Is Alcoholics Anonymous a cult?

AA is not only a cult, but the spearhead of a Jew disinformation campaign designed to distract from the REAL cause of alcoholism. Prove me wrong.

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Cult? Maybe.
Moron? You? Probably.

It's culty and requires the belief in a higher power, but not quite a cult. Members often distance themselves from old friends and only hang out with other AA people because they're distancing themselves from alcohol and triggers to drink, not because they joined some secret society.

If there's some super secret reason for alcoholism, it would be stupid to keep it so.


Why is the serenity prayer addressed to God and not Adolf Hitler, then?

Because AA is spiritual kindergarten for the non-religious. The underlying belief is that alcoholism is a spiritual sickness which comes from not being connected to a “higher power” (I’m not saying it’s God, but it’s God)

This is a nonsensical question.

islam is a cult

It can be culty though. It requires you to leave your drinking life behind and avoid all triggers that caused you to drink. For a lot of people who end up in there, they soon discover that it was their entire life and now they’re fucking crazy because their brain is fried, they suffered serious consequences, and they have nothing left to lose... so they start going every day and it becomes like a religion yeah.

That said, it does work. 17 months sober because of AA.

>Is Alcoholics Anonymous a cult?

Absolutely, yes it is. It masquerades as spiritual. It's early days were also funded by Rockefeller.

>implying the two are different entities

gfy, kike

>t. alcoholic

Cult? no not really.
Useless? yea pretty much

No, my mom went there when I was little becaue she was a bored housewife who drank to much and wanted help. She went and was sober for many years before she started to slowly introduce alcohol back in responsibly. I remember going and waiting while they had their meetings then go home.

It just goes to show that when the white race work together, great things can be achieved.

>I'm an alcoholic who can't face the reality of sobriety so I'll just dismiss this group as a cult.

It's literally fucking group therapy. How is it a cult?

I’ve never drank in my life.
I have never eaten meat in my life.


Do you know your Testosterone levels?

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Yep it is, and people who cant live without drinking alcohol everyday had mental breakdown and never recovered from...usually it is caused by life situations but often womyn are part of it...

With aa you live in state of fear and womyn thinking

Most AA groups are extremely clique-y with guys that have been going to the same one for years, even decades.

A lot of people think you go to AA to stop drinking. It's not a treatment program, it's a support group for people that have already stopped drinking.

That said, I went all the time but ultimately it was just really depressing for me. It constantly reinforces that you're a broken individual that's defined by alcoholism and always will be.

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yep. went to 4 meetings, never went back when it became apparent that half the people there were social predators. i just read my bible now. 3 yrs sober no meetings and feel no pull to hit the bottle at all. /SIG/ helps too.

I've been a few times. I'm slightly autistic though so group shit is awkward for me and I don't enjoy hearing people bitch about how shitty their previous life was. The steps work but they aren't for everyone. I personally don't like the mentality of the group. I have a few dui's but I've overcome the impulsive behavior associated with problem drinking.

The reason I drink is because my race is systematically being genocided and I cannot do anything about it because I will lose my job, my home and will be a street shitter. What would make me happy would destroy other people's lives. I think I should just keep drinking. I'm functional enough.

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its bullshit the founders of this shit thought lsd would help people quit drinking

Alcoholism is a symptom of Jewish mind control. AA is designed from the ground up to gaslight the victim into thinking it’s their own fault.

No, it's more like brainwashing but it's the kind of brainwashing some people need. I was AA for 6 years

drinking won't solve any of that, user
please get yourself to a meeting before it's too late

>social predators
In what way? Were they trying to get money from you, or...?

no more than here or church or any other group.

Also, sexual predators who try and fuck any newcomer to the groups.

AA and NA are both cults they use brainwashing and thought reforming techniques. From the moment you walk in the door for the first time they ask you to renounce your own will and give yourself completely to a higher power.

You are assigned a sponsor (handler) who has already given complete control of themselves to the program to guide you into doing the same.

Then every meeting they reinforce negative self.worth through confessions to the group in a never ending cycle of.atonement.


Sober since nov 19 1991 here.
AA IMO is a cult or religion and its anti Christian. Its similar to freemasonry in that respect. People think AA is all the religion they need.
>dat eye of horus symbol
Yes, AA was created in a fit of 'automatic writing' that some people would call demonic possession. To deny A As occultic baclground is to deny the truth.
Generally people there hate religion while meeting in churches. Lots of freaks. I go once in a blue moon. I like ACA better.

