Plan for the next Unite The Right

> Claim that the march will be in 10 different cities
> Leftists appear in the 10 different cities
> We decide the city at the last time
> The Left will be dispersed

> We organize 50 racist rallies
> They all are fake and no one appears
> Then we organize the real one but leftists are demoralized and they do not appear

Attached: elections.png (600x386, 81K)

COPE thread #1625382736392

Hello FBI

>Muh street rallies
NRx was gay but they were right that street demonstrations only work with the power structure on your side.

You need to be organizing a national TRUMPFEST weeklong MAGA party for the summer of 2020
It should take place in Oklahoma (only state where every county went Red)
It will attract over 4 million people
It will be legendary
Any leftists who show up to a national right wing festival in Oklahoma will not make it back to their families unless they are there peaceably

let's organize ZERO rallies, stay anonymous online and continue to let the left destroy itself

Not bad at all

Attached: 1520718320820.jpg (1600x900, 145K)

The only rally that matters is on election day

Report any and all troll threads

Attached: Slide Thread.png (1500x1500, 926K)

Wise advice.
>If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
The left neither know what they stand for nor know who the enemy is. They will lose every time.