Seriously, when can we expect this probe to wrap up? Is Giuliani trying to set the narrative by saying September 1st?

Seriously, when can we expect this probe to wrap up? Is Giuliani trying to set the narrative by saying September 1st?

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at least until november goy, what are you a traitor?

> drumpf is a criminal he can never run
> drumpf is going to have an October surprise that finishes his campaign off
> d-drumpf will be impeached by the first year
You are here
> d-d-drumpf will never make it through the midterms (lol) mueller will create the blue wave
> mueller will take down drumpf before the next election
> mueller will indict Drumpf before he can abolish the IRS, then we’ll finally get to see his taxes
> mueller has a mountain of evidence, he arrest drumpf the minute he comes back from the first diplomatic trip to the planet Elon
> Mueller’s legacy: how these young people are taking on the case of the millennium, left unsolved after 200 years: did the Israelis really hijack the last presidential election of the United Galactic Empire?

Mueller's always been a coverup guy. They don't have enough to take down Trump, but they're going to blame the murder of Seth Rich on the Russians. Screen cap this.

Why is Trump rushing the investigation? Does he want to go to jail that bad?

>The right man in the wrong place can make all the diffffference in the world...

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He's a beaurocRAT.

If Mueller has nothing on Trump, I fully expect this investigation to last Trump's entire term. We're already 2 years into this and Mueller shows no signs of slowing down, he is literally there to keep the Russian narrative going with his indictments of Russian troll farms. Mueller has been a clutch player in trying to derail Trump's attempts of having peace with Russia.

I don't even care anymore. I just want to see the world burn.


9/11 = 0.818181818 = 8/18/18

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Basically. I just don't want to wait any longer either way. I am craving the political drama and subsequent fallout

>Seriously, when can we expect this probe to wrap up?
How much longer can he stretch it out and for how long do Democrats and their pals in the media want it to?

You can expect the probe to end after the trials of 32 individuals under indictment are finished. There could be more but I imagine Mueller doesn't want to be working during his retirement so when he's done he'll finish.

Expect Don Jr or Jared indictment.

by christimas, or perhaps later than that

>implying this will ever end

Also guliani is trying to extend it so close to he election to be able to cry foul and say Mueller interefered with the election if any announcements are made.

Mueller is a modern day Javert. Has anyone even seen Les Miserables?

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It will go on Trump's entire Presidency, you dub fucking faggot. It's a witch hunt.

Obviously it will. There's a limited amount of data that exist reguarding the election. When they go through it , the probe will end.

Donald Trump is our version of Jean Valjean

the math checks out guys

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media and democrats will never allow it to end

Not anytime soon, Mueller is a DNC operative and the whole point of the Russiagate hoax is to delegitimize not only Trump and his supporters, but basically anyone opposing the far-leftist/Democrap establishment.

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It ends when too much of the GOP is caught in the crosshairs. We're getting close. By the time Nixon was forced out the party was really just protecting themselves. The trick is to hold onto most of what they've gotten from this scam while still managing to eject the fissile material. Thankfully, Democrats have so thoroughly pinned all of the shenanigans on Trump that the Party will probably be able to do the same and move on not nearly as scathed as Dems are hoping.

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Its gotten several guilty pleas, so if it's a which hunt, whiches exist.

It will never end because there is no crime. His appointment is totally unconstitutional by the way.

It will only end when Trump declassifies everything related to the shit they pulled.

What are u talking about. At some point it will end u stupid motherfuckers have like no grasp of reality.

>unrelated process crimes

Kill yourself shill

Trump's in no hurry - every day this investigation goes on without any direct implications against Trump is another failure for the DNC. They've invested millions of taxpayer dollars into this investigation and taken personnel and resources away from the FBI that could have been put towards other cases... and for what? Nothing.

Anyone who was on the fence about Trump before is, by this point, way more sick of hearing about MUH COLLUSION 24/7 on the news than they are of Trump.

?!?!?! He's gotten several guilty pleas ?!?!?

The planet Elon thing fucked me up

Democrats are going to do everything in their power to push this thing until 2020 so they can campaign on Trump's presidency being shrouded in controversy as if that was his fault.

