Mexicans are dumb rapists

You shouldn't even be on Jow Forums let alone illegally immigrating to the US if your IQ is under 100

Prove me wrong pinche putos

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I'd like to see a version but with the Black Nationalist Flag on it.

>my son's father
Sounds too close to my wife's son desu

>Prove me wrong pinche putos
White male fragility at its finest

Someone try to argue why brown Americans should even be proud to have ancestors from Mexico

What have Mexicans even done that's worth being proud of in the past 200 years? Lost a world cup?

Look at other better legal immigrants for comparison

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Meanwhile, I am about to eat this Pastel 3 leches while you guys cry about how the bully Mexican haunts you

Thanks for giving me some entertainment while eating

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ironically if you go innawoods you could probably find atleast one person that has 100% european ancestry, one person more than the US could claim in all likelyhood
And let's also not forget that the United States basically took over the United Kingdom's job of being the jewish' fighting hand. Anglos are getting everything they deserve, if maybe the smaller Anglo nations should be spared since their contribution to world-wide zog domination is minimum due to their size

these threads make me wish i was mexican

>Dumb rapiss literally takes your job from americans.
I guess I found someone dumber.

Tres leches is fucking disgusting, literally the fucking gayest dessert I've had in my life.

>Mexican in Mexico
You did nothing wrong and nothing I say should offend you

More just talking about these illegal immigrants that call themselves "mexicans" rather than Americans. Like gtfo and go improve your home country if you love it so much.

Yeah we got a corrupt government. Most countries do. We are trying to fix it and at least we still have free speech and public guns unlike Mexico.

Then go move to Mexico bitch

I'm not talking about hard working legal immigrants that are responsible with their kids and contribute to a country they wish to be a part of. Wave the right flag puto

Mexican cuisine is generally unhealthy as fuck but some of it tastes decent

If you're proud to be Mexican in Mexico, that makes sense.

If you're proud to be Mexican more than American in the USA, I have 1 question for you:

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reconquista, retard. most of the US is hispanic clay.

It's more than that, this is divine retribution against the anglosphere. God is not beyond punishment of this scale, Sodom and Gomorrah happened.
The bible warns you of their ways, if you bothered to read it you would know that the Jew should not be trusted. Thus God may be punishing you Anglos with the goblino menace, replacing your peoples and subjugating them to rape and murder from the nations you destroyed under the guidance of your (((masters)))
All is divinely mandated.

Do a version of King Nigger’s “Dreams of my Wife’s Son’s Father.” Should be a couple of lulz in it.

The biggest part is former French Clay we paid cash for.

Mexico is a shit hole, that's why I left.

The worst part is that they pride on their shitty culture, and they don’t even realize that most of it is modified Spanish/Arab culture.

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that's fine but it wasn't theirs to begin with. our claim stands

Hey. I grew up in New Mexico with SPANISH families that had been there for centuries. They were pretty adamant they were Mexicans. Names like Carasco and others. The entire Aztlan thing is bullshit. The coward Santa Ana gave it up for his neck.

>literally the fucking gayest dessert I've had
Welcome aboard, my gay friendo

Were NOT Mexicans

they were hispanic though

Chupa me verga

The point is that Spanish in the US when Santa Ana dragged his sorry ass back to Mexico NEVER considered themselves Mexican and to this day their descendants do not.

yeah but was talking about pride and ancestry. whether it's mexican or hispanic, our language is a big part of it, along with not being a gringo

>bully Mexican

(pls no bully little man with 11 yr old mustashe)

Silly. The “Spanish” I knew in High School were specifically making the claim they were actually gringos. Which at the time I found kind of funny.