Women in the Military

thumbs down this shit


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Women have been in the military since before you were a failed pull-out attempt by your father. Some of the best pilots I worked with in the Air Force.. they're women. The only thing new in the last 40 years is.. women in combat positions (and even that's really limited to ON THE GROUND - women have been pilots since WWII in a militaristic capacity).

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tits or gtfo

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C+ for effort

No you didn't, stop lying

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Could be played Rami Malek in a bio pic

Fucking this. I got shot in fallujah and all my army bros abandoned me, except private Fran Drescher. She dragged me all the way to Jaffa where we had an orgy with some palestinian corpses.

And she was burned at the stake.

Your point?

>all my army bros
There's your first mistake. Should've joined that Marines.

Burned for being a cross-dressing gender bender. We need to bring that back.

No, I want more women in the US military.
The weaker it gets, the less you can fuck up the rest of the world. Sorry Americans, but the world, and espescially Europe would be better places if you never had a military campaign outside your own continent.

checked pic that bitch actually crashed on the fucking runway after photo was taken and in usa never saw actual combat

Would've been better if you said Lynndie England and Abu Ghraib.. but whatever.

>less you can fuck up the rest of the world

yeah, because being even more incompetent definitely means we won't fuck things up more. You clearly didn't think this out too much.

Imagine being captured by her unit and humiliated by the women then they take turns pegging you that would be awful


desu, if I was captured by a female unit, I'd deserve the peggings.

Women in the military will motivate men to fight better. Who do you think Stacy will fuck the beta boy with 5 kills or the alpha chad with 50 kills?

>Implying Stacy in the unit sticks to the one guy

Nigger, have you even looked into any of the studies? Women in the military fucks up literally everything. Co-ed infantry units operate at 20% efficiency and effectiveness of all male units.

From what I've observed here military service being mandatory seems to drive women (and minorities in general) away. They can serve as volunteers but not many do, and there exists no SJW pressure to make army more inclusive. They back off when it would be about an actual duty.

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also, this is why you don't date military chicks. They're all hyper-thots

She died on 8 August 1992... at the age of 82. She doesn't look 82 in that image, to me.

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Where did you see me posting about her death?

It's coming and there's nothing we can do to stop it.
One day your daughter will be killed and raped (in that order) on the battlefield.
Just one more horror to add to the lengthy list of industrial society's grotesque sins.

Most girls in the military are lesbian, dumb nigger

>women who want to be a man

There is no room for femininity in war.

It's like my modded Fallout made into real life

Given over to the English by the French nobility

Keep telling yourself that, bud.

>lesbians exist

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Just showing, by example, how inept you are at reading. The following is what you read:
>Class: 43-W-6, takes a look around before sending her plane streaking down the runway at the Harlingen Army Airfield, Texas, ca.
That doesn't say a word about crashing. To put it in smaller words so you might understand.. she took off.

I'm considering joining Marines in combat (female obviously). I'm thinking at least a full year of having a personal trainer, I will try out for it. Told my mom that if I make it, I would keep up having a PT until I finish.

She was never into any battle and probably never existed. She's a myth for french troops

lol sure she did post a pic of her in sky

Do not. Find a husband and go pump out some white babies.

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It's a bad deal for both women and men.
Women are weaker all around soldiers and break up cohesion, not to mention sexual tension and sexual abuse scandals. a woman in the military is like a specil ed kid getting into a top university, it's artificial and only done for diversity points and propaganda/advertising.

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Kek. Women I trained with at West Point couldn’t even carry a light Ruck half of what some skinny fat white trash grunt could carry. And they were varsity “athletes”. Women are physically and emotionally incapable of not fucking a basic infantry mission up.

I wouldn't recommend females joining the marines. If you're determined to do it, though.. I'd highly recommend getting used to walking 20 miles with 100lbs on your back before you decide to join.

it was probably just some brothel whore that troops keep around to fuck

>Post a picture of an aircraft flying.. so then I can say "b-b-but... you can't see a woman at all!"
You're a fucking retard. Post a picture of the crash.. with her being pulled out on a stretcher. You claim that she crashed. There is zero evidence of that, that I have seen. Obviously you have the evidence to support your statement, right? Put up or shut up.

