Why is obesity so common now when it wasn't decades ago?

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Because the +1 caloric source is HFCS and onions protein

More cheap, fatty food and more ways to avoid exercise. Not complicated

The sugar Jew

Sugar. Sugar is in everything now. We cut out fat and replaced it with sugar.

>If Majin Buu were human



>carb crop subsidies
>food pyramid
>both of these can be traced directly back to kikes
It's fucking always kikes, and it's never a coincidence.

fat doesn't cause insulin spikes like carbs/starch/sugar does. when insulin is high, energy is locked away so you can't use it

think about what they feed cows and pigs to fatten them up, is it fat or carbs?

Welfare and food stamps.


Women have realised that in the current sexual free-market they can still score a chad-lite, even at 300lbs. Sub-8 men realised that they could no longer compete, despite gymcelling, and likewise let themselves go.

Labor work decreased dramatically, automation along with junk food industry accelerated the whole process.

sugar & carbs
online convenience
iodine deficiency

Processed sugar

>Gut has balance of good and bad bacteria
>good bacteria support cognitive function, clear thinking, energy, and actually make you crave vegetables that they eat
>Bad bacteria in gut hinder ability to digest, lower energy and cognitive function, foggy thinking, and have been proven to make you crave sugar that they eat

Cut out the sugar Jew from your diet and fat will melt off. I'm a procrastinator, couch potato, and all around lazy fucker. Literally all I had to do to drop 70 pounds within a year was remove sugar and all bread except whole grain, low sugar, bread from my diet. The sugar industry wants it hidden they are the culprit. They always throw the blame on high fat foods and it is almost impossible to find scientists on tv or in the media who will blame them.

It was shown in a study that when two groups were given specific diets one the cliche diet of healthy food, and the other literally just stopped eating bread, the bread group lost more weight. The only side effect was a extremely powerful and almost undeniable craving for bread.

>Processed sugar will hinder the body's ability to absorb iron, magnesium, and many other essential minerals.

The body can sense when it does not have enough essential vitamins and minerals so they are compelled to eat a lot of the sugary food to try desperately to consume more of the nutrients than the sugar takes away. PMSing women get caught in this hell spiral because they crave magnesium (chocolate) but the sugar causes the cycle of adding and taking away magnesium until they become fat asses.

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> obesity so common now

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>remove sugar and all bread except whole grain, low sugar, bread from my diet
even whole grain bread is high in starch, which becomes a blood sugar spike

Do you eat low carb/keto?


where does it shit and stuff? GOD how do you let yourself get even

it been common since the 80's

Imagine how bad she smells. Pure Mexican beauty.

Doctors discovered in the late 00's that obesity, other than the fact it's more attractive, is healthier.

Humans are wired to consume as many calories as are available since calories have always been scarce throughout history.

Sugar/Corn Syrup in food
Less physically demanding jobs
More jobless

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Quality of readily available food and lifestyle. This isn’t hard.

Camewas. These fat fawks didn't have camewas back in the day.


Obesity in a population is a symptom of malnutrition.

75 years ago all food was what today is given the premium label (and price) of "organic" - and most people were HWP.

Now "food" is fillers, artificial flavors, and genetically modified crops, designed to maximize short-term profit for the corporate seller with no concern for the health effects on the consumer or society.

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Used to think our government cared about our health, wrong they are corrupt and approve fake sugar lime splenda witch is poison

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To all the anons blaming modern food: I don't disagree that modern food is shit, but skinny people exist, so don't blame that.
Blame the fat fucks that cannot stop shoving it down their necks.
The worst of them even bestow their largeness on their kids through bad parenting, then blame genetics.
I mean, if you wanna be fat, go be fat, I don't care, but get off the NHS. Stop giving money to these failures. Let nature run its course, then tell me you can be fat and healthy at the same time!

This used to be in freak shows

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food is just sooooo delicious now

and also beer si sooooo delicious now

cause gmos

low price high calorie food engineered to be addictive but also allowed by snap/food stamps


Not only is it sugar, but its the corn-syrup based sugar particularly.

All asians eat are carbs, they aren't a fat group.

Processed shit tastes like shit. Its easy as fuck to cook fresh food everyday.

It still is. Those "acceptance" shows and documentaries are the modern freak show.

