Can we seriously talk about Sandy Hook?

Is there any actual evidence this thing was some kind of conspiracy?

They're banning Alex Jones because of this shit, I think it's important to get the facts straight

Attached: Adam Lanza.jpg (1800x1194, 1.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:

oh fuck my eye color is exactly the same as his

Your mom wants me to call her Sandy Hook and shoot kids in her.

His photos look fake and I want to see dead kids on video.

same senpai.
I doubt it's a conspiracy, I think it simply may be a case of some guy going looney. The media reaction to it afterward was definitely coordinated. The media likes to obfuscate the two.

wow. that says everything. you are one of them, no doubt about it

Best documentary I've seen on Sandy Hook, well worth the entire watch:

Sandy Hook was nothing more than a prime example of why our gun laws need to be reformed. Assault rifles have no place on our streets or in our schools.

Ban them. Confiscate them. It doesn't really matter as long as they are removed from the hands of mere civilians ASAP. The NRA is essentially a terrorist organization using the Constitution as its cover. The time has come to put a stop to this.

Of course it's fucking fake.
It was King Nigger's last hope to push gun control before his term ended in 2016.
RIP Adam Lanza. They probably V& him.

Hi, my name is Robbie Parker

Attached: 1532491051552.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

ok that's fucking eerie. I've seen it before, but every time it's still strange as fuck. Ok, got me on this one.

Just found my porn actor name

Sandy Hook

Attached: newtown normies.jpg (1920x1080, 274K)

In contrast, look at how the Clinton News Network cut the video:

He even smirks at 0:14!

Why so mad at guns, bro?

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The more important question: is there evidence that it was real?

Watch the press conferences of "Robbie Parker" (keeping in mind his child had supposedly been brutally murdered only a day earlier) or the supposed medical examiner "Dr. Wayne Carver" and make up your own mind.

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You wanna know why crisis actors are a concept?

Because the FBI and CIA have been caught purposely instigating serious crime in order to justify their jobs. There was a schizo in my home state that was HANDED a fake bomb and told to set it off by a bank.

They gave him the button and then after he pushed it they arrested him. They create crime to influence public opinions, and to purposely hide confidential information.


Bad quality bait


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This is not far off actually.

Not one bit. Alex Jones is piece of shit huckster.

Well, I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and can assure you that it really happened

No you don't.

fuck off memeflag

Some dude with a hard-on for violence and death killed his mom, a bunch of schoolchildren, and school faculty. That was real.
The fake parts were the "outrage" and tears coming from the gun control crowd. The gun grabbers didn't give a damn about the dead kids or any other possible way to prevent tragedies like this from happening other than "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in".

Terrible gun control OP. They revised it pretty well for the FL shooting. I was impressed with the character design of coldsteel cruz. It was so cringe that I almost believed it.

Then go dig up an empty grave to prove me wrong

Even if you saw the dead kids you'd deny it anyway. You won't believe this but the cops claimed he was trying to beat the highscore and worshipped other previous school shooters, which is exactly what every single school shooter does. He did several recon drives past the school and had planned this for months, again just like every other school shooter.

That the US gov under Obama then tried to hijack this into an attempted gun ban is just typical politics, they're trying to pass a law here that 'nobody should own a gun within city limits' after the Toronto shooting recently. This is what shitty regimes do, steal freedom at every opportunity they don't to manufacture these things.

If Alex Jones had never said anything about Sandy Hook they would still be banning him.

Then why have we never seen so much as a SINGLE IMAGE of Lanza at Sandy Hook on the day of the shooting? Why do all of the images of him look like photoshopped alterations of his brother?

>dead kids
Or future pizza ingredients?

I have a son who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you that it didn't really happen.

Attached: a78f3f83e76843ffc0cd653164afd618e287594991d17c481fb9536d319f673a.jpg (500x325, 45K)

Find a photo that DOESN'T have a large % of the image that same shade of Blue

>being this new

Where is it? I have to take a piss on your fake cousins grave.


Attached: IMG_2226.jpg (551x560, 59K)

>Go commit felony grave robbing, goy, then people will take you seriously
nice try, kike

I agree with you, but you should kys you revolting tripfag

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"everyone must check in" sign put in place before the shooting took place.

Porta Potties in place before the shooting took place.

Charity pages set up before the shooting took place.

"how to help children deal with sandy hook tragedy" page in place before shootings took place.

press briefing set up and rescheduled hours before shooting took place

two photos of the same 9 children when allegedly 500 kids were photos whatsoever of 500 kids evacuating

Sandy Hook was not in use as a school when shootings "took place"

multiple reports of gunshots being played over the school loudspeakers....

no medical protocols all declared dead with no proper medical examination

clearly no attempt to get any of the children medical help

most effective shooter in all US history

FBI records still show that no murders took place in Sandy Hook in 2012

Attached: dear-wolfgang-sandy-hook.jpg (595x341, 24K)

did we ever get a cornor's report on the "dead" children? there's a lot of inconsistency to the story, not to mention that weird music album with photos of the "victims" with weird titles for their photos

It was closed. Did he attend alone?

