This is the original anglo. ALL Brits, Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders are descended from him

This is the original anglo. ALL Brits, Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders are descended from him.

Notice anything, Jow Forums?

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2018-08-13 um 06.09.02.png (639x588, 311K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this was written by a berg?

he looks like the kind of guy who would avoid a political rally.

evolution is a jewish lie

What's your point? He's not a black man and that's why people love parroting this story. They want to think "we're all African so who cares if whites become minorities in their own countries!".

Notice anything?

Attached: King Tut Was White.jpg (480x720, 66K)

Attached: Different Dieties Throughout History With Blue Eyes.jpg (800x300, 227K)

Attached: Blonde Haired Blue Eyed Egyptian KANGZ.jpg (700x556, 99K)

*Woops* that didn't go the way Op 3xp3ct3d

Attached: Blonde Haired Blue Eyed Egyptian KANGZ 2.jpg (845x403, 104K)

>The analysis also ruled out an ancestral link with individuals inhabiting Gough’s Cave 5,000 years earlier, who appear to have performed grisly cannibalistic rituals, including gnawing on human toes and fingers – possibly after boiling them – and drinking from polished skull cups.

White people BTFO


this was debunked within a week of its being posted. try to keep up desu

We wuz early Brits n shit

WE invented Fish n chips.

Cheddar man ain't shit, Mozzarella man came way before him, and he was white.

In b4 "Cheddar Man" Is a new racial slur


niggerloving scientists backpedaled less than a week after that article came out, saying they couldn't really tell skin color

She still doesnt look like a nigger though. Just different color skin. What makes a nigger a nigger is their brain anyways.

Headline says:

>The first Britons were black, Natural History Museum DNA study reveals

Paragraph from the article:

>“The combination of quite dark skin and blue eyes is something that we don’t imagine is typical, but that was the real appearance of these people, something that’s quite rare today,” said Professor Chris Stringer, research leader in human origins at the Natural History Museum.

So what is it, "black" skin or "quite dark"? What does "quite dark" mean? Just significantly darker than modern Europeans?

For another estimation on what dark skinned European hunter gatherers probably looked like see pic related:

>Hunter-gatherer European had blue eyes and dark skin

And even if Cheddar Man had "black" skin that does not mean he was Sub Saharan African. Race isn't just skin color.

Attached: Western hunter-gatherers.png (637x400, 549K)

Thank God we evolved, I'd hate to be a nigger.

So we literally can't be racist? Do I get to pull the "1/32th card" during debates on race and gender?


Imagine my shock that the (((first english man))) was also androgynous.

Chimpanzees have dark skin too. No one is saying we're different species, just that thousands of years of evolutionary pressure is more than enough to cause a change in average intelligence, just like it causes a change in average muscle strength, bone density, and whatever else.

that is NOT A BRITON. the people we descend from came far later (first a celtic speaking people, like the irish, and later a britonic speaking people, like the welsh). these goblins were obliterated and replaced by our ancestors millennia before recorded history began. calling this a briton is completely pernicious and inaccurate.

he would not have survived at that latitude with black skin. vitamin d deficiency would have caused him to be extremely deformed and sickly.

The original sculpt was white but they made him into a nigger after the Kalergi plan kicked into full speed.

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>Brits had black skin but not the glowing white teeth.

Color me shocked.

>ALL Brits, Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders

No we're decedents of the Beaker Folk who migrated into Britain from the Rhine delta and wiped out Cheddar Man's people.

That white people evolved and ahitakins are shit?

Source btw:

key quote: “At least 90% of the ancestry of Britons was replaced by a group from the continent. Following the Beaker spread, there was a population in Britain that for the first time had ancestry and skin and eye pigmentation similar to the majority of Britons today.”

>shoots himself in the leg with his own bow

It's already been debunked. The Jew on the team gave the man black skin just cause, the genetics team was mapping the skull structure.

There's no chance their skin was that dark, not it upper latitudes like this where dark skin will get you killed due to lack of Vitamin D deficiency. At most his skin was medium brown like an American Indian.

Attached: they did.gif (350x350, 25K)

This was already debunked

based and redpilled


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>these goblins were obliterated and replaced by our ancestors millennia before recorded history began
Kek, I remember reading a R. E. Howard story about exactly that.

ok cool, that means its ok to open up the borders to everyone yaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssss

((( somethingsomethingshekelstein )))

Try again, Moishe.

What if the black israelites were correct except the other way around? Whites actually ruled over ancient kingdoms and we were swapped with blacks to distance us from our heritage?

>ALL Americans
Not all Americans came from Britain, idiot. You forget Scandinavian countries, Ireland, etc.

wait hol up so you iz tellin me I wuz black n shiet?

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We evolved?





We aren'tbdescended from his, but 10-25% of British women descend from his female relatives.

And European women do descend from black niggers like him. This is why white men prefer Asian women. They are less niggerish.

Sounds real scientific there bub

>not coming from one of the most proud BLACK places on earth a.k.a Britain
move a long whytoid

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Blue eyes came from Indo-Europeans who didn't reach Britain until about 2500-3000 years ago

ay yo wait a sec.... you tellin me that niggaz was kangz? but if das rite... and if dis rite.... dat meanz im a kang too, sheeeeit

Europe was populated by males from fully white Indo European cultures like Samara and Andronovo hijacking black European WHG females. "White" women are basically bleached out niglets.

This is why white women often have gargoylic jiggerish features and subhumanly long legs, and stink like every form of human excreta.

No they aren't.

Attached: 1509301822323.png (625x773, 112K)

Probable Mediterranean dark as in south Europe

I preferred the 1993 rendition of Cheddar man.

>find a few pieces of bone
>suddenly you can sculpt to the finest detail something that supposedly lived a looooooooooooooooooooong time ago
>people fall for it

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So nigger lived in caves in till they evolved into white people and built civilizations?

Attached: makes you think.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

what happened to le 56%?

he didn't say african americans or spics now did he?

Tutankhamen was white.

We were kings, you were dick washers.

Attached: Solutrean_Atlantis_Civ.jpg (4132x3151, 2.19M)

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yeah but they weren't africans, they just had darker sin lol

Europids hadnt developed white skin yet.
But they were still europids/cro magnons.

Attached: Solutrean_macro_3.png (2608x2800, 963K)

>Ancient ‘dark-skinned’ Briton Cheddar Man find may not be true

>A Briton who lived 10,000 years ago had dark brown skin and blue eyes. At least, that’s what dozens of news stories published this month – including our own – stated as fact. But one of the geneticists who performed the research says the conclusion is less certain, and according to others we are not even close to knowing the skin colour of any ancient human.

based muh cheddar men honorary alt-righter + 2+2channer

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Except Anglos aren't from Britain but from Germany.