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Umm we’re still relevant,

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>launch multi-million dollar tax-funded tin foil ball into the sun
>we've accomplished something important

Attached: you knee verse.png (960x540, 1.23M)

We have a Tesla in some weird orbit with Mars... That makes us better than the rest of the world, right?

inb4 sun will pop like a balloon

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This couldn’t happen r-right guys

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it happens periodically when we reach a certain civilization level, then the reset

It won't even get remotely close to the surface. first post was the best post, as usual.

>be sun
>giant ball of gas and nuclear rage
>nasa throws rocks at me
>"just happy to touch a strong independent body"

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>Not studying the patterns of the big ball of plasma that could wipe out most technology

I hate how ignorant retards are the vast majority.

When will NASA stop artificially coloring their photographs of the sun orange? The sun is pure white. They make it orange in photos digitally because when they don't do that, idiots aren't able to TELL it's a picture of the sun.

It should be NASA's job to educate the masses and KEEP the sun white, so that people can actually LEARN and accept what color the sun is over time.

Attached: 1200px-Sun_white.jpg (1200x1200, 76K)


>implying we'd be able to do anything about it

It WILL happen in ~2 billion years.

The Great Karnak predicts the probe's name is going to be "Icarus"

>Not making sure your electronics are hardened to an RFI of -92 dBI if you live North of the 30th Parallel, thus shielding them from a Carrington Event and having a shielded generator for power.

It is like you are babby.

I've been waiting for this! I remember when they launched it this is going to be extremely exciting!

>He thinks they actually sent a car to orbit around Mars

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If anyone is interested in the actual article instead of the faggot image


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You can shove your important things in Faraday cages, (microwave). Unplug things so powerlines to fry them with the current induced.

Utilities can disconnect lines in spots, reducing induced currents to safe levels. Longer lines = more current.

So yeah, there is a lot we can do with some warning. Solar wind from an event takes hours to arrive.

They also routinely mess with scale and aspect ratio. They were caught that one time when the vast mountains of mars were in reality just a coupla mounds of dust.

Kill yourself

Also good videos on the sun


>By receiving geomagnetic storm alerts and warnings (e.g. by the Space Weather prediction Center; via Space Weather satellites as SOHO or ACE), power companies can minimize damage to power transmission equipment, by momentarily disconnecting transformers or by inducing temporary blackouts. Preventative measures also exist, including preventing the inflow of GICs into the grid through the neutral-to-ground connection.[23]


>Also good videos on the sun

can confirm

That's true, not going to argue... but if the sun decides to really throw a shit fit, all you're getting is a few days heads up.

Great, now I have to sacrifice more cats.

I agree.

They also color Mars red, btw, because "hurrr derp it's called the red planet so it must be red"

>Kill yourself

Both those things you posted show images of the sun that are artificially colored, albeit they went for something more tasteful than just the standard orange. They often use pictures of the sun that are pink-purple or green or blue or whatever. SuspiciousObservers is a good channel.

>few days

That's plenty of time to shut down the grid to prevent surges.

You retards literally think everything is a false flag or psyop. Grow the fuck up kid.

You don't have the slightest idea what your talking about.

Pictures from space often include light that is out of the narrow range of human eyesight so false coloring photos is an essential process.

Space doesn't even exist dummy

it is red under certain conditions and where NASA colors it? Can you show me very recent example on NASA related site?

>Launching a tin foil ball into the sun will allow us to gather extremely important information on big scary sun god

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Nigga I'm looking at the sun right now and it is yellow as fuck.

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are there any cars that iwll work after it happens, even the 90s ones are probably all electornic

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Finns in Space: The picture.

Have you been living under a rock?
NASA has admitted it themselves.

You're looking at it through the Earth's atmosphere.
Which scatters blue light making the sum LOOK yellow, but if it really were yellow then the sky can't be blue.

This is the first step to building a dyson sphere

We will need a Dyson sphere to harness the energy of the sun to support the 200T shitskins on earth in 2200

Please explain

t. boomer

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Cool. Now imagine the things NASA could do if they had more than 0.5% of the U.S. federal budget.

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I'm aware. And it's necessary to shade said images something other than white because. . .? They can be any color. How about make them y'know, the color of the sun? And not paint them orange just to pander to stupid people.

That's because the sky is blue. You will notice the sun looks yellow in the mid-sky, but gets orange-red when it approaches the horizon, meaning its light has more atmosphere to pass through to reach us. The color of the sun is much more faithful to the real thing when it's directly overhead, looking almost pure white.

Actually it's a little more complicated than that. The sun outputs all wavelengths of light, including ones we can't see, but not in equal amounts. It peaks in the green range, and should actually appear green. But the sun is so overwhelmingly bright that to human eyes, it's pure white.

