99% of whites hold the altright in the same value as a pool of vomit on the sidewalk. Fact.
You do not speak for White people
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If this were true you shills wouldn't spend so much time on an obscure anime website, trying to work the opinion of pools of vomit.
OP already btfo
'Shill' is cult jargon, applied in deflecting the reality that nearly all whites outside of the altright cult hate the altright.
Change takes time, Jose. 20 years ago the JQ was unthinkable. 10 years ago the JQ was just unspeakable. IIRC the news last night was full of concern over a “Nationalist White Superiority” mega gathering that represented our way of life and was also vehemently AntiSemitic.
Not 99 but still sad of course isn't it.
Piss off commie cyst.
Stop being so hateful user. You are a sad little man.
Bait harder, faggot. Kys