Brit/pol/ -The Rangers football club edition

>Punish aid abuse, MP demands

>Seattle plane crash – first picture of ‘suicidal’ Horizon Air ground worker Richard Russell, 29, who downed stolen jet

>Anger over plans for death by dangerous cycling laws

> Jim Davidson launches Twitter rant after 'the smallest crowd' attends show

>The Seattle airline employee who managed to steal, fly and crash a plane

>Will the unions defeat Jeremy Corbyn on anti-Semitism?

>Brexit: More than 100 constituencies that backed Leave in 2016 referendum would now vote Remain

>Jacob Rees-Mogg: Boris Johnson burka probe is 'show trial'

>Biker dies in crash with tractor on A77 in East Ayrshire

>Sports charity 'on hold' after sprinter's drugs jailing

>Omagh bomb remembrance service to be held

>Cornwall hit by 'tourist overcrowding' amid UK heatwave

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>Brit/pol/ Approved 10 Points For Action

I just added 4 & 5... thoughts ?

1. We demand an immediate end to all immigration to protect the majority status of the European Peoples within The UK & The Commonwealth.

2. We demand the immediate execution of all known Islamic Extremists/Terrorists throughout The UK & The Commonwealth

3. As part of a massive restructuring of the British Education System, Universities will be limited to teaching only the most important subjects to society: Science, Mathematics, English (History, Philosophy etc)

3. We demand all English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish & Crown Dependency male citizens upon turning 15 years of age are subject to compulsory military service. All males under the age of 30 must complete a basic military service program of six months' duration once this law has been installed

4. We demand immediate action regarding the conservation of our green and pleasant countryside by implementing heavier fines for pollution/litter and a ban on overbuilding in rural areas as well as a nationwide plan to clean up existing litter and a plan regarding the future and reduction of Britain's usage of non-biodegradable products.

5. We demand the immediate implication of a country wide dietary plan to strengthen the health of the British People by reducing the amount of unhealthy food produced and consumed, which will in turn cause the standard of animal welfare across Britain's farms to increase.

>1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5.


>larpers in charge of counting

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you can thank the jews for the lack of news
they know who they are

i love the seaside

Rangers football club has always attracted unionist orcs.
How apt it should be a title for brit/pol




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>tfw fascist Celtic fan

>lack of news
stale news i mean

you could've had fresh headlines last night
but alas no

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>Jeremy Corbyn wreath row: Furious Benjamin Netanyahu says Corbyn 'deserves CONDEMNATION'

>The Chase viewers horrified by Tube driver Barry’s...

>Man wants the NHS to give him an ambulance so he can take his wife to Blackpool

> Benjamin Netanyahu condemns Jeremy Corbyn over wreath laying

>Edinburgh council debating new plaque on monument of former colonial secretary Henry Dundas

>Skwawkbox, Jeremy Corbyn’s wreath, and the mystery of vanishing online stories

>Public backing for Final Say referendum leaps amid division over May's Brexit plans

>Rough sleeping: £100m government plan to tackle homelessness unveiled

>Remains found in search for missing Paisley man

>Burka comments by Boris Johnson and Gareth Bennett racist, says Jones

>Ex-Celtic coach McCafferty jailed for child sex abuse

>Struck-off Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba wins appeal to work again

why are you such a kike?

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Here’s a question... can you refuse to see a doctor on the NHS?

Imagine taking your child to see that ape that has been let off for negligence.

We could have had a based patriotic worker's party but instead we get snooty Fabians who care more about foreigners than the English

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I miss him.

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Yeah, you can ask for a different one

HULLO! HULLO! We are the Billy Boys! (You)s to a tripcunt

GP's areclow IQ in general, last time i was at one it was a paki and I basically self-diagnosed and told him which drugs i needed. He was merely there to sign the prescription.

14/08/2018 1530

And a non-binary Jewish woman who exclusively dates women can't play a Jewish lesbian because she's not lesbian enough.

What a world

Let's see where the free market has taken us;

>Britain's railways being owned by the French

>Britain's manufacturing being sold to the Germans

>Britain's electric being owned by the French and Germans

>Britain's nuclear and gas power being owned by the Chinese

>Britain's postal service being owned by the Dutch

>Britain's fishing waters being dominated by the Norwegians and Icelandics

>Britain banning itself from harvesting its own natural resources

>Race traitors running the immigration policy (You refused to answer whether you believed market forces should have control over our borders)

>Britain's laws being made by the Euros

I would rather stand shoulder-to-shoulder with a thousand of the most avowed socialists who believe that this country should be an independent one with sovereignty over its resources, transport, Parliament and territories, than a bunch of nation-wrecking moneygrubbing globalist bastards who know the price of everything but the value of nothing, who believe that self-sacrifice for one's family, country, God and heritage are ridiculous, and who say "self-interest" as if it's not a dirty word and who would happily open the borders to millions of immigrants a year if it made the GDP go up 0.1%

Liberalism of all kinds is a plague; economic liberalism is no exception

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Well my GP is good and white of course, I’d refuse to see a paki unless they studied here. A lot of the immigrant Doctors forge their qualifications.