>First tranny in space
>First LBGT Mission Control Officer
>Stronk Wymyn on the moon
>Anti-Islamophobia tracking satellite
>First solar powered tampon maker
>Space suit with built-in anal vibrator for Xer's comfort.

NASA is a fucking shithole of liberalism these days.

Ofc. they're liberal they're actually smart.

So smart they launched a satellite at the sun at nighttime.

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Granted, SpaceX is better but NASA is still one the most important branches of federal government and it is disgustingly underfunded. You need to invest more in science if we're to ever leave this damn planet.

>if we're to ever leave this damn planet.
Right now, we're a contained virus. I'd rather we destroy ourselves than infect other worlds.


What's the point of leaving though? There's nothing out there

Icarus story incoming in 2025

>Mars Global Surveyor
just off the top of my head, current, relevant, NASA projects.

the point of that launch was not to get a car into space. it was to demonstrate that the falcon heavy works.

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Sup Satan? How you been?

Attached: Carrington Event 1859.webm (1920x1080, 1.85M)

i asked for a link to where they do this.

Here are some recent news - don't see any red shit

I saw a car today with a bumper sticker that said "NASA: We're going to Mars" and I just laughed and laughed and laughed

Even between competing organizations, spaceflight is and will continue to be a collaborative effort for the foreseeable future.

Attached: Dragon abort test.webm (1920x1080, 777K)

Lead engineer for the heatshield is female.

That's sheer arrogance. Do not say shit like this.

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Maybe the owner of the car is young and can actually live to 2040, you never know.

Ya pull up ur bootstraps sonny boy get a job

Are you fucking kidding me? There's at least a trillion dollars worth of resources in our solar system's asteroid belt alone! There are new planets to explore and colonize! A whole universe, just waiting to be discovered and used!
And maybe aliens to fight.

>still believing in super heroes.

>Here are some recent news - don't see any red shit

Great, now compare them to older NASA pictures.

Like I said they admitted they altered the pictures and they don't do that anymore, but for many years they did.

I'll give you the asteroid belt but the rest? It's just a pipe dream under the currently known laws of physics.

Not really. Fusion-based drives (self-powering, powered by on-board fusion reactors, or powered by on-board fission reactors) could get us up to a pretty crazy fraction of lightspeed. Either the ability to freeze and thaw ourselves or having multiple generations grow up on the ship would bypass the problem of the trip taking more than one lifetime, and time dilation would make it even easier. Plus, who says we need to go tens of thousands of lightyears? There could easily be habitable planets no more than a few tens of lightyears away.

>What's the point of leaving though? There's nothing out there

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This idea intrigued me, if I were to take an old microwave and create a doomsday EMP proof cache, what would I put in it? I'm thinking old routers, and a stack of raspberry pis at the least, maybe walkie talkies or radios. Cell phones seem pointless. What else would I want to stash?

It's still a massive waste of time and resources at this point. Even if a ship like you describe could find a habitable planet and successfully estabilish a colony, what exactly would such a colony contribute back to Earth?

>What else would I want to stash?

Backup drives of your anime collections I guess.



It gives humanity a stored backup in case of a world ending event on Earth, our culture and biology will be preserved

Anything with spark plugs, sadly.

> mfw space force anounces mars project and mars and spaceforce get there before the nasa mason fagots

>a completely unorganised chaos of fusion reactions can pop like a balloon when a tiny probe with an 11cm heatshield made of carbon swings by at 6 million kilometers
>at 6 million kilometers
Uh, maybe.

an SSD full of Jow Forums greentexts, infographs and redpills


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Mutt believe in Hollywood CGI

Precisely. Also, if we can eventually find a way around that pesky lightspeed limit, we can then trade with those colonies.

These bugmen have completely lost their touch since Trump won the election.

Their songify videos of the debates etc were fantastic. After that, they all went to shit.

Pretty sure god could touch a star.

Lolno, the worst case scenario is that the probe gets consumed by the star which increases it's mass and makes it's lifespan just a few nanoseconds shorter.

We can store everything on a computer and a lab tube, pack it in a probe and send it on an orbit around our solar system or bury it deep beneath earth or an ocean, no need to spend trillions of dollars that would be better spent elsewhere.

I know right? We should be throwing that money to niggers in africa so they can multiply like cock roaches

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Don't worry, we're gonna go at night so it doesn't burn up.

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my name is on that probe, also put my family and my old dogs names on the probe :)

How are they planning on doing that? Isn't the sun really hot? Weird you never see niggers inventing things like the sun.

>oil comes from dinosaurs

These people need to die. That was a fucking TV commercial playing off the word "fossil". 99.999999999999999999999999% of oil is derived from plant and bacterial biomatter. The vast majority of oil on the planet isn't even old enough to claim that there might be a dinosaur or two mixed in.

Thia is very true, the ammount of plant biomass on the planet has always been orders of magnitude larger then the ammount of animal biomass