Yes the original edition of the AA guide is worth 1000+ today. Why?

They tried to teach my ex that she wasnt in control anymore and that she should get used to relying on others for help and that it was ok to ask anyone for any amount of help needed. That was the literal opposite mesage of what she needed to hear

>Members often distance themselves from old friends and only hang out with other AA people because they're distancing themselves from alcohol and triggers to drink
Why is behavior exclusive in response to alcoholism? Why not cut out every addictive, lustful, and materialistic behavior by going full ascetic and join a monastery?

The cause of alcoholism is alcohol. It's a shitty, lethal drug. I've never met a drunk which didn't feel sorry for itself, and I probably have t-shirts older than most of you cunts.

Drunks are unworthy of discussion. Booze ruthlessly kills the weak and damaged. It's their suicide tool.

Try the following test:
Obtain ounce of flower. Smoke until you physically cannot smoke moar. Note results which don't include organ damage or death.
Obtain fifth of Everclear. Mix with schnapps so you don't taste it. Drink fifth.

Have your next of kin post results. Booze isn't political, it's what niggers of all colors destroy themselves with.

everything from "spend every weekend with me and my friends" to i'm a scrawny 5'5 guy so even aside from that people felt like they could be condescending to me. it's just a clique. it doesn't truly have a high purpose.

There is no rule stating your higher power can't be Hitler.

AA fag here.

Some members and groups are more cultish than others. Eventually, you settle in with the members and groups with whom you mesh better and just sort of ignore the others.

And I didn't ditch my normal friends for my AA friends. I very rarely hang out with anyone from AA outside of AA. And my old friends actually like me better sober, and I've been hanging out with them more than before I sobered up.

Listen up faggots. AA is not a cult. There are no demands in aa only suggestions. It states very clearly that aa is designed for the hopeless variety alcoholic. Those that are able to stop by reading the bible or going to church aren't supposed to go to aa and are certainly not of the hopeless variety. For those that have been to the spiritual hell that is the alcoholic loneliness, aa is a welcome reprieve, regardless of what a bunch of faggots say.

Also Rockefeller declined to give aa money. He said it would ruin the organization. As has taken essentially a vow of poverty.

There is nothing like the pain of watching a mother or father endlessly abuse alcohol to the point of ruining their life and relationship with you. I’m not going to play with whether or not AA is cult like or a conspiracy. It has never worked for my mom out of her 5 or six shitty attempts. Al user helped me tremendously. I was able to move out and move forward with my life then I didn’t need it any more. I’m my opinion the Rehabs are a scheme of their own. I don’t have time to write all day about it but the fact is that it’s addicts setting up rehabs for addicts. It’s expensive and hardly works. I hope to God it works for some.

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>It has never worked for my mom out of her 5 or six shitty attempts
> shitty attempts
This is the key user. Your mom never dedicated herself to the life. For those that do, it ALWAYS works.

This guy gets it.

As a 27ish yr member, I can confidently say AA is for fucked up broken people.
Some are worse than others. I would be verrrrrrrry careful about who I took advice from in that shit show.

AA fag here likewise. Have to go because court order, deferred prosecution for some DUI's many years ago. I could agree it's sort of cultish but I guess some people need that to keep them sober. Don't consider myself an actual alcoholic; quite drinking no problem. Have more money to spend on other stuff. No more hangovers etc.

Yup. Rehabs make a lot of money off of repeat customers. Really makes you think.

It's true.

Spoken like a true cult.member.

When will an addict be fully recovered and no longer need to goto anymore meetings?

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1) has a 5% efficacy rate
2) was created by a guy on hallucinogens
3) is peopled by hollow victims
4) functions primarily as a meat market for the otherwise unmarketable
>t. ex-husband of a roastie AA lunatic

It's all based on the theory that addiction is a disease, not a choice, and denies the existence of free will.

If you think your life is fucked up, go to some meetings and see what really fucked up looks like.

>If you think your life is fucked up, go to some meetings and see what really fucked up looks like.
Good point. If nothing else, going to a meeting can really give you some perspective on things.