You want to know what it is?
You fat motherfuckers eat too much. It all comes down to gluttony. It's not proteins or sugars or carbohydrates. It's eating too much greasy food, you eat meat every day at every sitting

Three times a day you sit down and stuff your faces with more food than your body needs

No, no goyim! Cigarettes aren't dangerous or addictive, smokers deserve all the blame because they're inferior!

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it's too many carbs too often bro, leading to insulin resistance since insulin is always high

and all groups are the same? just eat what your ancestors would have eaten

Good point. So people are just empathising with the freaks now then.

farm subsidies

That's one of those situations where you just use a pillow one night and provide the mercy

You're an idiot. You've been had by a fad diet
That's exactly what you're involved in. This health conscience yet easy get-thin-quick schemes are nothing new to people who were old enough to at least remember the 90's, because they've seen the diet craze in it's prime.

You've been duped by the rebranded Atkins diet. I guarantee you had no idea what that was when you started that "keto" diet.

>I guarantee
or my money back?

seriously you are the kind of retard that hasn't researched the body's 2 modes, ketosis and glucolosis. go and read the wiki articles now, or remain a fool. you're choice fag


More people smoked

Keto causes brain damage.

no doubt you can prove this and didn't just make it up out of you're ass

I was fat. T blobo. Noticed in May on the beach in paradise. I'm supposed to be in shape to handle surprises. I'm t bigshot sec guy. I was trying to sit on a sea wall behind the beach to watch the bikini grills play netball. It was about 5' high so I had to push myself up. Really struggled. Like shocking amounts of gravity holding me down but I'd started so I had to make it. My fat arse was scraping the top corner of the wall pushing my swim shorts down but I'd have never made it if I tried twice, so I had to keep going and just expose my arse.
Got in an accident with a jet ski too. Couldn't swim for shit because I was fat as a fat fuck.
Fixed it. Repaired all that spoiled rich living in 6-8 (?) weeks of training.
Fat fucks are fat fucks because they are fat fucks inside. They don't try, they lie.
I was 17 stone @ 5'10/11"
Don't know or care what I am now. I can do 30 pressups on my right arm. And whatever I weigh it looks damn fine again.

You're stupid and fell for it hook, line and sinker
That diet you're on is similar to how people normally ate in the 40's and 50's, very low carbs and alot of proteins. They all ended up with clogged arteries.
It's almost like these Atkins and now "keto" aficionados want people to eat the way they did decades ago

Look up ketoacidosis
Ketones are toxic substances. It is normal to have some during ketosis but a build up of them can be fatal.
>T. Diabetic t1 who almost died twice

any truth to this?

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>That diet you're on is similar to how people normally ate in the 40's and 50's
when there was no obesity/diabeetus epidemic?

>It's almost like these Atkins and now "keto" aficionados want people to eat the way they did decades ago
not decades, how we've eaten for thousands of years. I suppose you do agree that mass obesity is a modern thing?

>Ketoacidosis is a pathological metabolic state marked by extreme and uncontrolled ketosis
a very rare condition only retards and alchoholics get

NOT the same as controlled ketosis, which is a normal thing, you fucking alky

>T. Diabetic t1 who almost died twice
maybe 3rd time is the charm?

nihilistic hedonist liberalism

Corn fed everything. I eat about as clean as you can get and still can't avoid it. Fucking sugar is in everything.

>when there was no obesity/diabeetus epidemic?

Lol when they were all dropping from heart attacks you mean

eating the wrong carbs makes you fat
added sugars makes you fat
not exercising makes you fat

but honestly doesn't this thread not belong on Jow Forums ?

>Three common causes of ketoacidosis are alcohol, starvation, and diabetes
conveniently missed out the starvation part eh?
You fad-dieters are laughable, but fuck it. A self-solving problem in the long-run.

I'm so horny for you, user

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Blame white culture

b-b-b-b-b-buzzwords, ladies and gentlemen

asians are genetically different.

what caused the obesity epidemic then?

yeah, but mostly you don't get hungry if you don't eat a lot of carbs, so even if you don't excersize you don't feel the need to eat so much

and eating low carb is starvation is it? you fucking low tier retard, make a fucking effort. if you are eating fat and protein you are still getting fed, therefore not starvation, you incredibly stupid person

germans = king cucks

Not really
There's no such thing as "genetically different" within a species

> whites == shoveling it in whilst celibate husband looks on in disbelief.

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It's not in everything if you cook your own food from basic ingredients. It is in all processed shit.

I'm always surprised about the number of people who can't cook anything that tastes good.

