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most MD cops are based beyond belief, fuck what anyone has ever told you, criminals hate them but everyone else can tell you a tale or two of them being redpilled/based.
t. lived in 4 different counties

I live in Montgomery County and there’s a bunch of obese balding cuckold cops and some dykes that are a waste of tax money. None of them are based, kill yourself.

That nigger pushed a cop.

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never touch the pigs don't give them a reason to beat your black ass

Blacks have never nor will they ever matter.

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That's because you live in the richest county you dolt.

Went to G'burg muhsef.

Off to college; never came back.

Fuck Maryland.

Sucks about the rap BPD gets but at the same time they've done it to themselves with the gun task force and high lvl corruption.

Shits so out of hand there now that blacks really don't have much of a reason to trust the cops there...but the communities and culture is still broken af which means a never ending cycle. Outside the harbor is lord of the flies tier.

That being said I'm thinking about joining BPD. Thoughts?

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every time

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White Power!

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The cop pushes him and he deflects his hand.

Either the cop and the pimp are in on a scam for millions to sue the city or when the pimp gets his millions he gonna kill that cop.

>nigger chimps out on another nigger
the only reason this got any news coverage at all is because he's a cop. this is a normal day in every single city with a population over 100k though

Maryland cops that actually act like police in Nigger/spic land like Baltimore and PG County are badass.

Rural cops that act like they're fucking operators for pulling you over for speeding on 50 on the eastern shore are absolute cucks.

I hate that thing so much, she trying so retardedly hard to be like those hippys who put flowers in the gun barrels

dang. Even his partner was trying to break it up

Always the guy with white cotton socks.

She's too brave and independent for me.

>being this much of a bootlicker/asslicker to the police


BPD obviously handled this incident horribly but being an edge rebel is just as bad as a bootlicker desu famalam.


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>black lives matter
no they dont

That nigger got btfo after trashtalk real quickly.

In Chimpago they dont even respond anymore to 911 calls in some parts of it, or they come hours later.
Few $ an hour isnt worth dealing with niggers and blacks with badge know that.

dindu gets out of line, then cop starts chimping out this timeline is comfy

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