Praying I don't have to start hating him like 99% of all other public figures/musicians I used to love

Is he a never Trumper?? or is he redpilled

Attached: hell_main.jpg.560x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg (530x300, 23K)

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Mel Gibson esqu. I hope he runs for prime minister

Attached: 2681-27-chef_gordon_ramsay_bersama_istri_dan_empat_anaknya-696x341.jpg (696x441, 55K)

that's awesome to see but he hopefully he's not a vocal liberal or something

his show is fake like all reality tv shows. if you are in the media you are probably shit. im sorry but its true.

ARE YOU SERIOUS DUDE? WOW!!! I can't believe I'm here to witness this breaking news

This is what I am worried about. He might be a vocal libcuck

>tv is acting

Basically you have to prepare for any celebrity you like maybe being a pedo

From the looks of it he smartly stays out of these issues.

i know. but i don't want it to be ramsay!