Fallout 5 looks pretty dank

this is what leftist believe

Good white women will either have to settle down with men and have children or go to war. I like this strategy.

one word senpai, wooks

The only females I knew in a ground position were all administrative.. with two exceptions. Both were SERE instructors.. so not so much combat, but definitely close to the realm of combat. To be fair, though.. I was about about a decade before Obama decided to change things up with women and combat roles.

why does this bitch have a TI-82 strapped to her back?

Yes but it's done on purpose to intentionally weaken the armed forces. They do this with all traditional bastions of masculinity. The goal is for there to be nowhere for men to go to cultivate masculinity.

I was out about a decade before Obama's shit.. that is.

beacuses shes cosplaying, thats all woman in military can do

With the exception of pilots (and perhaps shit in the Navy) .. I'd agree. The difference with pilots specifically is that the shorter you are, the better you handle high-G scenarios (due to the lowered center of mass). Because of this, woman _can_ perform better than men.

Europe is fucked because of the Germans. Literally every calamity that did befall Europe and that wasn't caused from the outside involved either the Germans or the German jews. The only exceptions I can think of right now would be the Napoleonic Wars and the French Revolution.

It's actually mind-blowing how much misery this autistic nation caused for the entire continent:
- the fall of Rome really kicked off with Germanic generals sperging out
- religious wars between christians were sparked by a German autist
- the Teutonic order caused a fuckload of problems for christian slavs and didn't actually fight any real enemies of the faith
- the Germans played a major role in bringing down the Polish Commonwealth, which shielded Europe from threats from the east for centuries
- the Holy Roman Empire kept fucking with the Pope for no reason aside from petty power struggles, weakening the entire christendom
- Karl Marx was a German jew
- the Rothschilds are a family of German jews
- the modern education system that keeps brainwashing our kids is a Prussian invention
- while World War I wasn't sparked by the Germans, their butthurt over not having colonies and being economically outclassed by Britain was a key factor in turning it into a massive calamity
- the so-called anti-communist Third Reich invaded Poland, the country that stopped the USSR push east, starting a war that completely devastated the entire continent and allowed communism to spread West, turning the USSR into a major agent on the world stage
- this also means Germany started a chain of events that resulted in the United States being subverted by the commies
- after the Berlin Wall fell, Germany engaged in a massive campaign of subversion in former Soviet Bloc countries, creating leftist pro-EU parties that did everything in their power to keep those countries down
- Germany played a key role in transforming the EU into the neomarxist nightmare that it is today
- Angela Merkel's migrant crisis

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I would like, I have such a hard time talking to men though. I was raised to not bug people in public (old school white, yo!!) unless I need help, so I literally wait around for men to approach me. My grandma was in the Navy for Korea (among other family), so I feel surges in my blood to join.
Have a female friend in the Marines, she was a TINY thing, half of my bone structure size. Like I said, a personal trainer, and I wouldn't join if I couldn't run a mile under 7 minutes.

that's still no excuse just get some spics or gooks

>Good white women will either have to settle down with men and have children or go to war. I like this strategy.
>or go to war

Sounds like a losing strategy tbqh

LOL imagine being this beta

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I agree, based Poland, Germany caused the mess of America and Britain and Poland 10 fold at 10 times the pace.

Post women getting btfo in the military

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Running a mile in under 7 isn't the worry in regards to women going into combat positions. A 7 minute mile isn't that special at all, really.

Why's she got a little keyboard on her back?

Germany was a mistake

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napoleonic war and french revolution was funded by Rothschilds. only after french revolution they were able to start french branch of their bank, and they got great contracts on rebuilding france after the war

Bump. What an embarrassment.

I have 4 brothers who all bug the shit out of me. Even when they know what I said and what I picked up, they revert back to being on the playground in elementary school. Not sure what they get out of it.
>I wouldn't think of joining if I couldn't pass the tests beyond what is expected

i was in the Marine Corps for 9 years. women in the military isnt the problem. having them in combat roles is. they did our admin paperwork and worked the kitchens. they also let us fuck them nonstop in the barracks in exchange for booze. the Marine Corps is the one branch that took a stand against having them in combat roles. are you mad that they worked in our kitchen instead of yours?

