Post White pills to show other anons of the changes happening across the world that shows Whites are waking up. Ignore (((black pill))) posters. There is nothing smart nor intelligent in being a moody bitch mumbling about shit.
White Pill Thread
Dont play the game
win the game
She probably gets spitroasted by BBC behind her wh*te boyfriend's back
Too bad it’s fake. That’s Anna Nyström
And you probably daydream of white cocks in your spare time, what's your point?
She dresses like a slut, and posts selfies. Of course she does.
fake pic, fake account. debunked years ago. its a model called anna nystrom
cuck boi
Those are not Rene d'Herblay's pictures. They're Anna Nystrom's. Anna Nystrom is a model.
Whitepill: Whiteoids will soon die because they are importing migrants on a daily basis. Europe will become prime land for Asians like me to conquer. Any surviving Whites will be made into slaves. It will happen, believe me!
>post white pills
>nothing but (((anons))) bitching about off topic shit
Fucking harm yourselves.
>i-it will happen
The opposite is happening, you fucking subhuman.
>Black pills
>Green pills
>Iron pills
>Brown pills
>"White pills"
user, make another thread and just call it redpilled. Would be much more succesful than inventing new pills that don't make any sense.
I am impressed that a 70 IQ deformed chimp can actually write using a keyboard.
take your disgusting fantasies elsewhere
Ugly bitch anyways
Fake trad thot. Probably fucked by whole black football team in high school every weekend. How long before she creates patreon?
red pill or white pill?
Based. Fuck wh*Te dogs!
Based. We Asians will triumph. Are you Chinese?
>Asian countries have some of the highest populations in the world.
>The military powers of Finland, Hungary and Estonia are only growing, meaning that Hungary and Estonia could soon leave NATO and be self-sufficient and only require help from Asian brothers.
>China is gonna have a civil war and Communism will be eradicated.
>Meanwhile, White people keep importing shitskins.
>Shitskins and niggers start to riot.
>Countries with the most shitskins like France, Russia and Great Britain will fall into civil war.
>White Swedes, Germans, Norwegians, Italians and Iberians start immigrating to White countries like Poland, Czechia and the Balkans.
>The countries they escaped from get overrun.
>All that Asians have to do is kill off some weak Eastern European White countries and Western European caliphates, which are still weak from the civil war.
No, I am Estonian. Estonians count as Asian.
Of course whites women’s prefer whites men. Just ignore the cuck poster, there stratégies is shilling. They want to make you believe in false facts.
Kill yourself wh*te dog. You are not Asian
thats a fake twitter account you dumb nigger
This she sucked so much black dick and now wants a white sip to take care of her.
We fucking are you nigger, neck yourself. Genghis Khan and Emperor Hirohito had Estonian/Finnish roots REEEEEEEEE
Wouldn't it be more exciting to create something new and unique rather than recreate the same thing over and over.
Foo bad Asians can't do that, because you're a bunch of low T cucks.
Our Genghis Khan however put your pussy race in to slavery for hundreds of years.
>Although many regard the portrait at the National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan, as the depiction most closely resembles Genghis Khan, all existing portraits, including this one, are essentially arbitrary interpretations of Genghis Khan’s appearance by historians living generations after Genghis Khan’s era [2, 6]. Although the factual nature of the statement is controversial, Persian historian Rashid-al-Din reported in his “Jami’s al-tawarikh” written at the start of the 14th century that most Borjigin ancestors of Genghis Khan were tall, long-bearded, red-haired, and bluish green-eyed, suggesting that the Genghis Khan’s male lineage had some Caucasoid-specific genetic features [44]. He also said that Genghis Khan looked just like his ancestors, but Kublai Khan, his grandson, did not inherit his ancestor’s red hair, implying that the addition of Mongoloid-specific alleles for determining hair color to the genetic makeup of Genghis Khan’s Borjigin clan was probably from the grandmother or mother of Kublai Khan, that is, the wife or daughter-in-law of Genghis Khan.
Subversive kike, posts "white pill" which is easily proven fake, basically showing that there is not even one beautiful white women who will openly say she preferably white guys.
