Domesticating Blacks

I know we're supposed to hate the enemy, but today I met a really cool African guy that spoke my native tongue well and was civilized.

This got me to think if we could domesticate Blacks into understanding that the Western world is the best and they shouldn't breed with white women, Instead of purging/deporting would teaching them en masse be better?


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Also. How to domesticate them?

There is nothing more the left hates more than a based black man. They probbaly hate them more than whites

>This got me to think if we could domesticate Blacks into understanding that the Western world is the best and they shouldn't breed with white women, Instead of purging/deporting would teaching them en masse be better?

Why would a black man in Finland live there, work there, pay taxes, learn the language and then not believe he should be allowed a Finnish wife, or at least be able to have sex with one? Why would he go through all that effort and be celibate, as there are alot less black women to choose from, or should he go back to Africa and get a wife? Should he then bring back his black wife to Finland? That applies double if the black is born in Finland.

Cosby is a domesticated black.

How can a cuck culture be the best?

They're still niggers deep down, liable to chimp out at any moment.

Bleach them, promote the best wholeheartedly while cutting off gibs to lower tier ones entirely

>Thinking all blacks are nigger
>Thinking jews don't see blacks as goyim cattle
>Wanting to purge goyim for the jews' benifet

You castrate them

Domestication = enslavement
You're setting yourself up for civil war. Western Europe is headed for one as we speak.

this could work. It works on dogs after all.

They're tribal to the highest degree, they get baited easily to drop civic nationalism for BEING BLACK. Other niggers call them out for being uncle toms or not BLACK enough and get ostracized, its worsened by Non-nigs not seeing them as equals but as a commodity to prove they're multicultural.

Thomas Sowell?
Nah bruh. There are definitely blacks who get it and I support them and welcome them to stay in our communities. I also support black nationalists and black separatists, Farrakhan for example.
What I don’t like are fucking niggers who believe the world (and white people) owe them a living.

>All races wake up and unite against (((them)))
>After rounding up all jews on earth and putting them on Bouvet Island....
>Shake hands and go our separate ways
>Each race develops it's own ethnostate
>No immigration/emigration allowed
>Polite tourists welcomed
>NAP globally agreed to
>Compete in economics and sports

Imagine what's possible in a jew-free world

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The dream

my face when his only Alma mater is a high school degree. ha ha ha

Plenty of africans are friendly people -- i assume african americans are worse, but i've never met one.
Unfortunately, most of them are also exceptionally dumb. The only way we could westernize them is if we force-converted them to christianity, and even then i'm not sure if that would work.

You do realize that this was the illuminated attitude of most lettered, colonial men for the 18th-19th centuries? The whole experiment-with-civilizing-savages mindset, right?

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See: Kanye

i do and I think it would benefit us and them. Having us as their rulers, teachers and managers will help us and them flourish.

Kill yourself please. We should reverse the domestication of whites and Asians. We need European rewilding. Fuck your gay civilization meme.

lmao you Europeans are fucking naive
America has been trying and failing to domestic blacks for over 200 years.
They are niggers and they are predisposed to hate you, just because they bury it for a bit and act right when they are around mostly whites doesn't mean the don't go immediately back to chimping out the moment they start hanging around a majority of niggers again.

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They already know that the Western world is best. Why else would they come here in droves?


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Its called Colonization. Send them back to their countries, take over, and teach them there.

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