Have you ever thought of creating your own Christian denomination or creating a new religion?

Have you ever thought of creating your own Christian denomination or creating a new religion?

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I just want Christians to realize they all acknowledge Jesus is savior and agree that those who believe in Him and try their hardest to stay on the noble path will make it
Non believers, blasphemers, and heretics shall receive a second death in which they will be exposed to the true light if they lead a humble just lifestyle

Fake and gay
Yes, already have, but I don't pretend it's the ultimate truth.

Yes, but only as a tax-dodge.

Only every day, user. Nice pic of candleja

yes so I can legally do drugs I want

No but one certain religion needs to be resurrected.

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New religion, no.
New denomination, yes. In fact, i plan on it. Well see if the Lord allows it

my religion would be that of candlejack. imagine all those christcucks in terr---

God and the devil are the sources of all religions humans aren't intelligent enough to creat a religion

Why would a Finn want to be tengri?

Well the new Christian denomination needs to believe that the anglo-saxons are the true descendants of the Israelites, or it will get into the "jews are god's chosen people" problem.

Historical fact.

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I've been told to make one by many people. Why this phenomenon exists in various social circles I'm in I haven't a clue

why even need a denomination lmao
just pick whatever doctrine you want

t.traditional reform orthodox assyrian methodist

>anglo saxons
They are some of them

Are you from Iraq ?

it's just a troll, buddy
IRL i'm just a pentecostal who appreciates catholic culture

babbling isnt in the bible friend

If you look at the "migration" of ancient Civilizations
If you Look at the promises, blessings and curses given to the Israelites
If you look at the descriptions of the physical appearance of Israelites and their forebears
You will see it all points to white people and ONLY white people.
More at anglo-saxonisrael.com

Oh nice to meet :)

Hey buddy ever heard of orthodoxy?