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they baited themselves

beautiful, thanks Styx and others for calling out this bullshit


would be a real shame if it happened again

Indeed they did
But my worry is that no matter how much the left screws up, they still maintain the same amount of control over the masses

bump again

>The group, which included Black Lives Matter and anti-fascists, led a tense march through the city, at times shouting, “No borders! No walls! No USA at all!”

IDK whether to be pissed off or strangely pleased. Sometimes the left drops the redpill for us.

We should pretent to have a rally every weekend. That way, they are too exausted and out of money when it counts. We can name the rallys really inflamatory names like 'KKK NAZI White power march against black privelege.'

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it's not easy to see on a short time-scale but they're losing their grip, trump was totally unthinkable in 2012

Mike Enoch takes the position that no public demonstrations on the ‘far-right’ should take place at all. Under Maslow’s hammer theory, Antifa will look for ways of asserting strength, consequently they will will seek out wholesome events that have nothing to do with white nationalism and attack, moving on to more normal shit, every time they push people to the right.

Antifa is full of people who have suffered horrible abuse and are unable to care for anything and will scream and holler about not being allowed to kill one’s own children, or rape them. They can’t be shamed into civilized conduct.

all day on the leftwing propaganda station NPR I hear the jewish communists talking about how it was a white supremacist event

like um hello? speaking as a ardent neo-nazi, I would never attend a stupid event like this

I wonder when it's going to occur to Jow Forums we could simply fax it in at this point.

>tens of thousands of mutants and morlocks show up and riot for no reason on Christmas Eve

We could get hundreds of commie shits arrests for the mere price of a protest permit.

>that guy on the right
>seeing chole "the fridge" IRL.jpg

This is exactly what I was trying to get people to do last year: Lure out antifa and then leave. let them act like goofs and ruin the leftist cause. This is great news.

This is why they are so paranoid. They have no idea who they are actually fighting.

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Oh god, that picture.
Remember that scene from Saving Private Ryan where the landers open the door and 20 people are immediately unceremoniously killed by an MG-42? That's pretty much what these guys would be in a civil war. Meat that's eviscerated out of no where with no warning.

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This is why you need to redpill everyone and call Antifa Nazi brown shirts and be anti Nazi the whole rally.

kek, if these cucks walked a minute on the streets of Serbia, literal teenagers would slap them a few times, and take their weapons to brag to other kids

everyone here calls Mike a shill, yet he is one of the smartest guys in the movement

Share it

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>tall wall

We need to keep doing this

The best way to turn people away from the left is to show people what the left is really like

any webms of all this?

whats the name of this band?

Because he’s effective. I’ve always enjoyed his commentary over anyone else in the movement. He can see the bigger picture and seems to inherently understand human psychology. I think his idea is fantastic. The patriot prayer thing confirms this. Antifa just BTFOs themselves attacking cops.


Some good videos on twitter like this:


all you have to do is enjoy this country's national parks and don't be mean to any colored people that happen to also be there (hint: there won't be many and they're virtually guaranteed to be foreign tourists anyway)

Even Vox are starting to distance themselves from antifa. This has been a colossal win for the right. The blue wave won't be happening now, that much is absolutely certain.

>whats the name of this band?
It’s black. It’s white. It stinks.

Just as planned.

It’s beginning to look as if this was planned by some white hats. Here I thought it would be nothing but trouble but lo and behold, we come out on top again.

> everything that isnt what we believe is fascism!


>took his dad’s shotgun
>his dad doesn’t know
>is a virgin unless you count that time he fingerblasted a drunk fat girl

>black studies major
>on academic probation
>only dates white feminists
>preaches black power

>attempted suicide at 14
>grandmother used to put cigarettes out on his flesh
>was rejected by the army at 18 due to psych

>used to sell crack
>has had two felony arrests
>thinks white people are weird

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Milk of the Bean

Gavin said it all along, the demand for nazis vastly outstrips the supply. He could be based if he wasn't so degenerate.

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This is what Westboro Baptist church did several years ago (not sure if they still are relevant) they would list a different place they would be everyday on their site and then never show and it was just leftists showing up being altruistic

Ryuuga wagateki wo kurau!

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

Are there any freedom of speech rallies or diversity of thought rallies coming up?


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>would be a real shame if it happened again
Hahahahahahaaa, nice.

Literally for years.

>a fucking KEK dwarf

Would drink ale in an inn with.

Yep. If the globalists win in the USA, there is no hope left for my country, and they are helping A LOT ( that's why they are being unpersoned )

their masters whip them into hysteria

Control based on social shaming a major percentage of a population into voicing support for politics that they know are counter to their interest... is not an end game.

Where is the footage?

If it exists it is not being used.

Question for Tacticalfags:

The fuck is faggot #3 wearing on his shoulders? Looks like some weird cross between a neckbrace and a HANS device.

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Useful idiots

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As long as journalist scum openly defend their useful idiots and expose their hypocrisy this can keep happening.


