I'll admit that I still watch NFL football, although I'm ONLY hanging on by a thread due to my childhood/favorite team who just happens to be comprised of Brady and Belichick, two white, all-time greats who are good friends with Trump. They'll likely retire within the next 5 years and that's when I'll be done watching.
Also, I watch hockey but I don't believe it falls under the "sportsball" category, since it's a puck, not a ball, and it's an implicitly white sport and hasn't been niggerized.
I was never into watching sports, apparently that makes me a flaming faggot
Connor Johnson
I watch hockey, that's it
Isaac Perry
>Do you still watch sportsball No. I'll catch a Cubs game every now and then but ever since they lost Arrieta, then traded all their prospects to replace him with a nip and a spic, which was all done by a Jew general manager...I've really lost enthusiasm.