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>when you field units with such hot asses that the enemy fights twice as hard just for the chance to capture and rape them

Sound strategy :^)

Have your brothers bugged you into walking 20 miles with 100lbs on your back? Simple question. Are you going to carry the shit you need or are you going to make the men do it for you? I don't give a shit how fast you run or how many pushups you can do or any of that shit. I want to know if you can carry what you'll need.

>I agree, based Poland, Germany caused the mess of America and Britain and Poland 10 fold at 10 times the pace.

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I dunno about chicks in the military, but Id sniff that fat ass in OPs pic anytime.

>fuck them nonstop

I know you gotta get what you can get but they were uggo as fuck, amirite?

They made you suck?

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Is that a keyboard on her back?

It's true tho, both Britain and America were subverted by hostile elements that originated in Germany. Britain was subverted by the Rothschilds during the Napoleonic War via fraud, and America was subverted by German cultural marxists and USSR commies, who were in the position to do so solely because of the Great German Chimpout of 1939-1945.

I challenge you to compose a similar list for the US/Britain/Poland/actually any other civilized country without making shit up.

Germany is basically Mordor.

This is why Poles are known as the Niggers of Europe.

Your truly fucking repulsive. The ONLY people who like you are le 47% mutts with a inferiority complex towards actual Europeans, and they actually feel superior to you (because they are)

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eh. It's about time they pulled their weight. But they better not get in the fucking way (I think women only, men only regiments is the way or it's potentially going to backfire and be used against the army; I also will not tolerate the weakening of training regimes and requirements of soldiers).

Fuck you, he's right. You rebutted nothing.

theres a reason we call them Wooks. when youre as high test as a fucking grunt platoon any vagina will do.

If only women were as strong as Jeanne.

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Stacy won't be in the same unit. It is a potential loss of leverage.

the only people that like you are paki inbreeds... oh wait, they gangrape and beat up your underage daughters.


daily reminder that germans constantly blame britain for starting WW2

Lol there is no way this is true


My father is a lanklet vet and managed to carry 200 lb man to the hospital. Men are stronger and more endurant than women no matter what.

It's more like a series of self-defense shootings.

False equivalence, we actually had an empire.

I just gave you a non-exhaustive list and challenged you to compose something similar for any other country in Europe.

>Your truly fucking repulsive.
Nah, non-German stormfags are though. You should be executed by your countrymen, you've been thoroughly subervted and brainwashed and you've become a subversive element yourself.

I'm not even joking, I'm pretty sure that once all the human rights bullshit quiets down and things really kick off on the continent again (thanks, Merkel!), people like you will be killed and nobody is going to miss you.

I'm looking forward to watching your execution on live TV, it's gonna be really comfy in V4.

That post is not true, but vikings definitely had female soldiers.
They were low in numbers though as most women do not fare well in war.

Thumbs up

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I worked with women in the military and now as a cop. A very select few were good at their job, however none of them could perform at the same levels as their male counterparts. When I was in the mil we had to do a drill where you dragged a "wounded" soldier in kit to a safe area. Which basically adds about 80lbs to you. I weighted 178 at the time. None of the females could do it.
is basically worst case scenario for female cops now and the only reason it's not is cause of the male officers with them.

Now for that lieutenant general to say that she doesn't want to be the best woman in the marine corp, but the rather the right marine for the job shows great character to be honest.

All women should have that mindset in any profession

>it's another "Women LARPing as Men Being Presented As Progress" Episode #1389

God fuck off

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False, they can, but can't because something something sjw blabla sjw shit and more sjw shit

>pole that is jealous he isn’t german and was considered a subhuman by the Germans (because he is).
Reminder that Poland is just a byproduct of Versailles.

Please remove PC culture, it's ruining us. I'll still admit that.

its dump time.

post your best

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>Germany is at fault for Jewish subversion even though they fought it

I'd get into the "chimpout", but since Poles, similar to Jews, Niggers and other subhumans have a inability to analyse their own behaviour I'd be wasting my time.

All I can say is how fucking stupid did you have to be to believe actually relevant countries like France/UK would risk men over your shithole?