Redpill me on Trayvon Martin. What actually happened?

Redpill me on Trayvon Martin. What actually happened?
There's no way Zimmerman killed him for no reason like everyone insists

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That’s where you’re mistaken user, he dindu nuthin

Watch this.

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no spoonfeeding for retards
shit thread shill thread

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Just read the Wikipedia article and you will be convinced that Zim Zam was film flammed

Fuck off shill

>Zimmerdude patrols neighborhood
>Sees suspicious chimp
>Follows chimp
>Confronts chimp
>Chimp chimps out
>Starts bashin' Zimmerdude's head on pavement
>Zimmerdude draws, puts one through chimps heart
>Chimp dies

The end

The media stirred the pot using pictures like you posted that showed him as a kid and even altered the 911 call to make zimzam look racist. Trayvon chimped out on the wrong person and he was carrying a gun. Zimmerman also is kind of crazy from all the arrests he has had since the trial and shouldn't have followed him. If trayvon didn't chimp out he would be alive today

he din du NUFFIN

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Killed him for the crime of being a nigger.

>35 minutes

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Police told him not to pursue. He did anyway. Travon confronted him and assaulted him for following him. Zimmerman shot him. End of story. Dumb fuck shouldve listened to the police instead of acting like one.

Eh, this was during the golden era of Molyneux before he cucked out for the trump movement. I recommend watching it. Hint: he takes the zimzams side completely

Misunderstood Nigger just doing his thing. Got a College Degree for getting his ass kicked in a fight. Go Figure

Let me guess, you bet on the Nigger to win the fight.

OK the TLDR is as follows:

The person known as "Trayvon Martin" never actually existed. The man that George Zimmerman killed was actually a deep cover FBI operative known as "Jaffa." "Jaffa" had reason to believe that Zimmerman was a member of a White Nationalist terror cell planning an attack that would rival the Shoah where 6,000,000 Jews died (which never actually happened, but should have.)

There is only one known image of the agent known as "Jaffa" see attached.

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10 min vid explains it all

Underrated Post

>Police told him not to pursue. He did anyway.
Wrong. 911 operators aren't the police. They have no legal authority. And he was told not to follow Trayvon partly for his own safety. The same instructions are always given to anyone who remotes a suspicious person.

>walking around late at night
>oh shit nigger someone is following me
>could run away, or call the police, or knock on a neighbor's door or some shit
>decide to start a physical confrontation instead
>complain when you get shot in self defense

Zimmerman didn't actually do anything illegal. Following someone isn't a crime. 911 dispatchers cannot issue lawful orders. You can't just assault someone who hasn't touched you just because they are behaving weird.

He got what he deserved desu

*reports, not remotes

probably all fake (see but we should exhume Trayvon and shoot him again just in case

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here's a more concise one

who else here was around for one of the greatest moments in Jow Forums history? I will never, never forget "Jaffa Calling" as long as I live. God DAMN that was fucking funny. With that and the fat nigger cunt Rachel Jeantel basically being a walking meme, IMO this was the high point in Jow Forums's history. Other than Election Night 2016 of course.

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>Treecoon tried to play the knockout game with a 56% goblino.
>Treecoon lost.

He talked to dispatch, nice try

Fake race bait event. Trayvon was photographed in the tarot card hanged man position. If you see the picture of Zimmerman with his fake bloody nose, it's practically sliding off.

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Who will play him in the eventual biopic?

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Watch the Trial,

The TLDR version is the neighborhood patrol captain was patrolling his neighborhood when he spotted a sketchy guy in a hoodie. He followed him but Trayvon in the Hoodie gave him the slip. Trayvon went back to confront Zims after he gave him the slip and started kicking the shit out of him. After for screaming for help for a minute(was recorded and even Trayvons dad denied it was him screaming) Zimmerman put one bullet in him and Trayvon died.

The End.

The media reported only manipulated data and showed only the parts of the trial that would be 'controversial' if you didn't have the whole picture.

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you fuckers deeply disappoint me for not remembering Jaffa Calling. God damnit stop making me feel old.

Hey, since this is a Zimmerman thread, I'll ask here, does anyone have the cartoon of Trayvon and Mike Brown in hell?

I'm actually a supervisor in a 911 center.
The instructions we give have no legal authority. It mostly for liability and to prevent the cops from shooting your ass by mistake when they get there.