You posted the biggest black pill today
Yeah the Asian college incel with a wide face, acne, earbuds, and no situational awareness is going to conquer us
Just end your pathetic life, you subhuman white dog. Stop claiming other people achievement. Neck yourself while you watch your wife being bred by niggers like all your race does
>look guys
>here's a tweet an outlier made
>Disregard the fact that 98 percent of the population are sheep
The blackpill is the ultimate truth
You know western society will collapse. Yet you still try and hope for the best
Hope is dead
>We wuz Ghengis Khan n shiet.
Keep telling yourself that, Whitey.
>Muh Asians are weak lol.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
You're not Asian, you're just funny looking whites.
That is from a comedy sketch, you do know that right?
Looked up the account and it turned out to be fake.
Another blackpill
Right, quit claiming other people's achievements. Genghis Khan belongs to us R1b-M343 Western Europeans, he's OUR GUY.
>Although many regard the portrait at the National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan, as the depiction most closely resembles Genghis Khan, all existing portraits, including this one, are essentially arbitrary interpretations of Genghis Khan’s appearance by historians living generations after Genghis Khan’s era [2, 6]. Although the factual nature of the statement is controversial, Persian historian Rashid-al-Din reported in his “Jami’s al-tawarikh” written at the start of the 14th century that most Borjigin ancestors of Genghis Khan were tall, long-bearded, red-haired, and bluish green-eyed, suggesting that the Genghis Khan’s male lineage had some Caucasoid-specific genetic features [44]. He also said that Genghis Khan looked just like his ancestors, but Kublai Khan, his grandson, did not inherit his ancestor’s red hair, implying that the addition of Mongoloid-specific alleles for determining hair color to the genetic makeup of Genghis Khan’s Borjigin clan was probably from the grandmother or mother of Kublai Khan, that is, the wife or daughter-in-law of Genghis Khan.
>here's a tweet an outlier made
>here's an outlier
you mean like smart niggers ?
Asians will have no more mercy on the nigger race. We will invade Africa and make niggers our slaves. You think the Atlantic Slave Trade was bad? You haven't seen nothing yet.
We are literally Asian how hard is it for you to grasp?
Well lads you know who is the first country to blame for the shitskin infestation thats devouring the world? Serbia, because we let them trough and gave them fucking money for everything. Mfw i saw a couple of yung ahmeds on a train stop with iphones while i cant afford to pay my rent working for 250eur monthly. Please nuke us, we have failed in 1992 and that failure is on all of you cucks that didnt join in the holy war against the muslim horde.
She's just fishing attention from mouthbreathing neckbeard boys in pol and twitterville.
Smart niggers dont exist
Societal collapse is a white pill as well. It means death of the weak and proliferatiom of the strong. ARYANS thrive in hardship and are tamed by luxury.
Sieg heil.
Those are shitty fake Mongol imposters. The real Mongols live in Europe and weren't East Asians. They were Caucasoid men.
>Members of the Mongol imperial family (designated the Golden family) are buried in a secret necropolis; therefore, none of their burial grounds have been found. In 2004, we first discovered 5 graves belonging to the Golden family in Tavan Tolgoi, Eastern Mongolia. To define the genealogy of the 5 bodies and the kinship among them, SNP and/or STR profiles of mitochondria, autosomes, and Y chromosomes were analyzed. Four of the 5 bodies were determined to carry the mitochondrial DNA haplogroup D4, while the fifth carried haplogroup CZ, indicating that this individual had no kinship with the others. Meanwhile, Y-SNP and Y-STR profiles indicate that the males examined belonged to the R1b-M343 haplogroup. Thus, their East Asian D4 or CZ matrilineal and West Eurasian R1b-M343 patrilineal origins reveal genealogical admixture between Caucasoid and Mongoloid ethnic groups, despite a Mongoloid physical appearance. In addition, Y chromosomal and autosomal STR profiles revealed that the four D4-carrying bodies bore the relationship of either mother and three sons or four full siblings with almost the same probability. Moreover, the geographical distribution of R1b-M343-carrying modern-day individuals demonstrates that descendants of Tavan Tolgoi bodies today live mainly in Western Eurasia, with a high frequency in the territories of the past Mongol khanates.
angry lil asian boy waving chopsticks at the computer
calm down
You think we would ever recover?
