50% risk

>Starting a family as a man before 35

Legit, what's the point? I'm in my prime. My ego is through the roof. Feel like a Golden God. World is at my fingertips. I feel like I can make an impact from here to Taiwan.

Let's potentially throw all of that away in the biggest risk that we'd put ourselves in, ever.

Because that makes sense.

This isn't a blackpill thread btw - If I lived in a country that gave a shit about marriage it'd be different, though my youth culture doesn't; nope.jpg

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Who is this qt?

Your evolutionary purpose is to procreate and have a family. It will eat away at you when you realize it's too late. But hey, you got to smash some 4/10s and had money for that epic xbox one. What a life bro.

Not op but I have a xbone and I am starting a family before my 30's.
It's a stereotype to assume anyone who is a "gamer" also can't into trades or grow gardens or have a house or a wife...
But this board bases all it's beliefs on stereotypes, the infection is complete who am I to think one random shitpost will change that

Is that pewds?

Had my first at 23

Unless your wife is way younger than you, you're gonna have a downie kid, starting a family at 35.
Also, there's plenty of things you can do to avoid being part of that 50%, you're not a robot.

>Your evolutionary purpose is to procreate and have a family.

Which you can do when you're 35+

>Also, there's plenty of things you can do to avoid being part of that 50%

Younger women are more confused than ever by modern youth culture lol. However much personal growth you achieve won't mean shit when your former traditional gf is swayed by friends, coworkers, social media, etc

And i'm not talking about some weird scenario of her hoeing out - but rather just...Ditching you to start a-new rather than cultivate it. That seems to be an increasingly popular trend.

Likely happens equally with both men and women

I have 3 kids with 3 different women and i have no contact with any of them.
When they are 18, i will get back in touch with them.

And the reasons are simple. My seeds live on, and i dont need to pay child support.

if you have your kids 50% of the time or maybe every other weekend, you are basically fucked.
With 50% you dont need to pay child support, but you will be wasting your time with some bratty child that will give you little to nothing back.
If you have the kids every other weekend, then you need to pay a ton in child support, while the kids will be raised by their no good mothers that will talk shit about you all the time.
This is how you become nothing more than an ATM for your kids.

People say that you will regret it if you dont have kids. How is that?
They will exploit you as a free babysitter when youre a grandparent, and if you end up in some home, they treat you more like a drag to their own lives.

im 28 years old, and im very happy with my choices.

>>Starting a family as a man before 35
>Legit, what's the point? I'm in my prime. My ego is through the roof. Feel like a Golden God. World is at my fingertips. I feel like I can make an impact from here to Taiwan.
>Let's potentially throw all of that away in the biggest risk that we'd put ourselves in, ever.
>Because that makes sense.
>This isn't a blackpill thread btw - If I lived in a country that gave a shit about marriage it'd be different, though my youth culture doesn't; nope.jpg

fucking lol. go get 'em tiger!

Do the kids have father figures in their lives, or are they being raised only by single mothers?
If not, you're an honorary nigger who deserves to be deloused ASAP.

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do what you want before you get too old (lets say 45) then find a 18-25 y/o to start a senpai with. women are the ones that shouldn't wait to have kids. don't even bother with women over 25-28, thats how you get fucked up kids with gyno and autism n shiet. guys have been brainwashed into thinking they have to marry/procreate with the female version of their best friend and they end up settling down at age 30-35 with a 30-35 y/o women with bad eggs. seriously, a 30+ y/o female is useless. im not even being a misogynist it's just biology. women just age fast as fuck. males have good sperm up until they die, not that you should wait that long obviously. if society were perfect we would still have our courtship rituals and start big families before we reach age 25. you can thank high industry and liberalism for the loss of that. pic not related

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>If not,
I meant to say "If it's the latter,..."

Fuck, I forgot to sage.

>This isn't a blackpill thread btw


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I hope the black boyfriends your old mates have are good role models.

also u look like a fag

>obvious faggot
>starting a family

Oh U

>OPs pic is a twink

*notices bulge*
OwO wuts dis

Bump for the hot guy

>start family in 20s
-live out a second childhood in an appropriate manner rather than being a man child
-foolproof, no-choice ultimatum to grow up and be as productive as possible
-your children will be of a proper status to take care of you when you're older
-work tirelessly and have to make tough decisions to provide for your family
-added stress will greatly increase the chances of a trouble marriage resulting in the classic mid-life crisis
-give up a leisurely lifestyle that abides time to both enjoy yourself and concentrate on forming a career
>start a family in your 30s
-already have money and a career to provide without added stress or having to cut corners
-have more experience as a wiser person and know what to look out for after knowing friends and family who have raised children
-have more of a legacy to bestow onto your children and be a more accomplished figure they can look up to in their adolescent years
-old and gray by the time they are getting out of high school, older still to help raise grandchildren
-less energy to do hands on parenting
-more set in your own ways and likely to be more overbaring

I believe the best moment to have children as a man in this day and age is at around 30 years-old.

>Don't have kids at all
Have all the time and excess cash you'll ever need
Provide for your own care in retirement
Spend as much as you want on your many hobbies
Do whatever you want, when you want
Sleep in whenever you feel like
No screaming kids

...it literally doesn't get any better, anons...