Attached: FROGGAH.jpg (246x232, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread: today shooting&pc=MOZI&form=MOZLBR

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All "HAPPENING" threads posted with an image that says
are mossad shills.

>Be American
>Get shot

Lol fucking yanks

>nigger shootings
>a happening
pick one

>>Be American
>>Get shot

>Be Mossad
>Fuck up

Attached: 1524305832837.jpg (698x710, 115K)


Attached: Sam-hyde.jpg (233x267, 14K)

Fucking terrorist pieces of shit, did we not kill enough of you faggots yet?
It is time for TOTALE KREIG in the ME!

Attached: BÜMP.jpg (948x532, 87K)

Bump for moar info.

>shooting in muriland
Top kek, going back to sleep lads.

Cheese and Burger. This is gang related

Attached: 1497155147563.jpg (240x226, 11K)

Something about nothing of value..

fuck pissburgh


Attached: 590fce6417000024005a5454.jpg (720x745, 62K)

This is Canada tier. We can do better

Bump for something other than shitty unite the right threads

Attached: 1524423807826.jpg (513x287, 13K)

>Be Bongistanian
>Have no freedoms

>Be Mutterican
>Be mongrel non-white
>Have no freedoms either except guns


I live close, Pittsburgh is going the route of Detroit. Noggs shooting eachother every day now. It didn't used to be this way

It’s not a happening every time some nigger shoots other niggers. I smile a little bit each time it happens because I know one less leach is getting my tax dollars.

Aw, did some Bobby nick your unlicensed cheese grater, Nigel?


Q predicted this

oy vey

>be the most hideous people on the planet
>b-b-b-but you're not white mutt
You people are disgusting and you are getting what you deserve. Don't forget to turn in your spare bike parts because they are weapons.

Attached: averagebongwoman.jpg (1600x1066, 284K)

> Pittsburgh

probably Jamal and Tyrone shooting each other because drug deal went wrong

>culturally diverse

Attached: culturally diverse.png (440x76, 6K)

I thought white people didn't commit violence? WTF????

live stream where


So, a typical day?

Forced meme
>Calling others hideous
>Your people are disgusting
Are you even white? Lmao, post your obese fucking hand so we can all laugh at you.

Attached: 844.jpg (898x954, 179K)

>Don't forget to turn in your spare bike parts because they are weapons.
What the fuck man, relax.

Bongs are retarded and nonwhite, but thats just harsh.
Quit picking on him

Your link doesn't mention there being an active shooter

You wouldn't try to lie to us in order for your thread to get more attention, would you user?

Post your teeth you disgusting, lazy, European.

Attached: IMG_20180812_215510508.jpg (3120x4160, 3.99M)

>Bongs non white
t. Joey Gomez

Lmao Americans really are 56%, the butter knife meme and the rest is just a meme

but Americans really are mongrels

Guarantee im whiter than you mohammed

Clean your room and lose some weight

>Basedtroller on the floor
>Room a mess
>Still in mom's basment
>Non-white spic
Americans sicken me. A pig like people

>the names bond, mohammed bond

Lay off the monster and bud light.


No, dude. I live in Pittsburgh. This is whitetopia. It's all a bunch of white dogfuckers elitists. The average Jow Forumstard would love it here.

I guarantee you're not Gomez

You're a mongrel mutt

You're not white at all

next level leddit spacing there ali

My last name is vandermulen.


Yeah........don't think so somehow

Get out of here jordan peterson.
Try again, nice deflection though. You are getting BTFO by everyone in here yet you persist.

Reddit spacing is a meme to spot newfags who think it exists
Go to earliest Jow Forums archive and whaddya see?
Fuck off sub 105 IQ animal

False flag plan B after the UtR op flopped?

I'm getting "BTFO" by no one, lmao. You really are a fat American dunce.
All you have is memes about spoons, I'm talking reality

Oh get the fuck out, it's in East Liberty, and all of the victims have non life-threatening injuries. It's absolutely fucking nothing

>I'm talking reality
Bong you haven't known what reality is in a very long time.

Attached: tru.jpg (4264x2768, 925K)


Nigel is throwing a tantrum, and it's glorious

Attached: 1534017790512.gif (320x240, 1.73M)


He's black

You can tell how miserable brits are by how hostile they are. It is hilarious.