If the grid went down for one day we would be looking like Syria
>"” and “gud” from Ongud mean West and plural in ancient Altaic language, respectively, implying that the Ongud is a tribe from Western Asia. In fact, the ancestors of the Ongud are the Shato Turks of the Western Göktürks Khaganate [45, 46]; they moved to Eastern Xinjiang in the 7th century, and were scattered over Northern China and Inner Mongolia in the 9th century [47]. In the Mongolian era, many Ongud peoples were resettled in Khorazm of Western Central Asia, as governors for the Golden Horde Dynasty, and eventually formed part of the Kazakhs and the Mughals [44]. In addition, they also fell under the Chagatai Khanate that was ruled by Chagatai Khan and his descendants and/or successors and extended from the Southern part of the Aral Sea to the Altai Mountains [48]. These suggest the possibility that the Ongud clan may be anthropologically Caucasoid rather than Mongoloid, according to their geographical origin. Therefore, the male bodies carrying R1b-M343 (prevalent in Western Europe) from Tavan Tolgoi, which was located within the territory of the Ongud Kingdom during the early Mongolian era, could be related to the Ongud male lineage, implying that Tavan Tolgoi bodies are genealogically Caucasoid
Holy fuck you are pathetic. Self hating cuckholds are the biggest beta male lowlife scum in existance.
The only Mongols that live in Europe are N Haplogroup people (Finns, Estonians, Samis). Stfu.
I had an Estonian gf, she wasn't Asian I'll tell you that.
Source? It says it's from twitter.
I feel bad for the Mongols because all of the Wh*Teoids are against them. But then I realize that Wh*Teoids are against the Mongols, so I feel bad for Whiteys.
How am I self-hating? I'm an Estonian and Mongol nationalist.
She was probably Russian-Estonian then, like 25% of our population is ethnically Russian.
Also: Asian girls don't usually racemix.
Haplogroup N has nothing to do with any Mongols, that's a Ugrian haplogroup. They are irrelevant dwarfs living in the northern eurasian forests.
The real Mongols who founded the Mongol empire are from the haplogroup R1b-M343. They came from the Ongud (Western) clan and called themselves "Borjigin" -- which means grey eyes. They lived on semi arid plains in central Asia.
You are not Asian AT ALL. I have both Finnish and Sami admixture in my blood, I do not look a single bit asian despite of it, and I do not identify myself as Asian. You are most deffinitely more Swedish genetically than you are Mongol, Eesti.
is this estonian posting ironically
Well if you look at Caucasian region they all look like mongols
R1b is literally Western European, stop stealing our history.
>I have both Finnish and Sami admixture in my blood, I do not look a single bit asian despite of it, and I do not identify myself as Asian.
You are a traitor to our race.
Why you deny your asian roots
The jews have a plan for you too.
Finns have zero "Mongol". "Mongol" is a linguistic term that includes racially siverse people. The Mongols who founded the Mongol Empire and invaded west Asia and Europe were 100% Caucasoid. Whiter than Swedes.
Because I have an overwhelmingly larger amount of Germanic admixture, just like the two of you most likely have a lot more Baltic, Russian, and Germanic admixture. Stop deluding yourselves. You guys are probably at the very least 95% white, the more you deny that, the more pathetic you'll look.
We'll kill them too.
Mongols who founded the Mongol Empire (Borjigid clan) were Western Europeans.
All you Asian larpers should watch this
Ok, Mr. Björn Borg. At least we are proud of our race. This is why you are being replaced.
She was fully Estonian, funny name and everything. Blonde bush and cute round face.
Watch this video, Whiteoid. He directly mentions Estonia and Finland:
Did she have an Epicanthic Fold? If not, she wasn't a real Estonian.
No one gives a fuck about estonia dickhead
Thats the whole point, the white man is just a pathetic cuck that wants shitskins and chopsticks to fuck his wife in front of him. We are destroying our own heritage out of spite for eachother while the sand monkeys, pajeets and asians mass reproduce. Just look at what croats did out of spite for serbs.
LOL, kill your hive mind and you monkeys will wipe yourselves out at an even faster rate.
Shut the fuck up you piss-drinking, petrol-huffing abo. We will conquer all of the White countries.