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You have to go back

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But what does it mean?

of course its a conspiracy

If the FBI can do it, a terrorist group can do it. I'm actually all for them getting schizos capable of planting bombs in jail. This country is at war.

don't know if this was ever debunked

Attached: oy_vey_the_children.png (807x537, 342K)

Damn, now that's schizo as fuck.

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Jill Greenberg also had some relevance to Sandy Hook but I can't be arsed to go dig up the information again. There was definitely a lot of "coincidences" with the "tragedy"

I get the joke, but come on dude, there were children murdered

were there though?

You're a piece of shit.

It's real:

The whole article is strange.
>Lanza told the woman he believed he could be "asexual" and that he was sexually attracted to one or two people during his life. The documents said he viewed successful people as "selfish, cruel and controlling," according to the documents. He chose to be a vegan because people were "needlessly cruel" to animals.
Vegan out of compassion for animals but killed a bunch of kids instead?

who dropped Kaitlen Roig's phone in the woods?

Attached: cellphone.png (1209x665, 920K)

replace Adam with Ryan. Adam is based on Ryan's life

Attached: lanza man.png (985x685, 459K)

nancy lanza had diapers in the house. baby diapers

Attached: nancy.png (2209x1445, 2.59M)

Maybe, but I'm right.

> They're banning Alex Jones because of this shit, I think it's important to get the facts straight

They're banning Alex Jones because he says stupid shit to instigate stupid people to do stupid things that are against Terms of Service (InfoWars has identical language in their ToS).

Thems the facts.

Sloppy Sniper, that weird ass joking fucked up ME. Can't guarantee nothing happened, but man the characters during the events surrounding sandy hook were fucking odd.

Wolfgang Halbig

What about the Wolfgang Halbig video?

Look out for the fella on the right (and left)

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Why were no chopppers called to fly victims out of the school?
Why was the school in a state of neglect as if it had not been used for a long time?

>>Library specialist Bev Bjorklund heard the noises and hustled about 15 students toward a storage closet in the library, which was filled with computer servers. “Hold hands. Be quiet,” she told the kids. They looked back at her, confused. One child wondered if pots and pans were clanging. Another thought he heard firecrackers. Another worried an animal was coming to the door.

>Yvonne Cech realized that something bad was about to happen and started thinking of ways to protect her students.
>When Cech, a Greek-American librarian, heard the first gunshots she locked herself, an assistant, and 18 fourth-graders in a closet behind file cabinets in the library.
“We spent 45 minutes locked in a closet during the shootings,” she said to local media in Connecticut after she made it out of the school building.

>A gutsy worker at the Connecticut school rescued 18 kids from the demented gunman by hiding them in a library supply closet as gunshots popped in the hallway outside.
>"I shouted, 'Lockdown!' " recalled Mary Ann Jacob on Saturday. "I tried to remain calm. I didn't want the kids to panic. . . . I just kept thinking, 'Stay calm.' "
>The library clerk said a peculiar crackling over the school's public-address system was the first sign that the quiet December morning had turned deadly about 9:30 a.m.

I like how 3 librarians all have the same story and never mention each other. the craziest thing is Bev Bjorkland left Sandyhook to work at Head O' Meadow school in 2010

Top kek

newtown bee story so hot off the presses they report Dawn Hochsprung reporting on the details. Note the picture of the kids.

Attached: Sandy_Hook_Principal_statement.jpg (1152x593, 164K)

Alex Jones is an ass as well as controlled opposition
AJ capitulated when confronted with a lawsuit
Wolfgang Halberd g had a lawsuit thrown at him and THEY capitulated.
Because the crisis actor suing him did not want to reveal his true identity in court

so 3 major platforms all just "coincidentally" decided to ban him from their services at the same time? who cares if he says something that offends people, it's free speech. it's a slippery slope once they start banning people that can influence the population

taken by the women in the blue shirt on brown pants.

Attached: sandy-hook-evacuation1.jpg (1500x1000, 399K)


Whats there to talk about it didnt even happen. they reseeded the town, had crisis actors from florida and other parts of the country come, staged a show, killed cops who wouldnt conform to the narrative, gave houses to the participants on christmas day when the government was shut down, scrubbed the the report from FBI statistics , demolished the school and shipped the scrap to china like they did with 9/11. theres almost as much inconsistances with sandy hoax as there is with the broward county douglas highschool massacre where 17 kids actually died. you should track down the federal relief funds because they went to slush funds owned by the DNC. its how they earn money when their child sex rings are getting btfo and they dont have a dime. fun fact sandy hook is still waiting for their relief funds because it all got funneled.

looks like it would be a porn set where you shoot blanks then. maybe the camera man will keep hiding in the closet even after the film is complete.

if you dont think this was a false flag then you are retarded. go listen to the last 10 minutes of the latest henry rollins joe rogan podcast. he talks about how "sad" it is that those kids died in the florida/wherever school shooting and they are now all going to vote democrat because "le fuck the republicans and the le NRA XD". very chilling the way he spoke about this shit in such a monotone voice. he is obviously one of them.

explains a lot really. how someone as untalented as he and black flag could be worth 20 million.

