We need to run a right wing soup kitchen, or a charity event of some kind. Maybe some sort of "clean the streets" march in a bad area where we wipe off nigger graffiti and pick up litter.
When antifa comes in and starts attacking the volunteers (which they will inevitably do), they will be exposed as the violent lunatics they are. The media will not be able to spin this positively for them in any way.
"Make Our Streets Clean Again" or something like that.
Could also hand out sandwiches to any homeless noggers we come across to defuse the "hurr genocidal extremists" meme.
Jonathan Taylor
Last bump. Seems nobody wants to do hard work dor good publicity, just chant and give media propaganda fodder.
Gavin Martin
I find it odd that half the articles are saying they were there and the other half is they were fighting cops. No attempt at negative spin of the right.
Samuel Harris
It'll just be spun as gentrification in the media
David James
There was no right wing rally. The MSM will lie their ass off, but can't be so blatant as to claim that there was right wing violence when literally nobody showed up.
Good. Racists clean up a black slum of garbage and graffiti, give sandwiches to homeless blacks. If the media try to denounce this, they will expose their power level and nobody will buy it that this is somehow a bad thing.
Ian Davis
"Except for the violence it was peaceful" - Not the Onion. Are you volunteering to get your ass kicked for the optics? Oh and the media will spin it and if they can't ignore it completely.
Jayden Mitchell
Presumably police will be there and the protestors will waste most of their energy throwing piss at the police and getting their heads cracked with batons.
Ryder Mitchell
There was some right though. They weren't even trying to sell it as the left is massive in comparison or anything.
Evan Russell
An alternative idea is to visit a white slum like somewhere in appalachia, and when the leftist counterprotestors and media show up, they will have to face the cognitive dissonance that there are whites who live in poverty as well.