The mudshits are super mad at this gay for saying Allah is Gay

The mudshits are super mad at this gay for saying Allah is Gay


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Other urls found in this thread:


Muhammad was a homosexual. He gave head to dozens of Jews.

lol fucking epic



“Do you read English?”
“Hold this sign”
*snap* “That’s going in my Faggot Islam Twitter”

This is why i laugh at tall the alt lite faggets kvetching about islam. Islam will get kiked, quicker than Christianity did. neoLiberalism, at its core, is a liberalisation of our human animal instincts, that we all have, that our past civilisations attempted to control.


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Who is baiting these people?
Also, I don't know honhonhon, how mad the ones commenting are?

Start allowing straight people

There's your hashtags faggots get to work.

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Future memes. Islam will murder these degenerates immediately upon sight.

>Allah love Jewish

This. Islam is just getting the Christianity treatment. The progressive cancer is already spreading back into the Muslim world. This is just the kike's way of neutering Muslims and preparing them for the globalist world order, Erdogan already warned against it.

They think they're invading and taking over. They're really walking into a quarantine zone. Their women are going to western universities and living the slut lifestyle, undergoing the same sexual liberation western women began in the 60s. It's all downhill from here. The problem with living in the west is you're going to get infected with western degeneracy.

Anyone that thinks Muslims are a bigger threat than Jews/Marxists is a cuck

Hahaha, please let it be so. That's brilliant. That's Tom Green-tier, if so.
"Look at me, Daddy! I'm a farmer!"

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muslims talk funny

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Two big interrelated problems are that Muslims are much more indoctrinated than current Christians, and that current atheists consume *tofu* at a rate way higher than is healthy for a normal male.
I'm not advocating for Christianity, but I'm definitely advocating for everyday people to start waking the fuck up before everything they grew up with is destroyed.
I don't feel ashamed at all in feeling a sense of loss for a previous time.

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Is Islam, dare I say it /ourreligion/?

Both are highly dangerous. Ignoring one to focus on the other will get your throat cut just the same.

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After Thomas Jefferson beat the shit out of Muslim pirates, we ignored Muslims for approximately 150 years and had no problems. They lived their lives, we lived ours. It's Jews that want to infiltrate and destroy both from within.

Bump for hilarity. Some virtue signaller is going to get the religion of peace angry.

This was bound to happen sooner or later, and it feels absolutely glorious to witness it

LOL this looks hilarious. Can anyone post the comments? It won't allow me to view them without a twat account

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Way to obfuscate the problem, fuckwit. Both are problems that cannot be ignored. Jews have been kicked out 350+ times because they refuse to give up their parasitic ways, and for no other reason.

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This is our opening. Shill for LGBT-friendly, Jew-friendly Islam and let's Weimar this shit up. The actual Muslims will react pissed, and that will red pill progressive normies that don't get what's happening. Islam will eventually no longer be a viable pawn for kikes to throw around in their rhetoric because it will be so openly opposed to them in reaction to hyper-progressive faux islam's promotion.

Fuck off, you literal faggot. In the meantime, here's some porn for you.

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Welcome to the west muslims!!

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remember this?
sorry for tiny pic

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the reaction was predictable

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I realise that you're probably a Paki shill, but at least try to communicate in English, if you please.

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etc etc

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>Allah forbids homosexuality
>Association with Allah is worse than murder and Jews are associators. Prophet Muhammad cursed those people who are trans. Allah, the Very High, is not a feminist.
>I swear by the One who have my soul in his hand that I will testify against you and your buddies the Day of the Last Judgment.
The butthurt is real

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meanwhile, queers rejoiced when they drove a porn star to suicide for saying they would expect a male partner to take an aids test if they had fucked another man

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>loves jewish
lol, now this is some quality trollin

and yet are silent when remarkably it turns out that wogs hate them

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And Jow Forums gets spergy whenever the jews bomb some sandniggers.

We're doing your job for you.

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This. Muslims need to wake tf up and radicalize against kikes. No more bombing random civilians; they need to read siege and team with white nationalists. Do that, we can do ethnostates and let Islam have their holy land so they leave everyone alone. Fascism needs to be embraced by Islam so they can seduce whites into embracing Islam.

Sitting idly letting whites dissapear won't help Islam because they'll get kiked into submission next. The Jews win if everyone stays divided.

They lose the moment we unite against them to move towards OUR common interests. Tribes need to unite in order to survive. Not become one tribe, but work together.

Muslims are retarded. It's safer to be a faggot in Saudi Arabia than it is to be straight.

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I gonna need one of you to ms paint a "homomusulman" asap

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And Britain still wonders where it all went wrong.

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Fuck off, nigger. Do your own work. Typical nigger, expecting other people to provide for them.

i've worked in saudi arabia and i question that article's veracity

This 'asian' means durka right?

>Fuck off, nigger. Do your own work. Typical nigger, expecting other people to provide for them.
Coming from a leaf whose first post itt was a guy jerking a horse

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Did you read the comment I was replying to you dogfucker? Read it then read my post, understand that I’m celebrating the degeneracy of the West spilling into Islam, then talk about understanding English you fucking colonial.