Above the irises is supposed to be especially bad.

my fav is the christmas trees. the whole op is a million percent fake but people are so fucking stupid even when it's this obvious they won't believe it, because CNN tells them what to think.

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what's sad is the amount of people who don't even question it. even after all we know about crisis actors and the blatant corruption within our government, people are still sheep to any "tragedy" that happens because "why would our government lie to us about this" it's infuriating to be around. then you look crazy because you dare to question what (((they))) tell us.

Quality troll

sandy hook is, AT MINIMUM, a prime example of the flaws and failings of our medical health and pharmaceutical industries.

The kid was obviously crazy and his doctors didnt treat him properly. the medications he was prescribed obviously destroyed his already mind. this is the fact that gets glossed over the most. the fact that all these "crazy shooters" all are always crazy enough to already be seeing doctors and prescribed severely mind altering drugs.

after ignoring THAT, theres also the disgusting way the media always 'never let a crisis go to waste' and milked and bilked sandy hook for years to push agendas against the first and second amendments.

theres also all the rumors.

rumors of him being a victim of child abuse and psychological torture, another recurring theme with these "crazy" shooters. suspected abuse was considered a possible motive.

rumors the attack was 'allowed' to happen, stories of police officers standing down while kids get shot, etc.

rumors of the shooting being encouraged to happen by his doctors and the supposed abusers.
but the angle about the whole thing being a complete false flag operation? probably not entirely true. reality is probably a mish mash of bad actors agitating bad things to happen, others allowing things to happen so they can take advantage of it and push a narrative, and others pushing sensationalist bullshit for clickbait views.

in the end it doesnt mean sandy hook isnt shady.

the way they tore down the whole school super quick pretty ridiculous.

It's as bad as a supreme court justice dying unexpectedly, and then they call the cause of death over the phone from halfway across the country, and then cremate them without an autopsy.

They'll put terms like "right-wing" and "conspiracy theorist" in front of your name so that readers will subconsciously discount whatever you say. If you remain a thorn in their side, they'll Alex Jones you.

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interesting coincidence. both possible real parents of sandy hook people linked to the same "It Works!" nonsense

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fuck i knew it, it was the blues

her 'twitter' is full of staged photos that began 3 months before the shooting. see here.

we're all getting suicided btw

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Sandy Hook deniers are some of the most deranged and mentally ill people I have ever met. Its sad because they are so sick and delusional. Alex Jones should absolutely blocked on all media content due to his predator exploitation of dead children, the community, and especially the sad lot that he profits off.

It is the saddest shit that gets debated on forums. It is absolutely abhorrent that anyone tries to profit off something this heinous.

It is sad enough that people on these boards question every event that ever happens, but this one should not be tolerated. They can talk about it if they want, but some how harassing the parents or whatever. Nope, can’t be tolerated. I promise you, Hitler would have gassed our publicly executed someone like Alex Jones.

I think the whiteboard says December 13 (not 8) in which case Thursday would be correct.

says dec 13 not 8

>It is absolutely abhorrent that anyone tries to profit off something this heinous
what is the DNC. nice post shlomo

yea she joined twitter in summer 2012. She became sandy hook principal in 2010. that is when the operation begins. 2011-2012 they take a bunch of photos of kids having fun at the school backed up by jewtown bee and other newtown papers.

this is Dawn and assistant principal taken in 2010. both new hires for that year.

Attached: dawn_jenn.jpg (600x450, 62K)

>live in a world where everyone and their mother has a high definition camera
>even ghetto niggers can get 720p at bare minimum
>schools have more security cameras than banks
>not a single(1) image or 2 second clip of footage from inside the school showing a crazed gunman with his assault rifle 15 death machine
>nearly 20 years ago we have footage from inside a high school on black and white security cameras of 2 lads with guns drawn in the cafeteria

This is where i get lost.

photo of Ryan Lanza. Probably taken in 1989-1990 when they live in New Hapshire

Attached: Ryan Lanza.png (1021x761, 596K)

No conspiracy, just autism.

tweet date was november the month prior lol

dude I would be happy for a lanza family portrait, but it doesnt exist because it is a fake family

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i would fuck the brunette

oy vey goy, stop asking for actual evidence. just trust our six gorg-i mean dead children claim