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They beat you over the head with whatever product is currently fingering the FDAs ass. It starts when you're in school and doesn't stop until you get a degree in biology or chemistry.
I've been studying this as a personal trainer, working on a degree in nutrition science, for years. The FDA is actually making you sick by telling you to eat shit like 200 grams of carbohydrates a day while limiting your fat to 50 grams. Its total bullshit. From kindergarten to now it's all wrong.

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If your energy intake is lower than your energy output then yes eventually you will starve yourself.
Fat is unhealthy as a sole source of energy, and protein only provides ample energy when there are enough fat and carbs stored.
It will also make you cranky, as appears to be the case with you.

what the fuck? this might be the most retarded post i've seen all month

can you tell us what protein digests into? and fat and carbs?

Which is the mom or dad?
Or are they siblings?

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thank you mr sugar association

I'm in ketosis now. I do it every now and than when I'm not worried about bulking. True you ccant be in ketosis indefinitely without some issues but it's a good why to see results fast.

You're correct we're all clones. Genetic diversity is just meme science, everyone is equal.

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You would be correct if my assault on white culture were self-harming, but that's not the case. "White" is American make-believe, to such an extent that a clueless bystander might mistake it for roleplay. My culture is German culture, which is luckily very far away from the white American viewpoint.

Yeah if youre a fag

Protein mostly becomes other proteins. Energy can be extracted but that is not it's primary function.
Fat is digested into triglycerides and fatty acids. That is the main source of energy on a keto diet, and as I said it isn't healthy.
Carbs are broken down into their sugary components, and are the no.1 source of energy for your day-to-day activities.


By white culture I'm sure you mean the jews

>They all ended up with clogged arteries.


soda and processed food

Jow Forums here, obesity should be illegal. carbohydrates are knell unless you're marathonanon youtu.be/2WszRSruow0

Not that different.
I can understand specialized meat only diets for people like eskimos or those who live on the steppe or people from certain mountainous arid environments where there is only one or two types of food. Eating meat and fat rich foods regularly for generations makes something like "keto"(boo-hoo vegemtabuls are yucky) ideal for them.. here's the thing, you aren't an eskimo. You're a fat white guy who's loaded with diseases and is too stupid to realize his grampa ate only meat and he dropped dead years ago

>True you ccant be in ketosis indefinitely without some issues but it's a good why to see results fast.
All of this is true. Short bursts of ketosis occur in nature anyway, but as you said it isn't sustainable.
People who rely on these diets are killing their own cells and not realising it.

But are you white?

close, protein digests to amino acids, fat does digest to triglycerides which are also known as fatty acids

do you agree that the main cause of insulin spikes are high blood sugar(from eating carbs)? do you agree that while insulin is high energy is expelled from the blood stream into fat cells, and can not come out till insulin lowers again?

That's why I've been saying that we are different species

mexican influx. hispanics have a higher obesity rate than the american average even now but especially pre 2000

The evolution of business innovation and new government policies making food companies add chemicals to the food. I also think it’s intentional that people look this way as well. These problems could go away easily but it’s encouraged instead.

>do you agree that the main cause of insulin spikes are high blood sugar(from eating carbs)?
This is proven to be true. A whole different concept for a diabetic but I am with you on this.

> do you agree that while insulin is high energy is expelled from the blood stream into fat cells, and can not come out till insulin lowers again?
The most healthy way to solve that riddle is to USE the energy. You eat carbs based on what you plan to do. If you are about to do a 12 shift lifting cars above your head, you stock up on carbs.

You got me to admit that too many carbs are worse than too little, but a balanced diet isn't a meme, it's a real thing. You consume based on action.

The U.S. government demonized fat and pushed carbs. Never take the government's advice on anything related to food. They don't know what they're talking about.

Medical science has advanced far enough to keep these abominations alive a few years longer thereby reducing the moral hazard.

If two members of a species had different genetics, they wouldn't be members of the same species. It's a paradox. We all share the same genetic makeup. There are no human subspecies. Any deviations are tiny and part of a spectrum that has been reasonably explored, and the conclusion remains. We're all the exact same species. It's just how humanity is structured. You need to learn to accept this.

Diet is bollocks in my experience. Eat everything. Sweat it off. Then do it all again to make sure.
I've got before and after pics. I can prove my fat just went -pffff- and ran off me as sweat.
Work out. Reading about types of food is wasting workout time.
Are any of you diet understander people In shape or are you chubbies?

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