>Current Reddit infested Jow Forums
>Having been here long enough for the Zimzam
Nice joke.

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Trayvon Martin was a fucking nigger, Zimmerman saw his chance to get rid of one and gave it a shot. Fucking low IQ savage niggers.

A spic with massive mental health issues killed a nigger teenager. There's nothing strange about it.

this, it's also important to note that there was mountains of evidence that supported this being the case, but the media refused to report on it and tried to paint the picture of it being a white man shooting a nog for the lulz. The gun jammed after firing one round because the slide hit zim's chest as he was laying on his back being enriched. The gun powder spray on his shirt and Trayboon's hoodie also backs this up.

The way the media handled this whole thing is like babies first redpill on how the media operates. They don't openly lie usually, they just bury inconvenient facts.

He was following Trayvon at first, but stopped after the operator told him not too. Trayvon then went home and came back to attack zimmerman

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>no legal authority
wow, that's just as much authority as Zimmerman had! The prick had no right to run around playing vigilante batman and got his ass beat by a child. The 9/11 operators were exactly right to instruct him to piss off for exactly this reason — he was only a liability to himself and others.
He had no authority to play policeman, judge or jury, and certainly not executioner. Anyone who believes in the rule of law, i.e. anyone who isn't a nigger themselves, understands this.

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>If a man jumps on you and tries to dash your brains out on the pavement your supposed to let it happen

anything to prevent the loss of a black bull right?

>be neighborhood watch
>have no right to protect your neighborhood
Are you fucking retarded?

>If a man jumps on you and tries to dash your brains out on the pavement your supposed to let it happen
when you cause it, yes. You reap what you sow. Cause and effect, baby. Trayvon was standing his ground, as per the rule of law

calling yourself 'neighborhood watch' doesn't mean shit, and does not supersede any actual authority whatsoever, dipshit.

harassing some niglet walking home isn't protecting your neighborhood. What part of the rule of law don't you undestand?

>Not physically assaulted
>Not even on your own property
That's not what "stand your ground means."

>The castle doctrine is a common law doctrine stating that persons have no duty to retreat in their home, or "castle", and may use reasonable force, including deadly force, to defend their property, person, or another. Outside of the abode, however, a person has a duty to retreat, if possible, before using deadly force

having fun as Israel's personal lapdog, grunt? Because there's no way you're a nip

Zimmerman stopped pursuing Trayboon as requested by the 911 operator, walked all the way home which was 7 or 8 houses from the junction where Zimmerman was, and then turned around and came back to ambush Zimmerman. That isn't standing your ground or any form of self defense. Are you literally retarded or just throwing out boring bait?

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>Police told him not to pursue

That was dispatch. Not police.
>Dispatch does not create laws, has no authority
>No proof of what GZ did after being told to stop following TM

You’re using the standard nigger argument. I know the mind of a nigger prevents three demensional though, which is why you and your fellow apes were outraged by the verdict.


A teenage nig nog tried to flim flam the Zim Zam. You can not flim flam the Zim Zam.

Are you illiterate? The Wikipedia paragraph you just copied supports what I said. If you're not in your own home and you attack someone without trying to runaway, it's not standing your ground.

>B-But your flag!
I never claimed to be Japanese, and I'm not part of the US military. You're an idiot.

Loser vs. Loser.
Loser lost.

He was killed by a brown man so whites have to pay now.

>operators were exactly right to instruct him to piss off for exactly this reason

That doesn’t nullify FL’s stand your ground law. How come the prosecutor wasn’t successfully able to make your argument to the jury consisting exclusively of women?

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he didn't follow zim, he was walking home when he encountered him again because they live close.

Read the second sentence

>has a duty to retreat
Now then, my illiterate double digit IQ friend, if Zimmerman wasn't actively assaulting Treyvon and Zimmerman didn't shoot him in the back, then please explain how TreyTrey was trying to retreat as the law states he should have if possible?

walking home

Lol mollynew had no golden era, once a retard always a retard. The only difference is that his stupidity is a lot more blatant now. You only just started noticing it

> that's just as much authority as Zimmerman had! The prick had no right to run around playing vigilante batman

Zimmerman was the captain of the neighborhood watch. He had every right to run around playing vigilante batman

Are you just pretending to be retarded for shits and giggles, or did your mom drink while she was pregnant?

Kid went ape and beat the shit out of him. Zimmerman deserved an ass beating practically, but legally Trayvon crushing Zimmerman’s skull into pavement was attempted murder and thus it legally justified killing him.

