
Are they friend or foe?

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that site is dead

Another fine political thread


>Putting pot in prescription bottles.
>Purple Bandana
>tank top
>bong so big needs to carry it around on her back

This mascot is literally dog shit.



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I don't know but /wooo/ is somehow worse than /asp/

They’re degenerate


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When I browsed there a couple of years ago, it was unironically the best-working chan out there. Lots of boards, all active, discussions all on-topic and informative, all with their own "board culture". I don't know how they're doing now, but I have good memories of the place.

I tried to start a general for the politics of my home state, and it was archived after being up for 10 minutes. This is not a political board, it's playground for children and faggot mods.

I used to love reading the DPH stories (deliriants board): hatman and shadow spiders everywhere, people floating away mid-conversation lol

Getting high and reading other high users' posts is the worst use of your high. I'm pretty sure that sites been dead since I graduated highschool in 2011


It's completely fucking dead now but it was really comfy back in the day, "dude weed lmao" shit aside.

It's pretty much a ghost town now. Hispa's dead, kraut's dead, master's dead (thank god), 420 and 7 are barely hanging on. It seems the only imageboards left with any traffic are us and 8.

Beat me to it

based and redpilled

Regardless of their degeneracy they are still a fellow can.
Whether They are an ally or not is a bit subjective, but they are certainly family

Based and redpilled

Can't agree with that. /asp/ is just full of stale buzz words like "e-drone", plus they steal a lot of shit from /wooo/ despite hating that place (mostly because /asp/ is full of /wooo/ rejects). Because they can't be bothered to set up their own illegal streams and channels for it, they just keep on piggy backing off others despite their sheer dislikes.

Kirt and Spardot got married yesterday. They streamed the wedding on Twitch.

that site got raided by elephants

I forgot that even existed

my highschool blocked Jow Forums but not 420chan thats the only time I would use it

KIA then

also there is no catalog, so you gotta scroll through the pages. I guess it not a problem if you high af

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With potheads, it doesn't matter. They're too brain-damaged and lazy to be important to anything but Taco Bell's business model.

Why are leafs so goddamn high and mighty? Especially when it comes to other leafs?
Go fuck yourself maple queer.

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I went there once and spent like 15 minutes trying to find catalog figuring I just couldn't find it. Left and never went back because of that


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