eating and drinking during the happening?
Other urls found in this thread:
Redpill me on this event.
Is it Unite The Fed?
or actually
Unite the Right?
80% fed
20% moron
Unite the Kike
it's jewish controlled opposition
I got some miller high life and home made pulled pork sliders on sweet bread with some fancy sriracha.
ready to watch this embarrassment
rooting for those antifa super-soldiers
I'm going to heat up a xenoestrogen-laden microwave dinner and hopefully get comfy without experiencing too many back and shoulder pains.
sounds tasty bro. Can I drive to your house, im hungry