Love the queen, love the royal family, there are no child sacrifices

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i'll blog a bit more about the thread making situation then

i'm not going to waste my time hanging around for 280 posts to make sure the next thread has fresh news

i'm not going to make a new thread now either
if you want stale news you can have it

carry on being part of the problem you fucking moron

Totally agree and checked.

yes yes thats a real ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''free'''''''''''''''''''''''''' market

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Im not going to be there m8.

Working class are retards and need to be ruled over to keep them in check.

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>puts flouride in the water
>haha they so dumb look we need to rule over them!
kys technocrat scum

Why do you get so wound up over this
The news is there to make this seem like a politics discussion thread

I hope you wont be.

love Torquay my sister lives down there.

Fluoride is put in the water because Brits are too lazy to brush their teeth - it helps the tooth enamel to harden.

keep the masses ignorant
good plan
you ever considered suicide?

Ideally they would be ruled over by people who are not also themselves retarded

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>buying the governments excuses
looks like you're part of the dumbed down masses get a water filter cunt

Say more more friend, best of luck whatever your pursuit.

say no* more

fucking autocorrect

>get so wound up
there are anons who know me
half of them it feels like hate me so much they would harm the thread simply to ensure i'm annoyed
the other half are to moron to recognise me and give me that "don't talk to tripfags" bollocks
you would be wound up

Trowing water balloons at chavs

I've done a number on you.

Of course you would believe the Fluoride conspiracy theories - i forget the right hate science and can't do some research of their own instead of listening to people like Alex Jones.

going out for teacakes

not mate
you've just demonstrated once again how much of an annoying kike you

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Oh look it's some cosmopolitan lefty who is actually spiteful of the working class, never have i seen that before.

I've got you on the ropes.


The liberal party needs more people who hate gays.

Feeling pretty grey pilled lads.

I've pulled a fast one on you.

>Everybody who disagrees with me is a lefty

You sound like the right wingers who say Liberals are 'Commies' simply because they disagree with them.

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t. someone who regards himself as 'upper middle class' because he went to an ex-polytechnic university and is on the Tesco grad scheme making £25,000 per year and doesn't fret about paying £4.50 for a pint.

The working classes are not consigned to northern mill-towns, they represent the vast majority of people in the country.

I've done you in.

>i forget the right hate science
I don't know much about science, but I know what I like

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>h-haha you too

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Don't worry, this country won't exist soon while your disgusting people are replaced by immigrants and rape your children.

didnt you have something to add to this from earlier ? or was it different trip?

1. We demand an immediate end to all immigration to protect the majority status of the European Peoples within The UK & The Commonwealth.

2. We demand the immediate execution of all known Islamic Extremists/Terrorists throughout The UK & The Commonwealth

3. As part of a massive restructuring of the British Education System, Universities will be limited to teaching only the most important subjects to society: Science, Mathematics, English (History, Philosophy etc)

4. We demand all English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish & Crown Dependency male citizens upon turning 15 years of age are subject to compulsory military service. All males under the age of 30 must complete a basic military service program of six months' duration once this law has been installed

5. We demand immediate action regarding the conservation of our green and pleasant countryside by implementing heavier fines for pollution/litter and a ban on overbuilding in rural areas as well as a nationwide plan to clean up existing litter and a plan regarding the future and reduction of Britain's usage of non-biodegradable products.

6. We demand the immediate implication of a country wide dietary plan to strengthen the health of the British People by reducing the amount of unhealthy food produced and consumed, which will in turn cause the standard of animal welfare across Britain's farms to increase.

Any of you guys think us Christians should split form the Republican Party since its becoming filled with white racist? We Christians were the first to agree Africans were our intellectual equals and brought equal rights.

I was thinking our movement could be called Judeoservatism.

Our priorities would be
1. Israel
2. Family
3. Country

Come register on the official Judeoservitive forums. Together we can keep Israel safe

aaaanndd the commie poofter reveals himself


>empty shelves
>streets crammed with thirdies

Sadly that isn't Labour.

>your disgusting people
>grammatical error
Foreigner detected, please leave

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Look here You just proved my point. The right wingers need to be sterilized.

So this is the power of muscular liberalism

No change in yank priorities then?

Got your number

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>& The Commonwealth.
So we are going to make whties the majority in nigeria and uganda?

you can suck on my cricket bat you piece of shit you

Shots fired

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Good argument. This is just one example of why the right will die.

He's also giving a sign for the Muslim brotherhood.

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With a little help from our friend Ebola-chan

>calls for sterilisation
eat a tire iron m8

Lol i'm voting for corbyn

Nice try Ben Shapiro

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Once again another good example of why you will lose.

Jews are ruthless with their attacks on anyone who criticises though

It really is a great approach to anything you don't like. Just don't budge an inch. They will keep running these stories and calling for resignations, etc, they won't back down even for a second

Ebola is the worse disease for killing in large numbers. It kills the victims of too quickly and fizzles up fast. HIV got so widespread becuase it stays dormant for often decades

HI Dawkins, hi five. You're so cunning. I'm double impressed.

Wonder if there is a sun tzu esque mantra for it

Just constant pushing - no break in pressure at all

This, but unironically

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No YOU will lose anti-human scum

Cry moar faget

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What's happened to Eddie?
I enjoyed that one because the state of him made me feel better about the state of me.

Yeah, no.

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