I know I love it so much, been pushing this shit for awhile

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I thought it was a woman’s right to say no

I've worked with them for more than 12 years, and I can assure you the article is correct. In Saudi, faggotry is common and accepted, whereas normal sex can get you beheaded.

>Lets turn the Muslims on the Libshits

Good, goooooodddddd

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Try using a comma once in awhile, shitskin. It would help with your camo-job.

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No one wants a crippled slave. Did this guy lose the lottery?

the rtwo women are getting married.

>44 percent of muslim boomers think faggotry is ok
britain truly is hell, isnt it
over here probably less than 20 percent 18 year olds think fagotts existing is OK
bongs make everything gay

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>Older people equally or more tolerant than young

Damn, how do we do that here? Everyone under 25 is a colossal faggot

Of course all these fucking muslims speak french

>yfw a significant part of the race war will be sand goons slaughtering queers in the streets
>yfw two undesirable demographics will erase each other without us having to lift a finger

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In the end, the West will actually conquer Islam by infusing their culture with our degenerate gayness.

Who would have thought?


>each other
>implying fags will land a single kill
utmost kek

What a fine meme to trigger sandniggers!

Allah (PBUH) throated me to the nuts last night after I'd run five miles. The heat shimmer off my nutsack wafting into his nostrils only drove him to suck harder.


This meme has legs. It's a natural for traction with the Leftcucks who crave Islamic meat but can't give up their ideals because they are LGBT.

We need a whole #AllahIsGay meme campaign.

Two mustached men in neon stretch undies passionately kissing while grinding bulges and grabbing fistfuls of chesthair is quintessentially islamic deal /w it bigots

>implying fags will land a single kill
They are carriers.

Predictable and hilarious! This goldmine will never get old. Preach gay reform to sandnigs and they HAVE to react. This is a fountain of redpills and the reason I love /b/pol/.

I think Jow Forums gets spergy, because you never finish the job. Every time you bomb sandniggers, they flee to Europe. If you are going to kill them, please contain them too.

There will be three heads rolling on the pavement soon.
I would love to watch that. KEK

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>This is just the kike's way of neutering Muslims and preparing them for the globalist world order

And that is why the refugee crisis is so imperative. If the muslims stay in the mudholes, they do not get the progressive fith normalized. But since they all go to europe or america for free money, they get forced into accepting the progressive agenda to further their own.

Confirmed. That's also why Saudis go to Bahrain for boibutt. We had one try to rent one of our blond male troops for $4000. Poor lad didn't think "taking one for the beer fund" was a good idea.

we have to push this. muslims would literally go insane if this shit went viral

>And Jow Forums gets spergy whenever the jews bomb some sandniggers.
>We're doing your job for you.

Attached: gays in ISRAEL-gays in ISLAM.jpg (579x768, 72K)

should get more traction

The World Bank will give yuo the gay. We didn't invade for the money, but fresh untouched boipucci and we shall have it. Now gibs your remaining industry (and bois) or the Spirit of Peace will visit you. Our priests will work out the details with your priests, boipucci being their pleasure of choice. We'll sell what we don't use to the Croats but they are probably bored of it.

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They changed it. It's why militant lesbians are fighting trannies now. For the right to say yuk, fuck off

Yeah this stuff is spreading everywhere, theres even gay marriages in Iraq these days. You can thank the US for that.

Fucking degenerate LGBT swines.

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I can't read faggot, can anyone translate this language the twitter posters are speaking

Sorry, I don't speak frog

Shit. For $4000, I could hold my fucking nose long enough for him to get his 3 inches off.

Who's going to dox these mudshits and get them fired for their homophobia?

you are piece of shit subhuman

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didn't Lauren Southern do this same thing and she got herself labeled a terrorist and blocked from entering the UK right?

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she did it snarkily
true psyops requires you try to make it come across sincere

we can probably pay people on fiver to hold up signs like this.

Someone make lgbt posters in Arabic, talking about Mohammed and how he was accepting of gays and lesbians. Then use some Quran verses in such a way as to support this. Make them joyful, positive motivational poster style. Then release them to Arabic Internet through a Allah is queer twitter page. Then sit back and watch the hilarity

gay islam might be the worst enemy of the west ever to exist

There aren't any verses that would support universal love though, but it would be possible to isolate few verses (read: take it out of context) and use them like that, the first that comes to mind is one from chapter 8, verse 61. "But if they incline to peace, you also incline to it, and (put your) trust in Allah. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower"
But it has to be without any further context, since hilariously chapter 8 alongisde 9 are the most violent and brutal chapters of the book

Q predicted this

why do you think the saudi government pays its students to go study in western countries. So they can be tainted and bring the taint back.

Superstition including ALL Abrahamic ideologies is cancer. Abrahamic ideologies are Jewish cancer. The Cuckstian lives to suck off Yidsrael, the Mudslime lives to kill other Mudslimes, and the Jew rules them all even when they attack him, just as the Jew used Hitler to destroy Europe for Bolshevism.

I think all you really need is enough of this in the twitosphere to get the Muslims mad enough to lash out with death threats against the progressives. The point should just be to get the islamophiles to see how much Muslims hate them and their "progress".