Two important things happened. Whites in America looked at the case logically and from a legal standpoint. No emotion.

Balcks were a hot ball of raw emotion and beyond reason. This caused massive breakdown in race relations in the past years that has accelerated since whitey is tired of listening to emotion logic-immune retarded niggers.

You are now on Jow Forums. Possibly due to a link in a chain of events that stems from this very moment.

I hope a 17 year old nigger beats your ass. Probably wouldn't even need to be 17, probably 12, like he was in the OPs picture.

Trayvon was being a little nigger and zim is a mentally unstable retard with a gun. Zim is a proven scumbag and liar and got away with murdering a child for acting like a little nigger.
If Trayvon has a proper upbringing and good moral compass he would be alive but instead he wanted to act like a little nigger.

>there’s actually faggots still grieving the death of St. Trayvon

What is there to be upset about? Let’s review a list of his successes after his death:
>Posthumously awarded a degree
>Helped kick off antiwhite culture getting Trump elected
>Crime free for enterinity
>Provides nutrients to soil as he decomposes

He would’ve never been able to accomplish any of that if he was alive. So be happy nigger lovers.

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No he didn't, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Zimmerman stopped following Tray at the intersection and was waiting for the police to show. Trayvon walked home, and after being egged on by his GF, came back and attacked Zimmerman, and got shot after a minute or so of Zimmerman calling for help and having his head bounced off the pavement. Go prep your bull

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2 devastating red-pills about this case that the media completely and utterly ignored:

1. George Zimmerman, a few years before the shooting, appeared at a city council meeting where he accused the Sanford Police Department of racist violence following the beating of a black homeless man by one of the deputies.

2. Trayvon Martin, mere months before the shooting, was caught with 12 pieces of women's jewelry and what was described by the Miami-Dade School District security officer as a "burglary tool" during a backpack check following Martin committing property damage on campus. This entire episode was kept from the official record partly because of a district-wide effort to reduce black suspensions and expulsions that was spearheaded by Obama and Eric Holder's DoJ

So in summation: Zimmerman isn't a racist, and Trayvon highly likely was in fact looking in people's homes in order to rob them later (casing the joint), which is what Zimmerman initially reported to emergency dispatchers when he dialed 911.

This case red-pilling so many normies, Gayvon should be regarded as Obama is by 2A proponents as the greatest weapons dealer of all time.

>be a nigger that gets caught with burglary tools, a pipe with marijuana residue, and a bag full of womens jewelry.
>be sent to live with your Dad because behaving like a nigger
>have cell phone full of people fighting, text messages requesting some "plant", selfies showing gold teeth and middle fingers, and requests to get a gun
>need skittles and watermelon drank
>put on hoodie and walk to store, but take short cut between zero lot line town homes (tresspassing)
>Z-Man feels unrest in the Force
>knows a stinking nigger is in his domain
>On patrol, because a lady had a home invasion recently and numerous thefts
>your neighbors ordained you watch captain
>Z-man locates the ghastly north american pavement ape
>NAPA ignores commands and flees
>NAPA, on phone with sheboon, says he's being followed by "creepy ass cracker"
>Z-man calls in for backup, but pursues NAPA on foot because police dgaf
>NAPA breaks Z-Mans nose because niggers are camouflaged at night (unlike CIA)
>wrestling ensues
>NAPA is on top of our Hero
>2nd Ammendment is tagged in
>1 shot, 1 kill, Z-Man removes pestilence
>Jewish media frame half jew, half peruvian Z-Man as white male
>Trayvon is recast as Webster or Gary Coleman
>BlackLivesMatter is born

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1. T-Mart is a bad motherfucker. He takes and sells a lot of street drugs, beats a lot of people up, and is known for breaking into people's houses and selling their property. He's 5 foot 11, has gold teeth, and looks nothing like the photo you posted, which is 4 years younger than he was when he died.
2. Zim finds T-Mart looking into people's windows in his neighborhood. Zim knows he's checking which houses to rob later, known as "casing" houses.
3. Zim pursues T-Mart to stop crime like a good citizen should
4. T-Mart beats Zim within an inch of his life, pummeling his head into concrete
5. Zim neutralizes the threat, the way all heroes do when it's time to act.

If that's too long for you, TL;DR: Trayvon was a filthy petty violent thug and tried to murder Zimmerman, who defended himself properly.

