This would be your country if we still believed in God

>this would be your country if we still believed in God

What are atheists babbling on about?

Attached: Traditional American Family.jpg (882x548, 116K)

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If you want to play this game, you should also acknowledge that European Christians will put people from another ethnic group, who convert to Christianity, above their own people.

This isn't to say that I think of Christian people as evil. Simply that you can't promote the positives of your belief system, without also acknowledging the negatives. Especially if your point was to promote a homogenous society.

>Generations of white Europeans create ethonostate in America
>jews move to american in 1900
>degeneracy promoted soon after
>mass immigration 60 years later

Pure coincidence. It's not us goy, it's the big bad Christians!

Attached: i wonder whos behind this post.jpg (960x720, 52K)

Truth is simple just people derps and complicate it.

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You may have a point, but without a Christian doctrine guiding them. I would argue it would never have happened to begin with.

75% of americans """believe""" in god. No one cares about the BIBLE anymore.

Biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever read. Once saved always saved. This is the kind of nonsense that makes me hate christians. You have replaced honor, with prayer. Integrity with submission to a jewish god.

Dude, the average American is now so fucking stupid I don't give two shits what they believe.