Is pic related true? Or is it just a r*ddit myth?

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>waaahhh I don't have friends anymore high school was the peak moment of my life I'm not an individual anymore nobody cares about that one time I sprayed axe on my hand and lit it on fire during freshman year WAAAAAHHHHHH
Kill yourself faggot.

Eat a gun faggot.

being an adult is way better than being a kid and anyone who disagrees is mentally undeveloped.

It's basically true.
Of course it doesn't point out that kids are mindless little robots with no autonomy who only conform to their group.
And as an adult you are totally alone (individual) and it only seems like you're fitting into a form because your old friends don't see your new Individuality.
>job tasks
>specific family obligations
>you have to pull sideways on the garage door or you'll have to fix it soon
>saving up for that new kayak paddle means no craft beer, instead a cheaper national brand
In a few years you'll realize that Adolescence was actually pretty lame, but had a lot of high points like total freedom and being away from main society in a smaller little cookie-cutter society of pop culture and kids, and that was nice, but not what you want now.
Once in a while you'll get together with a couple of old friends and smoke a joint behind the funeral parlor or reception hall.
Or maybe be invited into a small gathering of new friends doing the same thing.
Then you will realize this is what was best about adolescence all along, and only in small doses.

The fact that your social life is more infrequent but that you're still you makes you feel stronger.
The rush of Puppy Love was beautiful, but then you observe a couple of your friends, male and female, throw away lives and family over it.
It starts to take on a new meaning, maybe you should be cautious about that type of feeling, maybe what you felt as a kid wasn't that right at all.
Now you're careful about your emotions, not all good ones are good ones.
You start to realize that a calmer value of things important to you is far more important than an instant boner for that one girl.
Now you're a man.

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>being slave with illusion of choice and freedom is better than being kid

>kids aren't literally slaves with rights
You're grounded! And if you say another word I'll get the belt!

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Kek are you talking to me or a metaphysical version of someone in pic related

Why would you even say its a redit myth? Confused here regardless of its inherent truth as an infographic

You literally just described what it's like to be a child.

Yes, it's all true. All of it.
Be prepared, as your enter your late 20s-early boomers, to feel actual cold hard and soulless agonizing loneliness
Even if you manage to keep a few friends whom you see frequently (which is doubtful seeing how little people see one another anymore) you will still be lonely.
Kids in the last 40-50 years up until today, all grew up in a decade fad, advertisers do a focus group every 10 years and see what is the best way to manipulate children's behaviors.
You an all of your friends weren't really you, you were what you thought you should be, what you thought you should enjoy/speak like.
As you grow older, you all realize you had nothing in common after-all, and you were mainly friends because of survival.
The school system is nothing more than for-profit child abuse. Numerous studies comparing the effects to long term prison sentences.
You were enduring trauma, and your friends were using you as you were using them, as backup.
You will soon be old, no longer confined to a brick building 8 hours a day, and your fox-hole buddies will wake up and realize you and they actually never liked one another.
Then you will check your bank account, feel that wonderful sinking feeling in your gut, and go to bed to be ready for work tomorrow.
You will wake up the next day to find yet another medical problem developing and will wonder just how painful it will be in a few months/years.
You will have no woman, as if momentum carries on the way it is, women will be selling their assholes on the street for likes on kikebook, no motherhood is necessary.
Now go jerk off to porn and daydream about your other favorite vices, as these are the actual friends you have.

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Can confirm this user is on the money.

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haha, jokes on you
i never felt the first love spark in the first place

Never had any of those.

This is the truth, but the explanations offered are faulty. The faggot that made this has based his entire self worth on validation from others. As we grow older we tend not to "hang out" the way we did as kids, mostly because we are now adults and have shit to do, or we've already done the shit we had to do and now we just want to relax and not be bothered. This is bad for attention-craving faggots, because they require other people to provide their happiness for them, they can not make happiness on their own.

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The part in the middle "At social events..." indicated that this person has not matured as fast as his peers. He cannot relate to their lives because they have grown past him, and he blames them for this, rather than himself.

The top right further indicates that this person simply cannot accept the fact that people get older and go their separate ways. This is the natural way of things. It is foolish to long for lost friendships.

"Water the plants, Joseph" - The author is alone because he is a dependent faggot, this frame conveys his resentment towards those that have found lasting relationships.

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Also this pretty much sums it up as well

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>buy a truck
>buy some land
>develop it
>build your house
>grow some crops
>own a horse
>master a craft
>master another
>journey the country
>write about it
>paint it
Let me live that life, kill me however you like

btw, before you can take step 1 you have to suck John Silverbergerstein's stubby, pimply schlong.

I was an angry loner in high school, so none of the above applies to me. Life has always been a meaningless nightmare of suffering for me, even as a child.

This person smoked too much fucking weed

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Nah, you just stopped trying. Weak fag. 30s should always be better than 20s if you are doing it the right way, regardless of whether you are single or married.

How are you developing yourself? What goals have you set for yourself? Do you know what lies inside you? Do you value curiosity? Do you value spiritual growth? The world is in your palm.


Dude is 19 and already has grey hairs. How is that possible

I don't care about you people or your way of life. I just want you all to die by the millions.

lol what does it matter?

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I would unironically watch that first date with a bucket of popcorn, like watching a couple zoo animals

He's sapped his life away cranking his dick to trap porn

Its all true
caring about it makes you a faggot tho lol

Nah you're just a dumb fuck who doesnt know people hate him lol. Prob a huge bitch too, people know.

i've had grey hairs since i was 17