Flip Jack Posobiec's Gay Poll

All hands on deck! Get in here and destroy this hack's poll.


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I didn't know until this day that shills are real.

Jow Forums are the shills user.

i do denounce this autistic honeypot that glows like the brake pads of a runaway semitruck though

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this guy is a massive faggot who donates to leftist organizations just so he doesn't get called racist

>massive faggot

he was in the navy.

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Jew supporter poll

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Yes, I denounce the alt-right. It is ultimately a racist movement not in line with Americanism.


We all know these Faggots get their funding from Soros and get directions from CIA niggers!

What a retarted poll. Becease of the (((media))) everybody sees UniteTheRight as Nazi's. So supporting them means supporting nazi's. Ironically supporting nazi's is fine, like we are all doing. But very few acutal people will actually support them.

If you vote yes you are pic related

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What are the positions of Unite the Right anyway? How can I denounce if I don't know?

Racism is as American as apple pie
I denounce it as a honey pot but hate this faggot. Tough call

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intelligence officer means he peddles bullshit like non existent wmds so we can invade iraq etc etc etc

Fuck off CIA

Jow Forums doesn't have the energy or motivation to even flip twitter polls anymore. It's been downhill since the election.

yeah thats a typical american vacation spot, good place to bring the wife and kids on holidays too..
it's like disney world. except jews.

Let's go

you fags voting no are retarded
you dont denounce glowing nigger honeypots?

why do we give a shit about some asshat's twitter poll again?

Today was a textbook honeypot. Anything alt right nowadys is honeypot.
There is not a fine line between trump supporters and alt right. Alt right needs to go

This. Denounce the alt-right goy.

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I don't support Trump. Occasionally I'll support something he does, but his interests are not the same as mine.

Agreed my fellow MAGApede! I think that racism does not belong in America either. MAGA!

>navy seaman
>not a massive faggot


hi glowing nigger cia faggot fuck

At least he's getting slaughtered in the comments.

Why wouldn't we denounce glow in the dark CIA niggers?

I disavow everything
I denounce it all

Hi. I support the dissolution of the alt-right too. It's almost like we're working together.

Name two alt-right figureheads that aren't jewish. Richard Spencer doesn't count.

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hillary created the alt right, all you did was group up everyone together so you can pay people to commit violence to discredit them all
fuck off terrorist

Yeah, white advocacy movements are run by da joos, whatever that means. What's more important to me is standing against white interests and sliding back to class-based debate instead of race-based ones. As the most popular pro-white movement in America, the alt-right is the most dangerous and I'm glad it ends here.


This is probably a (((honeypot))) to collect newfag IPs, and block them from posting on Jow Forums.

kys nigger

>Disney world
>Not the epicenter of Jewishness outside of New York


Gas yourself

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Why even acknowledge it? WTF who cares.

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Because it's fun to troll this guy, why else?

im voting not just because i hate that fucking fag's face

false dichotomy lol

>"Former" Naval intelligence officer
>Promotes pizzagate disinformation PSYOP (to discredit exposure of actual child sex trafficking), as well as a bunch of other unfounded claims that are later conveniently discredited
>Makes a name for himself in the Alt-Right with "Rape Melania" hoax and "You are all GERBILS" charade
>Encourages dissident right to donate to antifa charity created in honor of crisis actress Heather Heyer

gee, I wonder why anyone would be suspicious of "Ratfucker" Jack...

Jack Probosiec just nuked the comments. Hundreds of comments wiped because regardless of how people voted, they still 100% called Jack out on his shilling for Soros and Antifa