How would the US look if the white man had simply castrated his male slaves and each plantation owner had just made the...

How would the US look if the white man had simply castrated his male slaves and each plantation owner had just made the replacements himself?

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I'd aryanize her genepool if you know what I mean

you may not like it, but this is what the race of the future looks like

Kalergi knew this and wanted big mutt milkers

It used to be illegal to fuck niggers yet generations of slave rape still managed to bring American nog IQs a full 10 points ahead of the average African. If there had been a concentrated effort to breed nog genes out while maintaining pure white birthrates the United States would have been a far safer place.

>keeping dozens of your own sons/daughters as slaves
It's like one big craster's keep but with cotton and less snow

>How would the US look
Pretty much the same desu.

Using the whip is much more ethical when it's just you teaching your lazy ass half nigger son to work. If anything, it's nothing more than responsible parenting.

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genes come from both parents, tyrone. niggerization goes both ways.

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Even the blackest of American niggers would be an octoroon by now.