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You know (((((they)))))) bit more than they could chew when conservative normie boomers aka once the biggest supporters of the FBI are turning against it.

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They're going to find "wrongdoing" and "collusion" but recommend no charges for anyone


Now fuck off back to rebbit

Why so u idiots make everything about trump the investigation is about Russian interference into the trump Russian? Did he cooperate with the Russians? No he fucking didn't Mueller is presecuting fucking traitors to our country why do u want him to stop.

It will wrap up in 2019. Mueller is going to run for prez in 2020. Screencap this.

He's not investigating collusion. He's investigating Russian interference into the election. Trump isn't Russian and didn't work with the Russians so he has nothing to worry about. He should be happy that Mueller is bringing law and order to the country.

It will be over by November
Then the enemy will pay

12 Russian GRU officers: These officers of Russia’s military intelligence service were charged with crimes related to the hacking and leaking of leading Democrats’ emails in 2016.

Untrue. Mueller is coming for Don Jr. and Kushner (have not been indicted yet) along with Manafort (already indicted) for meeting with Veselnitskaya.

Nevermind that nothing actually came of the meeting and that Cunton actually did pay foreigners to deliver false "intelligence" about her campaign rival. I have a feeling Mueller will drop these charges as close to the midterms as possible.

If he's really ballsy he'll try to get Trump over his tweets. I think that's less likely, but it very well may happen.

Mueller is the Deep State's greatest asset. He literally turned the FBI from a well-respected and somewhat honest law enforcement agency into a domestic spy ring. He also oversaw its politicization - what he and the FBI did to Curt Weldon is nothing short of shameful. Weldon was probably on to something; he constantly berated the FBI for not acting on intelligence that could have prevented 9/11. And Mueller's FBI destroyed his career and harassed his family for it.

Mueller is used to playing around with people who can't fight back. He's an arrogant faggot with a long history of harassing little people.

Trump is going to bend him over and fuck him harder than he could ever imagine. Trump literally knows everything about everything; the entire seditious conspiracy to depose him and overthrow the Duly Elected government of the United States. He has a knife to the chest of the entire Intelligence Community and he's waiting until November to stab them right in the heart.

Trump is going to declassify everything he needs to to expose Mueller/Comey/Rice/Obama/Clapper/Brennan for who they really are. This isn't Q shit - the writing has been on the wall since forever. Trump knows. And Trump is a killer. He's ready - he's been working his entire Presidency to set this up. And with his tweets recently I'd say the hour is drawing near. Buckle up.

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That would be nice, but it won't happen quite like that.

This. Bill Clinton was initially investigated for Whitewater, not a blowjob. But either way he committed a crime in the end.

I'm not seeing any collusion, now fuck off

This is vaguely homoerotic.

tempted to post this on GR twitter.

Trump isn't even being investigated.

((((Mueller)))) is a pillowbiter for sure.

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Find me the federal statue that list collusion as a crime. It's not a crime and Mueller isn't investigating collusion. He's investigating the intereferance in the election caused by the Russians to find any crimes that may be committed by individuals trying to influence our elections.

Fuck off with supporting a politically motivated witch hunt. Kys

Can you imagine if he comes up with nothing. Total democrate meltdown.

This is now a Boomer Art thread

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That's some strange propaganda to spread, my shill

>>Definitly supported the 4 year long investigation into Benghazi.

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What??? He's got guilty pleas already...he's prosecuting individuals that interfered with the election.hes not trying to get trump. He's trying to get criminals.

These arts are disturbing. For some reason it reminds me of the kind of art you see in JW magazines except it's political

>real tweets are propaganda!



By the 2150s we'll have an army of Mueller clones who spend their days sifting through the ever growing mountains of forged pee pee tapes. They occasionally communicate with one another in scattered fragments of legal jargon, having long since forgotten their purpose.

>Christian and patriotic art is like ew oh my science disturbing! *rips boong*

Found the lefty plebbitor.

