China Wants To Enforce Socialism On Apple?


Take that kikes. That's what you get for moving outside the U.S.

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does China not tax Apple?

Attached: 1534077895588.jpg (1024x566, 55K)

>Chinese state media calls for Apple to share profits with China's citizens

So... they want Apple to pay taxes in China?

Attached: pensive mongol scratching his chin.jpg (462x355, 40K)

>china goes down in trade war with Trump
>china pulls apple down with it
>implying i give a shit

libcucks btfo

>be export economy
>sustain yourself with foreign business
>piss off foreign business

apple fagots should be okay with this, they like socialism and have been exploiting poor chink bugmen in favor of their social status technology

China will be limit down on monday. This threat crossed the line. everyone and their grandma will be pulling their funds out of Hong Kong.

Attached: 800x-1.jpg (800x548, 47K)

See this shit is legit. Fucking bugmen

Propaganda bullshit. Any foreign company doing business in China isn't actually doing business in China. Another company is doing business on their behalf and keeping the majority of profits.
The split may be different now, but it use to be 75% of profits went to China, 25% to the other business.

Shit like this is exactly why Trump is imposing heavy tariffs on China.