Should I go to college or learn a trade

should I go to college or learn a trade

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Learn a trade at college.

what does it say on his hat

is that what you did?

Why not both?

If you have to ask the question, you're probably not cut out for any actually useful college educated profession.

Enter Trade (electrician) at 17-18, get licensed by 22-23, go to college if you feel like you know what you're aiming for. Trades will open your eyes, and probably give you more motivation to strive for something greater in post secondary education. You'll also have some money saved up for school.

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Best thing is first learn a trade, then go to college.
I learned to repair cars then went to school to become a mechanical engineer. Best way to do it. Most mechanical engineers are not mechanically inclined, knew one who didn't even know how to put air in his tires.

i regret going to university every day but i have to finish it because i'm already in debt for it ($15k, not too bad but i have to take care of it), but I would have rather done a trade or do a gap year backpacking in europe. i'd do a doctorate or masters but I don't want to spend even more money, so I'm stuck with this bullshit business degree and can hope for a mid tier office job.

College. Trades are for low education right wingers.

Do you have a well paying job lined up that would be worth the time and cost of college?
If not trade

what do you do

You should go to trade and learn a college.

Just get a job doing general labor at a decent sized company. The older men you work with will teach you everything they know and you'll end up a Foreman or lead in two years if you just show up everyday and work hard.

When you get laid off for to make way for Pajeet or Solomon youll wish you were making 100k a year doing honorable work like your Plumber and HVAC tech are

Go to college

Learn a trade make a bunch of money and then go to college if you still want, just dont take out student loans

Both. I have a MBA. I also weld, do electrical work and finish carpentry. I recommend diesel and heavy equipment repair, HVAC (then move to a resort town and be johnny on the spot for restaurants and bars - get paid cash.) or electric utility work. These are all good and necessary jobs that nobody thinks of and are always in demand. You need a back-up plan when the corporate jobs dry up.

Depends on what you like to do, if you really like working with your hands maybe trades is for you. Engineering is good mix of on-site and office work

That is pointless. You're just fucking around

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