How would the US look if the white man had simply castrated his male slaves and each plantation owner had just made the replacements himself?
How would the US look if the white man had simply castrated his male slaves and each plantation owner had just made the...
I'd aryanize her genepool if you know what I mean
you may not like it, but this is what the race of the future looks like
Kalergi knew this and wanted big mutt milkers
It used to be illegal to fuck niggers yet generations of slave rape still managed to bring American nog IQs a full 10 points ahead of the average African. If there had been a concentrated effort to breed nog genes out while maintaining pure white birthrates the United States would have been a far safer place.
>keeping dozens of your own sons/daughters as slaves
It's like one big craster's keep but with cotton and less snow
>How would the US look
Pretty much the same desu.
Using the whip is much more ethical when it's just you teaching your lazy ass half nigger son to work. If anything, it's nothing more than responsible parenting.
genes come from both parents, tyrone. niggerization goes both ways.
Even the blackest of American niggers would be an octoroon by now.
Do the Arabs have hordes of niggers crying for gibs?
well, it appears that since in ur logic, males would be castrated, therefore the black lineage could only continue thru the female, so with every black being castarted/killed literally every generation of black women would become lighter and lighter until pic related, and the same goes for the males born from those black women as long the black woman that were getting lighter were getting bred by whites pic related would be the norm today for african american woman, men literally .
Access to white education improved basketball american IQ, not slave rape.
Blacks that get adopted by wealthy white parents are expected to do as well as whites in the same household.
If you or your children have been enrolled in a successful public school system in the last 5 years (ie Massachusetts) you've probably noticed that minorities that live in the inner city are being shipped by the state to the burbs for school. It is proven that these kids see an immediate increase in their grades and are more likely to go on to college.
Would you rather you daughter get knocked up by street trash black or college educated black?
forgot to say it would take like at least 400 years if they they kept that way, always white male + the creasing ligther black women
They literally couldn't if you just did what the Arabs did and castrated the men. All future nig generations would be whiter than the last while all current whites remain white because every man doing the BLEACHING still has a white family.
I don't know user but I'd love to simulate the process if you follow my meaning
castration would be untenable in that it would affect testosterone production, and thus muscle mass of slaves.
the appropriate method would be to make them eunuchs, wherein you remove the penis, but keep the testes functioning.
keep in mind too, for the time, this would be an expensive and potentially costly procedure -- not even taking into account that having your slaves breed amongst themselves isn't always bad, you want a few studs to produce viable progeny.
best solution is to isolate the desirable slave women into servants/maids so you can control their fraternization, and appropriately mate them with the studs; the less healthy females can freely breed.
if you are castrating your black slaves out of fear them having sex with white women of your household, the problem isnt the slaves, but the women, in which case you have no one to blame but yourself for not training them properly.
Stop shilling sheboons you nigger fever faggot
zheng he
>not making everyone blue instead
Sapphire-skinned master race here, eat my azure cumskins.
Why are mulattos so hot?
like shit
Latino women are fucking hot
Why stop with nigs? Apply this to everyone!
>Blacks that get adopted by wealthy white parents are expected to do as well as whites in the same household.
That is not true
Kalgeri was a hapa himself
is blonde hair in mongols a unique mutation different from the ones in europeans, or is it the european mutation that spread among mongols (for whatever reason).
It definetely looks like its the same mutation
lol black genes are dumb
Slavery is bad because it displaced White workers. All slavery contaminates society. The way to go is never enslave, only exterminate.
Slavery kept the South from industrializing farming and ensured the breeding of niggers. Every slaveholder and every nigger should have been slaughtered.