What went wrong with this site?

Really makes me thought

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Other urls found in this thread:


About damn time

looks shady, posting speed hasn't changed

I'm honestly getting teary-eyed. what the fuck. Is it finally time for slower posting speed and higher quality again?

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Nobody sages bait threads! Reeeeee!

>traffic to Jow Forums has been on steady decline since late 2016
Gee maybe we were flooded by literal boomers during the election and they're finally leaving now that we're taking the piss out of them with the boomer memes and calling anybody that falls for the Q LARP a huge fucking retard.

Basically they came here like every wave of newfags since 2003 but this wave couldn't accept that meme flags, name fagging and larping are all frowned upon so they left instead of lurking.

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Arguing with shills and the same shill garbage threads all day isn't fun I guess. Also, /ptg/ is an embarrassment

Why it go down w more user

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All the Trumpcuck shills who came here during the election have been slowly leaving but there's still a bunch of reddit normie fags here

you used a dumbass url and like shows the real one hasn't fallen that far
at least there's a small decline in activity over time

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NAh that was all you Shareblue/CTR niggers spamming the shit out of the place. after the election they had no jewgold left to pay you faggots.
Also Hillary stopped paying the Ukrainian bot farm

>not memeflagging
We had memeflags years ago newfag. Maybe (you) should go back to r.eddit.

how is this a bad thing though?

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OK this really makes me think what the fuck look at all those Spambot replies.
On the upside these bots and shills are literally driving posters off this site which is ironically a good thing since this place has been shit since the pass system and retarded mods.
Look at those lack of images as well compared to posts

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The user amount is growing the graph goes down because our rank is higher. Holy shit the retardation in this site is palpable

Is this graph inverted? What the fuck you dishonest like?

alexa.com/siteinfo/Jow Forums.us.org
WOW that was hard to check wasn't it dumb faggot ass

...read a graph nigger.

It's based on ranking.

>Jow Forums.us.org
God damn you niggers are stupid

hypestat.com/info/Jow Forums.org
It's a USA dot org u stupid fuc

No one visits "Jow Forums.us.org", except Russians apparently (read your own damn irrelevant link).
We visit "Jow Forums.org", whose popularity has declined recently, but not as sharply as the totally unpopular page you linked (probably because you're a baiting faggot).

kys retard. You know you are a baiting, lying faggot. Just compare your bullshit page to the real one on alexa.

If you weren't so busy gobling cock you'd realize how retarded you're looking right now

Seriously, the faggot even changes to some other bullshit metric website because he can't admit how retarded he is for using "us.org".
Actually kys, OP.

Lol all these ass tards in denial

I'm an oldfag from 2005. Flags of any flavor are newfaggotry and meme flags are just a step down from trip fagging in an attempt to be an 'individual' in a sea of anonymous users mostly from America.
Country flags only serve to point out people disconnected from local politics. Basically I don't care about a German opinion of American politics and they shouldn't care about my opinion of theirs. A meme flag just let's everyone know you enjoy cock.

Newfags, that’s why. Now kill yourself

If you spread that graph out more then you would see that there was a giant surge of traffic from the 2016 election, which is not sustainable.

Mass banning of mobile ip ranges and probably bots where shifted to something more beneficial.

>loss in visitors


Jow Forums is ranked 144 in the US on alexa you dumbfuck
top 1000 is extremely good
top 150 is all multi-billion $ properties

it was was ranked in the 1000s before the 2016 election. the influx of normalfags destroyed the site. i don't know why it's dropping off right now, maybe the JIDF are moving offices

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Faggot is OP for sure

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The Trump tards ruined it by turing Jow Forums into a Trump cult extension of Jow Forumsthe_donald then when the Qtard boomers starting wearing Q merch it was all over.

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When did the Thai guy get rid of the text captcha?

Jow Forums is still a top site but it's never been worth much, definitely not billions.

Jewgle phased it out months ago. More than a year maybe? I forget because FUCK CAPTCHA pass4lyfe

OP must be Russian.