Why the hell are there so many tranny make up channels getting shilled to me on youtube?

Why the hell are there so many tranny make up channels getting shilled to me on youtube?

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/pol calls it jewtube for a reason.

that can't be a tranny wtf

its all that shemale porn you watch - clear your browser history.

pic unrelated

No tranny has ever been marketed toward me, and I'm a fucking leftist. So either you're beating off to chicks with dicks, or you're into somebody like Blair White

Because just like everything else, men are better at it.

It's picking up your comments here on Jow Forums and thinks that's what you are into. Too bad there's not a way to anonymize that captcha thing.

Just because I call someone a piece of shit, doesn't mean I need to see a toilet paper advert. But, that's AI for you. It knows keywords and then matches them to the videos.

Attached: biniam-bizuneh-am-i-in-a-museum.jpg (640x781, 33K)

Contrapoints keeps being marketed to me. Not a leftie and not a tranny lover. What did kikes mean by this?

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it's ramona flowers, the original blue haired hottie.

Attached: ramona.png (990x688, 815K)

thats a chick, she was Ramona in Scott reddit vs the world

Redpill answer in pic.

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because you're still on youtube.
go to bitchute, nigger.

Thank God. I thought I was gay for a second.

are those bags under her eyes due to lack of sleep or digestive problems? i get them pretty bad when i have junk food.

it's Jow Forums newfag

sissy hypno has begun to affect normies

that's one hot looking tranny...

because the algorithim has determined that you are a faggot and will need the make-up skills for when you transition like every sissy wh*Te boy should.

She was irresistible is Fargo

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stop showing passable trannys nigger. your confusing my dick