Dey killith hims

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the final showdown was lucky enough to occur on zimmermans property, by chance of them living near eachother, so i imagine his right to stand his ground was stronger in a court of law.

in terms of what probably happened though, not what's provable in the court of law, zimm should have been killed like the faggot weakling he was. Trayvon would have been killed some other niglet in a couple years anyway, in an unsurprising portrayal of the crime statistics

not legally, tard

good argument, shitbreath. Japan must not be so fun when it turns that not even the insect-women there want to sleep with your loser ass, huh?

I'd like to see your bull try to beat my ass, cumstain

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semi-jew killed dindu, so niggers can blame white people, that leads to racial tensions

it was always jews


He was a good boy who didn't do anything wrong and a bad white supremist murdered him for walking home!
He was just a baby!

sir that's real retarded

Okay, so just pretending. No one's actually that stupid.

cute pic, but you don't know any of that shit for sure, and neither does anyone else (but zim), you dumbfuck leaf. We do know however that Zimmerman's a self-righteous, wife-beating loser who got beat up by a little kid. He's also a mongrel kike so it's fitting a fucking leaf would be defending him

>Gilbreath, however, questioned Zimmerman's statement that Martin was slamming his head against the sidewalk just before he shot the teenager, saying it was "not consistent with the evidence we found.

convincing counter-argument

The redpill is that Zimmerman absolutely was looking for trouble but Trayvon overpowered him, saw the gun, tried to grab it, and Zimmerman was right to shoot him for his life.

Spic/Jew kills thug-ass baboon in self-defense.
Main Stream Kikedom paints it as whitey kills Gary Coleman.
Hilarity ensues.

What more do you need to know?

The news media white washed Zimmerman in order to push the story that a white man shot a black 12 year old. In reality Zimmerman was half Hispanic Half Jewish and Trayvon Martin was 17 years old.

The real redpill is the following:

Bags of Skittles candy and cans of Arizona Iced Tea were also used as protest symbols. Martin was reported to be returning from a 7-Eleven convenience store with these items when he was shot,[234][235][236] although the beverage he purchased was actually a can of Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail

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He wuz just walkin home from church, he a good boy he dindu nuffin.


Zimmerman is literally /our/ guy, you should know this by now the guy is a fucking hero.

holy shit i'm wheezing just remembering this, I forgot all about Jaffa

can't flimflam the zimzam

>Talking to moderate friend about it
>"It's fucked up that he shot a kid, though"
>"He was actually your height and weight when he was shot"
>"Wow. That's not what the news made it sound like"
Fun conversation.

He was the pillar of the community

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>Innocent little boy buying watermelon tea and skittles for lean
>Some white racist following him
>Innocent little boy have nothing to do but do fight-or-flight
>He go after that white racist man and knock him down
>Beating him hard until the white racist man can't handle the Proud African justice
>Innocent little boy reaches to the white racist man's gun to show justice
>White racist man got the gun and wrongfully lynched the innocent little boy

Trayvon didn't do anything wrong

>trayvon gets kicked out by his mom for fighting
>moves in with his dads girlfriend
>new to neighborhood so Zimmerman doesn't recognize him
>goes to get skittles and tea to leave the strange apartment and talk on the phone
>zimzam sees him lounging around at night in the rain pulls over
>tray runs
>why are you running.jpeg
>they separate
>Trayvon for unknown reasons chooses to double back and confront Zimmerman
>sucker punches him
>mma style fight
>zimzam manages to shoot him in the chest once before the gun jams

did you know the media went nuts talking about "he was just going to get skittles"
do they even know what that means?
drugs, it's drugs
urban dictionary it

>unironically believing all the /ourguy/ shill spam threads are the bona fide opinions of every single person on Jow Forums at any given time

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He is getting skittles for making lean. It is part of my people's culture. You won't understand.

Yeah he was totally going to robotrip with his little brother in his dad's girlfriends house

you racists are ridiculous

Literally exactly what they said happenned, are you fucking stupid?

to be honest, most of what your people say isn't understood

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he made posts about it on social media and the autopsy showed liver damage consistent with drug use.

that means he did it in the past, not that he was going to do it that particular night

He was a magapede

your right you cant prove beyond a shadow of a doubt he was going to do it but he bought 2 out of 3 ingredients that night. Did he have cough syrup at home? if so he had everything to make the drug he was abusing.