>Oy vey! Zionist Trump will save us hehehee
The utter state of these pig like fucks, disgusting

Not really, just stating fact, Gomez.

whiter than u

Well done, Muslim dog. You graduated from using a new paragraph for every sentence to only using a new line. You can do it.

>Naughty words
Sensitive little daisy

>probably Jamal and Tyrone shooting each other because
Remember that one nigger doing a livestream on a street corner, and some Tyrone just walked up and shot him - live.
They ain't smart enough for the "because."

Irrelevant proxy
We know it's you mongrel

Hmmmmm, sliberty, eh? Not Mr Rogers neighborhood.

Yeah it's definitely me who is being over sensitive kek.

Attached: commies.png (515x500, 253K)

It definitely is, yes, you're correct.
Mongrel pig

JIDF tactic: Be rude. Don't allow polite discussion.

and yet you immediately stopped using reddit spacing after being called out

But it was FROGGAH.jpg with all capital letters user!
That means it must be legit!
but seriously though you'd think they'd change it after we noticed the first few times.
If mossad is shilling it, it's a white shooter.
If it's a white shooter, I think it's because of the rich russell suicide.
Whites are seeing it. And they're angry.
Very very angry.

no they fucking deserve it if they're going to keep shitting up the website
and we all know it happens too

I live in Pittsburgh. Trust me, all 4 were niggers.

Pittsburgh is literally one of the whitest cities in the country and if you just go outside of the city. It's 99% white-tier demographics.

Trust me, dude. You'd love it here. You can fuck all the dogfucker white girls you want.

>Everyone who makes fun of my retardation is a proxyfagging burger

>Pittsburgh is whitetopia.
65% white. 26% black.

I almost scrolled past this. I'm getting too used to this.

Keep up the good work, maybe once white bongs grow a pair you can take your country back and we can be friends. Until then, please continue to stay mad. Also you never posted your teeth. I guarantee not a single one lines up in your entire mouth.


Attached: EastLiberty.png (649x785, 837K)

The shills started a fucking Ritchie Russel general. They are desperate.

What is
>East Pittsburgh
>Every city ending in 'hood'

Sly dog.

Attached: 1383904167734.png (429x420, 224K)

>Be American
>Worship jewish cock

I hope you get nuked

The Americans are the living refutation of the Cartesian axiom, "I think, therefore I am": Americans do not think, yet they are.

Your president is a Zionist with a Jewish family. WTF do you mean JIDF? Lmao get a fucking grip on reality, man

I didn't, I type however I feel

Americans aren't white, so I highly doubt it

Proxy go away

>Grow a pair
Your country is the most degenerate place on the Earth. Grow a pair of what? Nukes to eviscerate your hellish country from Earth? You export most degeneracy in the world

You think you're free because you can buy guns... lol, fucking bunch of jokers. You're a slave until you die mongrel

It won't end how they think.
This case makes us sad, and angry.
But not suicidal.
It won't end well for them.
>11 posts by this ID

Their goal is to paint Jow Forums as a place that sees this man as a "hero" or some shit. Just like they spammed shitty Nasim memes.

shot =/= dead. fuck off with your lie pushing bullshit you faggot ass shit stain.

Attached: violence.jpg (388x443, 151K)

Brewaking 3 shot in Milwaukee


>Tfw most of the white people are fucking ancient, average age is literally like 45 for the entire region
>Tfw all of the young white people are faggots

I hope faggots will flood the real estate market in my suburb so I can cash out

This, no person died.

Attached: 1519801213609.jpg (2000x1000, 726K)

>You think you're free because you can buy guns... lol, fucking bunch of jokers. You're a slave until you die mongrel
The fucking irony. Bong please stop, my sides can only take so much.

Attached: 200.gif (267x200, 1.96M)

Not national but still immediate news coverage

racewar now.
im so fucking ready.

>Not living in North Hills
>Not living in South Hills

Attached: TyMXLoa.jpg (1174x1159, 105K)

You know it's true in your heart

Awww dont get mad Kalib.
Maybe after all this middle east mess is over we can restore our nations to what they once were.

Quit while you are ahead nigel you live in a glass house.

Attached: FB_IMG_1534078415323.jpg (695x695, 43K) today shooting&pc=MOZI&form=MOZLBR
holy shit

Oy vey!