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Reminder we aren't even a third of the length of investigating as Nixon was, and Trump hasn't had a SINGLE interview (not just with Mueller) but any media.
But apparently doing nothing is too much for this fat son of a bitch.


That's a Jew.

Bruce Ohr and beautiful wife Nellie testify before congress on the 8/28. Trust me it ends on 9/1.

THIS. Mueller just wants to drain the swamp.

Q predicted this

when the weather cools

the key difference in this instance is that, unlike Nixon, not only does Trump have literally nothing to hide (unless you count fucking supermodels and porn stars;) Trump has the goods on the seditious conspiracy to overthrow him. In Nixon's case, when the deep state came for him, he was somewhat in the dark.

Mike Rogers went straight to Trump Tower and told Our Don literally everything. Trump would NOT have tweeted that Obama "wiretapped" him unless he had absolute proof. There has been a slow leaking of information of key players in this seditious conspiracy..and the time is coming where it will all be laid bare.

Public information already incriminates Strzok/Ohr/Comey/McCabe/Page.

You just wait for the other shoe to drop.


Mark my words this will be the greatest political story of all time. Trump will (politically) stand atop Mueller's grave. And all the people who helped Mueller get to where he is now, too.

Clinton and Obama have their fingerprints all over this, by the way. Don't forget it was Clinton who hired Fusion GPS. And used the Obama government to launder that intelligence to get the FISA.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if one or both of them were literally in jail before it's all said and done.

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Rogers busted them all. Went to DOJ and FISC. All on record. NSA has it all, and the system alarm went off. Then he went to Trump.

BTW Hitler is a bum.

If they have the indictments, why do we need to continue the investigation? You can't introduce new evidence after a trial starts

Mr. 9/11 has no power of ending it. Remember when it was supposed to be wrapped up at the end of 2017?

And don't forget Clapper/Brennan tried to get his ass fired. They're next after Ohr. After them, we've got Susan Rice, Jeh Johnson, Lynch. After them...Clinton and Obama.

This is not going to end well for these people. Remember, Julius and Ethel (((ROSENBERG))) were fucking fried in the electric chair just for handing over some atomic secrets to the Russians. This is a literal coup attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States, orchestrated by an extremist, partisan cell operating inside the Government working with a political party to stop the free and fair election process and when that failed literally trying to depose a sitting President.

This is bar none the greatest political story of our time. It's going to shake our nation to its very foundations.

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I agree BTW but nothing triggers these faggots harder than seeing a good old Hitler/Nazi meme. This place is one of the only spots left on the internet where you truly have freedom of speech, and I'm going to use it god damnit.

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Mueller has said that shortly after he conducts his interview with trump the investigation will be ending and the final if any indictments will be issued.obviously the biggest concerns for most people is that trump is a narcasistic liar who exaggerates constantly so all his lawyers don't want him to testify but he will have to one way or another.they want to narrow the scope of the questions he's asked because they know he could very easily say something untrue and bam he's lying to the FBI (it's FBI agents conducting the probe) at the same time they know that if the Mueller is unsatisfied with limitations they are putting in his interview he can just subpoena trump and ask what ever they want to. Trump almost probably didn't commit many if any election related crimes In 2016 but he will lie to the FBI because he can't help himself. So everyone wants him to end the probe so he doesn't get the chance we to. IMO trump should just talk to Mueller to end the probe. If he clarifies his exaggerations when asked for refinement I'm sure Mueller will let it slide.

Also think about it for a second. Is there anything he could say in that interview that would make his fans stop liking him. He's litterally the most popular Republican of all time.


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can you clarify for me what you believe is going to happen w/ Ohr?

If Strzok testified and nothing happened then what makes you believe it will be different when Ohr does? J/W, I like your writing and agree, but I don't think Mueller is going to just drop this investigation after Ohr's testimony if he hasn't already (the corrupt nature of the investigation that lead to Mueller's appointment has been very clear for quite some time.)

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uhh.. never
the prick belongs in prison and everyone knows it
the colluders do whatever they want now
they're all in on it, so they all get away with it
remeber barky the fucking foreigner traitor had a muzzie for head Brenner