Bought a new laptop at the beginning of august

Bought a new laptop at the beginning of august.
Good moment to start nofap (keep laptop clean of smudge)
(((nofap))) is a scan, after 4 days switch to NoPorn.
Keep brosing /pol.
Almost half of the threats are with pornografic pictures of niggers and/or traditional white woman in a field...
lose :(
jerk off 6 times on one day, feel bad after the first 2, but the 3,4,5 and 6st already felt good.

That is why i'm hereby suggesting a automatic change pornografic pictures to bird pictures algorithm.

We must secure the existence of Jow Forums by stopping shit threats (like this one lol) as much as possible

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will keep bumping with birds

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That's not much in the way of self control dude. At that rate you'll to go school or at whatever and there will be girls dressed for summer and you'll have to start being that guy who whacks it in the toilet.

Instead of chasing pokemons. Buy a bird watching book and some binoculars and go bird watching.

Great pastime thing to do.
It forces you to look at the beaty of the local nature. No need to fly acros half the world. Just your own backyard.

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Knowing and caring about your local Flora and Fauna is what mister H would have wanted.

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Another shit bump

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>Stops jerking off
>Doesnt stop browsing Jow Forums
Im sure being on this dumpster fire of a website is worst than jerking off. Just as the benefits of not browsing Jow Forums for a month outweighs not masturbating for a month. Try it and see

God, I fugging love bird watching.
If only I were not under the influence of drugs and alcohol and was it not 5 am.

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How will I stay mad a nignogs and jews when I dont get my daily dose of hate?

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Another bird

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