2020 Dark Horse

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, etc... will not be the 2020 Democratic nominee. The last three Democratic presidents have been dark horses. Nobody was talking about Obama in 2006, Clinton in 1990, and Carter in 1974.

Going off the backgrounds of those three, the nominee will be someone in their fifties and have minimal experience in government.

My personal pick would be the governor of Rhode Island, Gina Raimondo. She meets the criteria above, is a hispanic woman, and can run on a unique moderate platform with her business background to bring back the blue collar voters that went with Trump in 2016.

What are your thoughts?

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For me, it’s Kamala

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faggot shill.
saged very hard

Attached: clinton has seizure in front of press, tries to play it off as a joke.webm (1280x720, 1.02M)

if they had any sense it would be Tulsi Gabbard

I can see Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, or maybe even Tammy Duckworth

Lambright is a democrat!

Attached: democrat.jpg (1604x912, 340K)

>What are your thoughts?
I really don't think a combination of the left's victim groups will be able to win.
It'll either be a minority or a woman, but not both. Both will put off too many people.
There are quite a few men who'd vote for a white woman but a sheboon or a spicy latinx would be too off putting.

Fuck off

You boys smell something..?

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Kamala was based fuck you

For me, its Wayne Lambright. The best candidate for POTUS.

elon musk

screencap this

With the dems going full socialist retard, whoever it is will be a full socialist retard.

This is true. Also, I don't think nogs would vote for a woman. Especially a black woman. They don't have liberal sensitivities about gender equality and shit.

>Tammy Duckworth
she will be VP at least

why would he waste his time. It would be a step down in his mind.

He was born in South Africa ya mong

>elon musk

the whole "media" feud makes me think he's got to be jew woke by now

if the dems were sane, they'd run someone like this

Ruben Gallego
>Congressman Ruben Gallego is the son of Hispanic immigrants, a veteran, and a community leader. He was the first in his family to attend college, graduating from Harvard University with a degree in International Relations. He later joined the Marine Corps, serving in Iraq with the well-known combat unit Lima 3/25.
>During his first term, Congressman Gallego fought tirelessly on issues including education, job creation, access to higher education, veterans’ issues, and immigration reform. Making Arizona a better place to live, work and raise a family is his top priority.
>In his first year in Congress, Congressman Gallego introduced the VETS Act, which would reduce the burden of student loan debt on veterans and has supported legislation to increase the hiring of veterans and provide additional benefits to wounded or deceased veterans and their families.
>Congressman Gallego helped lead the effort to strengthen and restore the Voting Rights Act in order to ensure that all Americans have access to the ballot box. He also authored legislation to encourage gun dealers to be stronger community partners in the struggle against gun violence and to crack down on irresponsible gun dealers.

Attached: Ruben_Gallego_official_photo.jpg (960x960, 80K)

nah, part of the Mueller investigation is to ensure no celebs dare to run for president again

I'm fairly confident it's going to be Joe Biden

but they're insane so they'll probably run some black muslim woman who runs on an economic platform that puts milkers cortez and Bernie to shame

She is Italian. Why do you idiots always confuse the two. I can tell the difference between a pole and germ, so why can’t you?

>googled his name
>Side wikipedia box has his height listed

Yeah no, ever since the dawn of television the taller candidate usually wins. The image of Trump literally towering over this man would be burned into the subconscious of every voter in the country.

Would you settle for a female asian, ex military, purple heart cripple commie lite who will say anything?

Elon would have to give up too much to be president.

Also he looks like a child

Hillary will run and give Trump a run for his money sadly.


Clinton gave the presidential nominating speech for Dukakis at the Democratic National Convention in '88, friend. Some dark horse.

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She was born in Thailand so she is ineligible

Martin Heinrich is that dark horse.
>Young and fit
>objectively attractive, women will support him because of this
>good orator
>from a border state, can win hispanics back
>basically Trump but with opposing positions
>accepts donations from lobbies he votes against
>can win the blue dogs back to the democratic party
>hip enough to get the DemSoc vote in the GE
>on all the best congressional committees
>everything Rubio wanted to be in 2016
>not a hispanic and not an anglo, has superior German genes

Attached: Heinrich-249x300.jpg (249x300, 16K)

And how many democratic voters remembered that in 92?

invisible on the national stage does not mean has never done anything on a national level. Stop being autistic.

throw in Warren or Booker as VP to increase turnout and you have a competitive race.

alright I didn't check his height before I posted that
my point still stands though
if they were to run someone like that who isn't a midget then they'd have a chance at winning

>military service
>2nd generation immigrant
>first in his family to go to college
>raised by a single mother
>cares about veterans
if they were sane they'd run someone like that, but their foaming at the mouth base won't allow it


After they get BTFO this year the democrats will go to war with each other, I'm not sure they'll be a viable party by 2020.

Dude they are not going to run vin diesel.

>To a US citizen
eligible as McCain ever wuz.

They will welcome the controversy as well. It will happen.

