Were the Beatles Crypto-Nazis?

The Beatles got their start in Germany, and Lennon would often introduce their band with a "Heil Hitler" and Roman salute. Why did Lennon make drawings depicting himself as Hitler? Why was Hitler originally included in the cover for Sgt. Pepper's? Is it just a coincident that George Harrison has been accused of being a devotee of Nazism?


We need to be taking advantage of this opportunity to demoralize leftists. Their favorite band ever is fucking NAZIS!!!

Attached: nazisalutt.jpg (650x488, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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What should i look at?

They seemed like a good distraction.
>"You say you want a revolution, well we all want to save the world, but-".
Simplistic, probably good advice but preachy af.

I have outlined Hitler...

Or do you mean in general? I only discovered the "Nazi/Beatles" connection about 1 hour ago, so I can't recommend much.

I must admit it's all rather disappointing. This thread, which links Nazis to the most popular band in human history will quickly fade into the background while generic slide threads about how whites "deserve to go extinct" will easily reach their bump limit.

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The madman actually did it

John Lennon was just edgy and Harrison was into buddhist hare krishna one love stuff. I doubt they were.


Agreed, I think you've pretty well ended the thread.

I think they were honest to god shitposters

That's not the point, faggot. The goal is to demoralize leftists by forcing them to denounce their favorite "Peace & Love" hippie band. How would they respond if a band was giving Roman salutes in 2018?

John Lennon was a stupid globalist degenerate jew.
The reason John Lennon was obsessed is the same reason all jews are obsessed with Hitler. These people are sick in the head and they finger their STD infested assholes every night thinking about Hitler and fantasizing about Hitler gassing them.
Jews are nasty parasites.

One of Charlie Manson's cell mates in jail was a jew who would have a literal shrine to Hitler, and even a crazy guy like Charlie Manson was weirded out by it. That's jews for you.

No. Hitler was a common subject of humor for Brits in that era (see Monty Python). They grew up in the post-war era before Holocaust education/guilt-tripping was so common in schools, so joking about Hitler wasn't as taboo as it would become. For the Brits, such jokes were a celebration of their victory, as wll as a poke at the Germans - see Basil Fawlty.

I can accept that John Lennon was a degenerate Commie, but claiming he was Jewish is just retarded.

He would even sing "Baby You're a Rich Fag Jew" instead of "Baby You're a Rich Man Too" just to mock Brian Epstein.

No, just a group of fags

>obsessed with Hitler.
if they really understood Hitler...likely had enough time to study it
they realized Hitler was similar to an angry christ
in some sense they could relate to that in some sense
and he was a world historical person
of great importance
but their music was made g rated for a reason
to siphon boomers into a media control system
to then bombard them with moon landings and
presidential assassinations to make them addicted to the TV for the rest of their lives

they were a product of brain control ops

That was one way they "won" the war.

The Rolling Stones did that, too. Even got banned for giving the See Kyle salute to a German audience.

Every famous person is playing a role. As real as the cardboard cut-outs.

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They made a version of 'Get Back' which was about pakistanis too.
You can find it on YouTube

Lennon was jewwise and was becoming more conservative before his death

'allo 'allo was one of the most popular British TV shows in the 80's. The BBC used to make funny shows!

Attached: alloallo13.jpg (576x432, 42K)

Back in the 60s it was easy to feel as if Britain 'won'

>Lennon would often introduce their band with a "Heil Hitler" and Roman salute