Yeah instead of having mom/dad out at the bar every night, now they can leave me while they go to meetings every night.

AA basically is a cult, and does not have very good results. Plus, it has a lot of smokers, coffee drinkers, and fat fucks. So it doesn't really promote a healthy lifestyle, even once you give up drinking.

REBT is better, but it's jewey, kind of convoluted, and takes from other philosophers like Schopenhauer. So you might be better off reading or listening to "Studies in Pessimism".

Basically, you just have to lower your expectations about life in general. Try to understand that man suffers no matter what he does or doesn't do. And the least amount of suffering occurs when he abstains from drugs and alcohol, gets fit, lives a fasting focused lifestyle, and has something to do 5 days a week.

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Oh hey they invented Buddhism.

Congrats on staying sober dude


Yea, Schopenhauer liked Buddhism for how it viewed life in terms of existence and suffering.

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This should be the goal of AA, to quit for however long you need so later when you have clarity and have dealt with the underlying issues causing your excessive drinking, you can re introduce drinking responsibly back into your life now thst you have conquered your demons.

Aren't you supposed to get better at things with practice? Alcoholics are retards, may as well join a cult too.


all to help you to stop destroying your life with substances. Sick fuckers.

It's an offshoot of masonry they use so many similar symbols.

Just like how Shriners run hospitals , they want to lure people close to death away from Christ

>all to help you to stop destroying your life with substances. Sick fuckers.
it's nowhere near so innocent. they have a huge influence on addiction research and funding in this country, despite there being practically no scientific basis for any of the things they say / do.

they're literally keeping qualified people from studying this stuff because they think they have it all figured out and the politicians and medical establishment have just decided to trust them.

I just joined over a month ago. It's not a cult.

They cannot ban alcohol because Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! (((Profits! Profits! Profits!)))

Ah veggism, the new national religion of britain

Proof. They're dirty because I keep them in my wallet. I don't know what OP is on about. There is no leader, no one makes you do anything. It's just about not drinking, simple as that. The meetings are boring.

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I have lost a longtime friend to this cult.

He worked in the same construction crew as me making 26$ an hour and we would go have a few drinks on the week ends nothing hardcore. He was making good money had a social life and in the process of renovating his newly purchased house.
One night he blew .08 on a breathalyzer and picked up a dui. The court ordered him to goto an aa meeting.

Fast forward 6 months his sponsor told him he wasn't being serous about his recovery and needed to devote more time to his recovery and pushed him into actually quitting his job because his recovery was to come first.

Now hes lost his home because he can no longer afford to make house payments lives in some shitty recovery house and works at the place for 7$ an hour goes to meetings daily.

We used to chase bitches go kayaking or rock climbing now all he cares about is his recovery from being a social drinker and those damn coins they hand out like participation trophies for the retards.

I don't believe this. How could a normal person be suckered into quitting their job. This is very one sided. Sorry about your bro, but there is more to the story here.

Your welcome to not believe it but ive been to aa meetings when i was in my teens they love bomb you and make you feel like you are part of something bigger than yourself using the same brainwashing techniques as other cults.

Old timers push how if you stop coming to the meetings you will die and use lots of buzzwords and sayings over and over to convince you that you wont survive without the recovery process.

Its free therapy, you can have a room full of people listening to you talk, and most people need to vocalize their problems to reach self actualization of root issues within there personalites and philosophies. Culty sure but if it keeps you sober it keeps you sober

It is literally just about helping people stay sober. They dont make money. I'm going to stop putting a dollar in the basket. We will see if I get kicked out.

Yea I'm sure being at the bar until it closes and disappearing for days without notification is the same as going to a meeting for a couple hours. Fucking Faggot kike shill

AA is not for addicts. I have no fucking clue about addicts. Go talk to someone in NA.

Alcoholics and addicts are not the same thing. Their association started because of (((rehabs))) with a single van taking people to both.

To all the shills and people who have had bad experiences. If the person does not get sober in AA it's their own fault. Sobriety is entirely on them. The only way sobriety works is to do everything in aa. For those that know the depravity and damage caused by alcoholics, them dedicating their time to the program is a welcome reprieve regardless what a bunch of fucking kike shills say.

