How do you feel about a Black 007, Jow Forums...

How do you feel about a Black 007, Jow Forums? I for one think it will refreshen up the series a bit and have a positive impact on them as a whole. For all we know the next Bond could be female!

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its refreshing to inject some humor into the bond franchise

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It's the Transgender's turn.
I hope everybody here has a copy of all their favorite movies, because once they remake them all, the originals are going to be banned.

shouldn't they put someone younger though?

would look 100% more british that way

>caring about jew propaganda
nah man

>Throw the leading role to the blacks when the whites have grown bored with the franchise.
>Think that you're changing the world when in reality it'll be another under the radar flop
Seen ghost busters 2 yet? Exactly

How would OP feel about a Jewish Hitler? How would you feel about Hugh Hefner played by Gloria Steinham? How about Moses played by David Duke? I could go on and on. Maybe a white MLK?

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Ouch! That’s gonna leave a mark!

>How do you feel about a Black 007, Jow Forums?
I'm all for it! it'll kill the franchise and drop a massive redpill on normies!

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all tv and film has been dead to me for over 10 years

i don't care

If you think your childhood heroes and favorites are getting raped now, just wait. People here are in their 20s, 30s. That means we're all going to be alive to witness several more rounds of genderbent remakes, blackstained reboots and whatnot.

If the next Bond is black, than the next Bond girl MUST be white

>female ghost busters
even women hated it!

I love that they are open to new things, we are all equal!

since they've established that it's just a code name at this point i don't really care, Idris is a good actor and should be able to carry it off

plus after the shit Daniel Craig films it's about time they took this in a different direction, an older angrier bond might be a good thing, let the years of alcoholism and thot banging catch up with him a bit

I want a chinese man to portray hitler and another to portray jesus in the same project. I will make millions on the novelty of it alone.

I used to love the cinema, loved films, now I feel like I've wasted time and money

>clinging to your childhood
>which is jew-owned fake characters, and not pleasant experiences and learning with your real loving family members and neighbors

Skyfall literally confirmed that James Bond is the character, not the codename

I watched Last Jedi the night it released off my computer for free. Even got to fast forward the gook and nigger parts. Still sucked. lol

>hollywood afraid a new ip starring black secret agent would fail so they whip out the bond title once again for some safe cash
>expecting black bond, white blonde
>expecting evil white man
>expecting strong independent womyn turbolez computer hacker stereotype
>expecting some long rant about social justice politics
>team diversity wins at the end

ten bucks says they act surprised when their usual income source for bond movies gets pissed over political bullshit in their spy movies and hollywood successfully kills another long standing brand.

I had plenty of that. The point stands though, if any of your old favorite character/franchise is popular enough, it will get raped several more times during your lifetime.

Redit please fuck off

He will be a black Bond, the women will be white, and it will be the first Bond to feature full frontal male nudity. The penis may or may not be prosthetic. Screenshot this.

Thought he was half Swiss, half English but even then, there's black Swiss people and Englishmen so I'm all for it!

Why don't they just do 008 or 006 and invent new characters?

So in the movie a nigger would hook up with many white women? After all it’s a James Bond movie.

If I owned a tailors I'd take out some good insurance

I was thinking that myself. I'd like to see a "modern UK" Bond equivalent: maybe we can call it License For BBC. They'll send xim undercover to fight white nationalists and spend the whole movie apologizing to various NPCs of POC.

Jimmie Bong, innit blud

so blacks are happy one of theirs will play a white guy?

007 has been dead in Spectre. Idc about it anymore. All movies are (((theirs))) anyway.

We live in an age where very franchise is now dominated by women, be it star wars, star trek, dr who, ghostbusters, doom, oceans 11 etc.

Honestly, who the fuck really cares at this point? it's like complaining cause a canary shit on your carpet when 20 elephants just shit on your entire house.

I can hear your hands wringing through the screen moshi.

Me and my wife haven’t been to a theater to see a movie in 6 years. We can’t be the only ones who quit going because we see the liberal narratives being injected into every movie. (((They))) have to be hurting.

half Swiss half Scottish.

if thats the graveyard scene i just assumed they had stolen the lands and the name or built it as a long running cover.

might re watch it though it's been awhile.

You are for sure not
I haven't been to a cinema since mad Max fury road

>Idris is a good actor
pic related, you with everyone who agrees with your post

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Imagine being this pathetic LMAO. you work at McDonald’s faggot? I feel sorry for your parents

i feel sorry that America didn't finish off your disgusting dog eating slant eyed country once and for all you subhuman degenerate.


They'll have him chasing after the descendants of slavers, but not the Jew, but us white folks.

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I still go, because I’m a sucker for the best presentation possible. What drives me crazy is people and their fucking smartphones. I don’t know how you fix that. Too many people, especially younger types, have to check them. The subversive crap that Hollywood pushes though is easily my second biggest issue.

>Replace white bond character with a terrible overused black actor.

At least pick a black actor with fucking talent.

Blacks consider them successful by how much they are inserted into White culture.

It is the very essence of pathetic.

>Nigger character gets white washed
>niggers chimp the fuck out
>they back down and decide not to do it

>White character gets black-faced.
>white people chimp out
>"Fuck you racist" *does it anyways*

I fucking hate jews.
Fuck kikes.
Fuck their moves.
Fuck their fairy tales.
Fuck their money and their god damn movie theaters.
Piss on the grave of every fucking jewish rodent that's ever lived or has yet to exist.
Curse them and their children forever. I fucking hate them with every cell in my body.

I don't really care its a shit spy series even the old ones

I hope Idris Elba fucking dies.

Fuck off, Muhammad from Reddit

sure but he needs to be gay too.
if idris wont go gay he doesnt get the part

Moshe, I hope someone fucking nukes your country. You owe us for USS Liberty, you kike bastard

>I still go
Kys boomer

Let's meme the Bond franchise to take on a transgender for Bond.

Fuck, let's go balls deep

Like a nigger could afford a black tie.

Whatever fuck it. Where is my quadriplegic black tranny who believes they are a unicorn bat demon and part-time secret agent.

>Dr. Naw
>From Harlem with loot
>Gibs and Get High
>The Spy who Impregnated me and left
>Never Say Nigger Again
>A 3 piece is not enough
>Work Another Day

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we need a burqa bond

Agent 004.2

>pulls out a crack pipe
>lights a flame under it
>the bowl shoots a fucking laser beam that melts door locks

death of the series.

i dont care if the black actor is Idris Elba. That guy is a white man in black skin.

Why are you so mad? Is it just because he is black?

>blood diamonds are forever

Black gay man as bond.
Hell yeah I'd pirate that movie.

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Yes, you Finnish cuck.

Die finshills.

Completely fine.

He looks British enough

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How do I feel about not wasting my money on some shitty hollywood film?

pretty good


They want a black guy to play a womanizing drunk who regularly engages in extra-judicial murder?

We should have never liberated you.

That was the Ruskis and the Finns

look at I can see it happening. Gay romance because having a black Bond isn't enough, we also have to stop objectifying women.

It's fine. Who the fuck cares.

It already been done

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The Man With The Golden Gum
Never Say Nigger Again

Beyonce will play trans-Bond in Goldenweave

The Chinese would never tolerate a nigger bond. So it aint happening, ever.

So every white film franchise which is basically 'over', is going to be used to trick the blacks out of their money because they believe they are conquering film?