How many times can this guy repeat the same 12 minute rant against the corporate media and get thirty thousand views?
When will his audience get sick of watching the same video every day?
How many times can this guy repeat the same 12 minute rant against the corporate media and get thirty thousand views?
When will his audience get sick of watching the same video every day?
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your complaint is vague and meaningless, go suck off another bleeding baby dick you filthy kike.
kikes are literally satanists, snownigger
I like his gardening updates.
One word
It's a shame he doesn't talk about cone-theory anymore
>Paradigm shift
>legacy media
>missing link media
>bit chute (?)
He talks a lot about shit that doesn’t interest me. I wish he stuck to trump.
I like him though. Seems like a funny nerd.
When you're enemy's only trick is two words "fuck whites", its pretty fucking easy to follow the narrative of literally ANYTHING else.
I usually watch one of his videos when I wake up and drink coffee
His commentary has gotten kind of old/annoying though. He has been going into these nearly incoherent rants lately. I just like hearing his predictions for the future because they are usually correct