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Looks like a Jim Webb desu

Would be great in the main event but has a near vertical uphill battle in the primaries


Watch them run her as an (((outsider))) then act shocked and feign outrage that she destroyed all of the Democrat Jebs to rile up Democratic voter enthusiasm.

If not her then somebody else with the same tactic, any successful candidate will be pretending to be new blood and against the party establishment but really they are just a blatant swamp agent and population is to willingly ignorant/stupid to notice.

Corey would be a good choice but I feel like he's too stupid. He's like the poor man's Obama. I think it has to be a woman and Kamala could win the nomination now that the establishment Dems are so downtrodden.

If you wan't to know the truth, 2020 will be the year the world ends

think about it Jow Forumstards.

She has two prosthetic legs as well as a cane. She will come off as weak an helpless as videos of her aids helping her up stairs, into cars, etc... flood the internet. If you don't believe me, look up George Wallace's 1976 campaign.

>My personal pick would be the governor of Rhode Island

if only you knew how bad that corruption really is.

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>Looks like a Jim Webb desu
that's exactly the type of person the Dems need to run to get back all the normal people they're scaring away
they need a non-White or a female Jim Webb
preferably one that isn't 5 feet tall and doesn't look like he should be mowing the lawn in front of the White house

>Would be great in the main event but has a near vertical uphill battle in the primaries
that's why the DNC retained their super-delegates, senpai :^)

This could unironically work.

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>How dare you
She is a woman who served her country and gave her legs
>how dare you
If clinton had a purple heart, her health would be unassailable. Also as a side note, she had a baby in that condition. Some white rice burner put his beancurd in that legless bitch.

Didn't stop Clinton

He looks like my dad so i'd vote for him

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It'll either be Julian Castro or a white guy from a swing state

Jim Webb types are who the GOP should be continuing to pursue.


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>Jim Webb types are who the GOP should be continuing to pursue.
yes, and if the dems weren't raving lunatics they'd be trying to pursue those types as well

bump for Webb/Warren 2020

>She has two prosthetic legs as well as cane

She lost them in combat. Trust me, your average troop-thumping cucked conservatard loves that shit. Double plus bonus because she's a woman minority.

Throw on to that you put a wounded vet against "commander bonespurs" (I love Trump but this is a serious weakness as a candidate, if the military wasn't so ZOG'ed I would want it as a requirement for Presidency), there would be hell to pay


>who is FDR

Warren is a stupid bitch who shilled for Hillary last time. Fuck her right in the pussy.

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Tulsi Gabbard is my literal waifu

she has pretty bad acne scarring desu

>implying this isn't why I want her to run

There should be memes created about every viable candidate in this thread. These should not be spread through social media now but posted around here to get feedback then saved until needed.

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the black horseman wont show up till 2021
>rev 13
that's when venus is in leo but the sun in cancer
>ursa major
>leo minor
>leo major


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Clearly it will be Patrick Little....

The guy makes me cringe. Is he even factually accurate in most of his shit? I'm aware of the Jewish influence but even I question his credibility. I read actual sources and books written about it and by the Jews themselves. Why doesn't he just quote jews about their hatred for western civilization and then show the NGOs and other groups that single handily resulted in the immigration act of 1965 and help floods Europe with non-whites. How the architect of the EU created it to destroy Europeans? Why does he not have citations and sources on the ready if this is his job now? Oh wait that's because he apparently thinks all the minorities without Jews will get along hunky dory and all sing koombaifuckingya. He's running on social justice. Because fuck ethnic conflict that doesn't exist at all, nope. Why does he not have the numbers and data.

Furthermore Emily Youcis is following and supporting him? She gave no such vibes before. Why? We aren't sending our best pol. Hopefully he doesn't scare people away and them think Jewish influence doesn't exist.

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Only autistic people are persuaded by statistics.

Heinrich was NRA endorsed in 2010 or '12 and then flipped completely after some mass shootings happened.

People that care about facts and general trends in a population are autists? That's how you know something is true and not just anecdotal. That's a very important thing to know before you accept something. Especially when there is so much controversy around it. When everything you say is true then it gives people more confidence because they know they're right and you can't spin it any other way. I don't think autists are the only one's that care about that unless you are saying STEM is for autists only.

Having said that, as I said before the most biting shit there is he can't touch because of his platform which is apparently all non-whites will be fine in this country. Perhaps he thinks if we remove Jewish influence, whites will collective again and then be able to repatriot all non whites anyway and reclaim our countries. If so I understand that line of rational.

I honestly have to wonder if he's a sperg though and his camera man his handler. There were chances in this video for him to ask and interact with the audience and why they felt he was wrong. He could then discuss things with them from there which might convince the wider group of people listening. Instead all he does is go back to his memorized crap that most likely don't care about. I get he's learning and it's hard what he's doing but honestly...

People back then didn't know he was a cripple. The press covered that shit up. FDR would have zero chance in modern times