The Mongol leader Temujin (AD 1167-1227), better known by his title Genghis Khan (Universal Ruler), was a man of strongly Nordish racial ancestry. According to the Persian historian Ab ul Ghasi, the tribal clan to which Temujin belonged, were known as the Bourchikoun (Grey-Eyed Men).
The ancestral mother and founder of this clan was known as Alan goa (beautiful Alan). According to the Mongol and Chinese legends on the subject, she was said to have been visited in her tent by a divine being, who possessed golden hair, a fair complexion and grey eyes. Shortly after this visitation, she gave birth to the first member of the Bourchikoun clan.
Temujin himself was noted in Chinese descriptions of him, for his tall stature and heavy beard.We should also note the following depiction of Temujin's appearance, as given by Harold Lamb, in his biography of the great Khan:
"He must have been tall, with high shoulders, his skin a whitish tan. His eyes, set far apart under a sloping forehead, did not slant. And his eyes were green, or blue-grey in the iris, with black pupils. Long reddish-brown hair fell in braids to his back."
LOL no, you fucking niggers are just a cancer, if you succeed you just die with your victim because you cannot sustain yourselves.
Shut the fuck up you cuck propagator of your own genocide. You should really kill yourself because i've never seen a more pathetic and self hating cuck in my whole life. And stop calling yourself asian, its just sad.
These fuckers on the pic most likely have R1a or R1b haplogroup. It doesn't mean anything.
You south slavs will never stop hating eachother. It's in your DNA. Since the dawn of man the Serb hated the Croat, and vice versa. And this is how it'll be until the world (or the european race) ends. Seriously though, why the fuck do you hate each other? The only difference between you is that Croats are catholic and you guys are Orthodox. Seriously, if Sweden and Denmark manages to coexist like brethren then so should you.
Your face when I'll fuck your bitch
The change is not happening, guys. Whites are not waking up. In fact, even MAGA hats are slowly accepting Whites becoming a minority. I'll explain why.
First, let's black pill you definitively with some statistics and some History:
>USA: 327m of people
>Current White US population: 56%
>That's approx. 183m of Whites
>In those 183m of Whites, let' say at least 60% are Democrats
>That makes about 73m of Whites Convervatives/GOP voters
>Of these 73m there has to be like a couple million voters who COULD be sympathic to WN's ideas.
How is that a change? Change is not happening or it's TOO SLOW and we are already electorally completely outnumbered.
Now the History part: SA Whites are 8% of the population. That's 4 millions out of 55m. They're vastly outnumbered. But they also race mixed creating the coloured. Whites haven't become more ethno-centric at ALL in this country. Just when the ANC is currently demanding them to give all their lands and farms, are they becoming more ethno-centric? NO. It's over. Even when Whites become a minority we are not more ethno-centric, we're still xenophiles and pathologically altruistic. We won't protect ourselves.
Back to West: The media is against us. The academia wants us gone, the CEOs, the politicians, the Deep State, the ENTIRE culture reflects a BROWN future of the US/West and celebrate our death. You can't shift an entire culture like that. Not even closing the borders is a viable solution, not even an (imaginary) wall (that is not nor will be built) could save us. That is our destination.
The solution is what to do AFTER Whites become a minority. We can't change the trajectory, and you know so damn well. They're never going to allow us to organize, they'll always calls us Nazis, demonize us, bully us and the media HAS THE POWER. Meanwhile the universities are still creating masochistic trans self-hating whites that have to demand forgiveness for being what they are.
Why do you consider yourself a mongol? Nice schizophrenia
>t. Finn
Stfu, we have Asian roots dating back centuries. Fucking Whiteoid Slav.
Its fake.
You cucks look for any reason to worship the white roast.
Even making fake twitter posts and larping as white girls.
Lul, no white girl would ever say something like that
So ? I fucking hate people from the next french region.
That struggle bring greatness because you have a need to be better than them and lord it all over their faces.
Because they have descended from Mongoloid women.
Kyrgyz get their R1a from white men and they used to be White. Yenisei Kyrgyz described as tall, blond, blue eyed in 1st millenium.
Sunlight is not the same as Daylight, we live under a glowing dome.
This. There is not even a single one in the entire world