Refute this in 4 words or less

Refute this in 4 words or less

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Other urls found in this thread:

Niggers are not human.

what's wrong with her chin

No, go away nigger.

We wuz kangz

Bonus question, same article: what race is this?

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Go back to Africa

Tell that to my brother
He's going to marry a straight up African, elongated skull and all.
The pain is immeasurable.

I couldn’t go to prom cause I was too poor. All I can say is that I’m no longer poor

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>prom is racist because white men arent asking me out
when the fuck are all these racist fucking cunts going to admit they want white cock

>what race is this?
Half Colombian half Nord?

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Reality is racis' because nobody wanted to make porn with that ho.

>check flag
seems about right

Reality can't be voluntary.

>4 words or less

What is a prom anyway?

Fuck off we're full

Prom you fucking degenerate

You poor sod

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I was going to say something about yellow fever but let's be real here is prefer my brother to be dating a chink.

what is that even supposed to mean?

She's a fucking idiot.


Got rejected, now sad.



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Female Negroid Jay Leno!

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Nobody finds her attractive

I've never been on one.

as a pole I cant understand whats racist about it?

I got hyped due to your flag but i already had it.
Godspeed anyways, Alandanon

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>4 words
Article full of lies

>Everything niggers are incapable is racist

OK. So Reality is racis' because nobody wanted to go to the prom with that ho.
A prom is a formal dance usually in high school

dat chin doe lol

CNN pandering to niggers
>Who don't watch CNN

I wonder how many items she can hold simultaneously on her chin.

Ausfags call it a "formal"

No it is not


some unpopular, or undesirable chick gets shot down for prom, so now its gotta be racis or whatever to make some dip shit feel better.
we need to stop taking all cues from singular losers.

nigger what the fuck

Kek'd and checked

What is Prom ?

niggers are not people

Wow, a nigger complaining.

Ugly blacks hate prom

Here's the author, Madeleine Deliee.

Attached: madel.jpg (307x173, 6K)

anglo gums
italian nose
jew hair
nigger skin

that's not a race that's 56%

She has an STD

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Shut up nig. *dabs*

>no one actually checking the video
>Jow Forums actually photoshopped a cute nigress to try and justify some betamale using an edgelord meme instead of just asking a girl out

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>Marrying an animal
You did well in emigrating from Canada m8

Ugly people hate prom,see this shit all the time from "people" like her.

With a name like Dominic Williams im black father with Italian mother

Prom for me was 10 years ago
Question for anyone who went recently , in today's political climate:
Do they make the prom king a nigger and prom queen a white girl every year nowadays?

Ethiopian Jew

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That end of highschool dance

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still don't see the 'cute' but have a (You) on me

Every fucking time
>Can My Non-Jewish Husband Understand Anne Frank?

anglo mutt detected

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>those puppydog eyes
>those perfectly formed lips
>that little button nose
>those kissable cheeks
she's very cute.
The nose ring is pretty degenerate which is a shame, but other than that I'd have asked her to prom easily.

Notice the ring in her nose? That's a huge red flag not to deal with women like her.


Shit bait

well ain't he your brother? say something stupid. luckily i come from a good family and we don't date outside our race, can you imagine the reunions? half the jokes in brazil are about niggers.
tell him about that maybe, how he's gonna ruin every single reunion with his little pet, tell him about his hate for his own genetics, having a kid that never will look like you. talk to him dude, he's your brother. there's NO upgrade to being white. every one desires the white woman, every non-white wishes he was white because our race is clearly more beautiful than the others, no questions.
he's gonna throw all that away to virtue signal using his own future, my god the stupidity.

Wow, a nigger complaining about racism via a completely innocuous state of affairs. Color me surpised.

yea some pretty alternatives aye. hopefully he'll be a good onions and not pump out little tyrone and daquesha


it's a shame so many girls ruin themselves like that.
they've basically torn their face hymen.
>el goblino wants to keep the cute niggers to himself

I refuse to play your games OP, bring back white proms for white children.


Fuck off nigger kike

dating is white culture

First Post Best Post

Don't feel too bad for him. His prom was probably filled with nogs.

>Live in area with a bloated 2400 person school, place is like 34% white
>Prom is supermajority white
Based prom

Igor did not get invited to Prom.
Dat Racist!

This published in May.

el goblino americano

U mad ugly bitch?

Why Jews bring Niggers

Quintessentially American


also why does her head look like a banana

Niggar rejected, Datz Racisss

Being nigger sucks.

Moon man knocked up a sheboon

>reality is racist
What's to refute?

What's Prom? A movie? What is it about?


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Who's she? Max Headcoon

admit it, if she was on your plantation she would easily make your top 5 fuck niggers.

They say everything under the sun is racist, and I guess it sort of is, science, racist, IQ test, racist, the history of humans, racist

>4 words
I only need one letter: N

>she went through her whole life thinking everyone was racist
>but everyone was just staring at her chin
makes you think

>actually watching CNN trash

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