Rehabs are designed for people to fail and come back. AA is not, as proof of the millions of people who are showing long term sobriety globally. The catch is that you cannot stop aa, otherwise you will drink. If you do it for life, you have the opportunity for a good life instead of dying homeless and alone in the gutter with your family loathing you

This. We see people all the time half assing AA and they always drink again and often die. It's the reality of alcoholism.

So all you faggots professing to know about AA and what it's like to be an alcoholic of the hopeless variety, you don't know shit. The medical community, doctors and psychiatrists especially are more educated on alcoholism or how AA works

I've been sober and very active in AA for 12 years. AMA

when does recovery become recovered?

When can you go back to living your life without the need to keep going to meetings?

12 steppers preach that alcoholism is a spiritual disease when have you ever seen any diseases prayed away?

>thought lsd would help people quit drinking

That’s been proven to work though. If used in a clinical setting it’s actually really effective. The problem is there is a huge stigma attached to it because LSD remains a schedule 1 drug in the US, severely limiting it’s use in further research. If you’ve ever experienced an LSD trip you would know that the powerful introspective qualities are why it can work for this.

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Wrong Faggot. AA is for the hopeless variety alcoholic. If something else keeps you sober, AA was never for you.

That's not who AA is for. AA is for the hopeless variety alcoholic. It's a person who drinks regardless of the consequences and having every reason not to. Someone who gets into trouble or drinks a little too much isn't necessarily an alcoholic.

You absolutely will not get kicked out. There are no requirements to do so, only suggestions.

It's a cult. Nothing to do with Jews though, it's a fundamentalist Christian organisation with its roots in the Oxford Group.

>when does recovery become recovered?
It's very specific about what is recovered from. It says 'recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body'. They also say that I am recovered today so long as I do the work today. If I stop, the recovery will stop.

>When can you go back to living your life without the need to keep going to meetings?
I will never be able to, but I don't want to. I get too much out of it. To be the literally only person to be able to help someone who has tried everything is very powerful.

>12 steppers preach that alcoholism is a spiritual disease when have you ever seen any diseases prayed away?
The correct phrase is 'spiritual malady' and demands a spiritual solution. Prayer is insufficient. The program itself is spiritual in nature but requires much more than just prayer, at least if you are a hopeless variety alcoholic.a lot of people come to AA and they aren't this type and don't have to do the work.

> a cult
Landmark uses A.A. as recruiting ground.

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are not educated on*

>Members often distance themselves from old friends and only hang out with other AA people because they're distancing themselves from alcohol and triggers to drink
in most cases their friends were
emotionally abusive to the aa members.
misery loves company.

>so long as I do the work today. If I stop, the recovery will stop.

So you are a slave for the rest of your live trapping others into the same brainwashing techniques you fell for.

12 steppers and addicts need to just grow some willpower and take personal responsibility for their actions.

I see you faggots on kikebook posting shit proclaiming you are some kind of heros for being in recovery when in all reality you are weak minded bitches

now try to bring up this at a meeting that's why aa is bullshit they don't want to help you


a scanner darkly

yes, their logo is jacked from the Aristotelian Triangle.

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I know I won't, I was proving a point without being blunt. It's not a cult, but it's not some magic pill.


It has a horrible success rate compared to the other programs.

Landmark probably is a cult. They do typical cult shit. A.A. doesn't try to change your language, it just is a place for drunks to meet up and get healthy together.

I don’t disagree. I think AA is cult-ish bullshit that preys on weak people. My sister was heavily involved for about a decade and even graduated to an actual real deal cult called the School of Metaphysics. She thankfully snapped out of it and now lives a fairly normal life, and can drink occasionally without negative impacts.

AA is not a cult. i know first hand since ive been attending AA meetings since i was 16 cause people had a problem with me drinking and using drugs in the past. also in my entire time in AA ive met one Jew just one.

serenity prayer mostly deal with acceptance also god is just a place holder i use science as my higher power since im agnostic when it comes to religion. my first sponsor was a church member and the home group ive joined meets at a church but not once did my sponsor tried to push the idea of believing on god in a christian sense my dad however does and he is not a member of AA. is my dad part of a cult for trying to force religion on me?

If that's the case she was never an alcoholic to begin with, just weak minded.
Alcoholism is like an allergy in that you either have it or you don't. Unlike an allergy, there is no pill to make it go away and you cant grow out of it.

>i know first hand

Cultists don't say they are in a cult and believe otherwise