Well, Jow Forums...

Well, Jow Forums, what are we going to do when this nigger becomes James Bond and half the whites in the country go see it like they did Black Panther? Obama, Black Panther, 00nigger, when are these white faggots going to wake the fuck up?

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Is he a good actor? That's all that matters. If the film has a good script, story and the actors are good, I don't give a shit.

Theyll wake up when they realize that minorities are squeezing them out of their political power. And when that day comes, theyll literally become the nazis we larp as

Not give a fuck about a dying medium and their empty zog heroes.

I don't pay for anything from Hollywood and I don't pay for TV or any of those streaming services, even though I have a friend who offers me all the movies and TV shows I could possibly want to watch for free I don't watch any of them because I hate all propaganda media.

Idris Ebola is an accurate representation of LOICENSE-land though. They could have him hunt down the last remaining British nationalists, the people who only want a small immigration increase rather than a large one.

unironically this.
Stupid special snowflake stormniggers

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You faggot cucks only say this for when a mud plays a white character, when it's the other way around you bitch endlessly.

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>If the film has a good script
The problem with bond films is the script is usually a piece of shit. If they are going to force a bail bond onto else it better be worth it