>educated, intellectual, smart, civilized atheists.
Educated, intellectual, smart, civilized atheists
There are not very many intellectual atheists whose views come from pure logic, instead much of their views regarding religion and morality originate in anger and resentment.
t. atheist
>atheists killing this many subhumans
Based and redpilled
Educated, intellectual, smart, civilized atheists kill commies. That is true.
That sad state of affairs is that commies have killed more commies than we could ever hope to.
No, I believe that’strue. Most of the athiestsI know are athiests because thye were pissed off that they were being dragged out of bed early on Sunday by mommy and daddy when the rest of their friends could sleep in and watch cartoons.
Haha stolen from /x/
He's right. They don't hate religion, they hate Christianity because their family was Christian
>t. atheist
>not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here...
The Black Book Communism is literally fiction.
Killed many yes... So?
>impyling Islam and Christianity's kill count isn't much, much much higher
and that's only two of the religions
> Atheists claim that believers are mentally ill
> Atheists kill themselves far more and get depressed even living in their "rich developed countries"
The smartest man in the US is a Conservative Christian and he explains very well his points in Quora:
>unironically pretending that anyone was going to church when he grew up
dont forget the fags that do it to be cool. whats that dumb faggot, hitchens, he is their god. for coming up with some inane dumbfuck thoughts they couldnt think of themselves.
You neo-liberal trotskyist fucking demon. Karl popper was an evil fucking maniac who's theories about science and falsification got BTFO. The Eternal Science of Marxist-Leninism and Dialectical Materialism reigns True and Proud under the Red Flag, and the Noble Destiny of the Proletarian Path remains true! FUCK POPPER! UPHOLD COMRADE STALIN!!!!
how bout go get a job you fucking worthless nonhuman piece of trash.
Tfw when communism is a real red pill, those deaths were just part of a natural selection
>> Atheists claim that believers are mentally ill
>believing in 2000 years old bronze age fairy tales
>not a mental illness
based atheists doing Gods will