I've been around this stuff longer than most people and can tell you that as soon as ANYONE has a name in pro-white politics a bunch of "far right wing" posters ooze out of the woodwork and accuse them of being shills.

The last few years it seems the big giveaway is they have these shopped memes ready to post full of innuendo, or even just photos of the person looking goofy.

Keep telling all yourselves it was a troll. Tell yourselves whatever ya gotta tell yourselves to comfort yourselves the reality we run shit and yall are on the fucking run.

You are DWARFED by the left and legit nobody likes you. Literally everyone is against you haha.

Enjoy hiding in your basements for the rest of your lives, incel nazi SCUM, cause we own the fucking streets.

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Enjoy the streets
See you at the ballot box

Thats what I call 4D Chess!!!

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aww da widdle baby nawtzees are sad that the real world rejects them and they have no control

widdle baby nawtzees gonna vote are they?

does the widdle baby nawtzee like his basement? i hope so cause the real world won't ever accept widdle nawtzees wike u

4/10 larp.

Would be 2/10, but you get extra points for your two capitalized words. It shows you at least paid enough attention to the pieces of paper being held by "I am the 99%" faggots to put effort into emulating the style.

Based baby talk poster

please dont reply to his awful bait

We still won tho and you guys got so butthurt you destroy your own neighborhoods.

>we still won tho
aww look da widdle nazi learned self-delusion! widdle nazi getting big and strong now!

Youve been trolled Leftshit, cant deny it.

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everyone needs to see the one of that disgusting tranny screaming at the cops.

but we did win tho, drumpf was elected and you guys keep getting so ass blasted you make fools of yourselves on camera

I don't think it was planned as a troll. It was planned and then all the sites like Jow Forums, TRS, and even Daily Stormer were like - "yeah right". They decided to just let the media troll itself by not showing.

good for you bigot! you trolled someone! wow haha, you sure got me!

meanwhile millions of Americans are bashing bigots like you in the face every fucking day. BRAP BRAP goes the sound of an anti-fa smashing in a nazi skull. BRAP BRAP goes the sound of a bigots face getting crushed by a normal American citzen.

WOMP WOMP goes the sound of the press and 99% of the population lookin the other way while you bigots get stomped


Uh - all that happened was they cursed out cops. I don't even think they beat up a trash can this time.

thats the definition of a good troll.
let them fight eachother and make them look silly.

Antifa&Friends are just too dumb to grasp this.

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this is a smart move

Haha hows the basement today, bigot? Are the curtains drawn?

Meanwhile me and my antifa friends are out having fun and ballin out at the cafe, laughing walking around in the street with our che guevera shirts and getting ice cream by the river

LOL. Is the couch drawn properly for you there, nazi? I hope your curtains are well hung!

Low quality b8 turbo faggot.

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the fuck murica, the fuck...

It's just extra armour, usually for stopping blast fragments and small calibre rounds. Not all armour is for bullets.

For the cost of that and the bow he could have at least gotten himself a Hi-Point and maybe even some shoes.

some kind of neck protector i guess
>armed with bow
>arms uncovered, no protection
>neck protected
>feet bare
>three arrows

Ah - his false flag went boo boo :(

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Heil Hitler //:^=)

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>Thinks he owns a street.
You don't own anything,you have to have a job in order to buy anything.

>/leftypol/ still calling it a huge victory
I don't get it

Why are leftists always such emotional faggots?

Remember when all those MSM sources said antifa was nonviolent and shit? btfo

Finally, the ROK flag makes a modicum of sense.

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A building will stand even as the foundation crumbles. once it fails though, it falls quickly.

listen all these butthurt little wincers whining and crying that they got stomped out

you gonna cry now?

Related: Why are mods such faggots with these filters?

Seems pretty fucking useless if not combined with any sort of face/head protection like a helmet or visor. I mean yeah getting a major vessel cut in your neck would suck, but so would surviving without eyes.


Japanese site bro lol

Oh yeah it's so hard to believe mike"I hid my Jewish tranny loving wife and nigger brother and sold out the forums user information" Enoch could ever be a divisive, duplicitous cunt.

Jow Forums has had a proud tradition of wordfilters since day zero. People being confused by them is literally the most effective method of smoking out newfags.

All this reeing just because you lost an election.

What a faggot you are. lol


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The fuck ?

The only thing you own is a dragon dildo faggot

Historically, the most important piece of armour in modern warfare was probably a helmet.
WW1 had huge casualty rates because of blast fragments hitting heads.

Modern vests require ceramic plates to stop rifle rounds and they only stop a few before the plate breaks. You could use steel I suppose but it's really heavy and the blunt force still goes through.

Also, dumbass here isn't wearing shoes or even a fucking t shirt. The biggest impact to his health is probably bong rips affecting his judgement.

Like using a bow against a "nazi" who at the very least, will use a gun.

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Great, we won guys! the world is saved. We can go back to our lives. Its finally over.