So now that white nationalism has been completely eviscerated by all platforms of the media and is currently losing...

So now that white nationalism has been completely eviscerated by all platforms of the media and is currently losing support from millions of people across the us. The best option would be if all the groups that leftists hate were to support sharia law, leftists hate right wing white people more than they love Muslims. If they attack white guys on the internet for being “misogynistic“ because they support sharia law then they can be exposed for the hypocrisy when it comes to muslim immigrants.

pic unrelated

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Wow Im a libtard and I like censorship and totalitarianism
> Just kys nigger

Holy shit.

You guys STILL don't get it?

Let me spell it out for you so it's crystal clear: free speech is motherfucking OVER.

Truly. Unironically. We are fucking done even pretending to give a shit about your sacred cow.

Skinheads will be gagged, banned, booted, shut up, and made to eat their own shit.

Skinheads will be sent to hard fucking PRISON for saying racist shit after Dems get power back.

Just fucking wait and see what happens after November. :)

The truth is, the tolerant left died the night you elected Asshole. You proved you were willing to cheat to win, to use outright lies and foreign trolls against the American people.

Any Democrat who just stands by and allows that shit to turn us into Nazi fucking Germany is out of her fucking mind.

Fortunately, 99% of rational people cannot WAIT to take a nice long piss on the First and Worst Amendment empowering White America's evil.

Plenty more to come. If you're upset now, you're gonna FREAK when tech companies bannhammer all your evil asses and the Big Blue Congress sends cunts like Jones to PRISON.

Soon. xD

Your post is complete gibberish. Are you speaking English?

>So now that white nationalism has been completely eviscerated by all platforms of the media and is currently losing support from millions of people across the us.
Ah, then you wouldn't mind fucking off then.

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>now that our larp has been exposed
I'm so glad you faggots are gone
now we can make some real progress

Job well done. 2020 is guaranteed liberal victory. No need to vote.

Now that "white nationalism" has been taken out of the picture it's time the real citizenry mop up the remaining privilege checking faction of the identity cancer. Afterwards we can move on to finally deal with the authoritarian cancer.

Nah leftism has pretty much exhausted positive identity politics and now it's moving to the phase of shutting down fucking white males for good. For socialism to succeed in America they need to back to back democratic admin's where all the shit get's codified into law and white male speech is pretty much banned and they are forcefully re-educated with false flags and an Australian tier weapons ban sometime soon which the majority will accept because by that time boomers will be dead there will be sporadic resistance but it will be put down. After the identity politcs is exhausted the red faction in the demcorat party will take power which will shil lfor economic justice now that social justice is attained and will go after major corporations and shit that could lead to a real civil war but they could succeed and impose a real commie tyranny and all the chapo cucks and bourgoie leftists will then be hanged as class enemies while white fucking males will be relegated to second class status

Fuck off Ahmed, kys


This brothers. If they cant jail us all they'll just accelerate the immigration.

I don't know what to think right now anons. Its over for us maybe?

No it isn't.

Shut up Kike shill.

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>free speech existed
lol and it's not like white nationalist fascists gave a shit about "free speech" either

you forgot to change your flag, black boi.

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Are you advocating we support right wing Moslemery to get sand niggers and antifa to fight, thus annhilating antifa, and giving us direct uninterfered confrontation with sand nogs after they’ve been weakened a bit by their victory over antifa?
Not a bad plan...

This reddit spacing.

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>white nationalism
>alex jones

False-flagging meme-flag REVEAL thine self!

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Quit it. Even brown people in the US don’t want more brown people.

everyone is a jew shill anyways

You know the rule, tits or gtfo

You sub-humans don't realize how close you are to being exterminated in the streets do you?

Not even close you delusional retard.

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have a sage for being an absolute retard

attacking the police was your first mistake

now who is going to investigate your disappearance?

I see what you mean, but it won't work.

You're funny, I like you
and that means you're not funny and I hate you.

You’re actually fucking retarded you stupid worthless autistic piece of fucking shit, go jump off a bridge like all the gay people do you fucking waste of human anatomy.

tits or back to tumblr

yes user i'm getting very sleepy maybe we should just take a nap

yeah any day now
>50 fat cunts wearing white shirts and retarded haircuts show up in the middle of the street
>"we're gonna exterminate da joooz!"
fuck up dickhead

>the police will protect us, we didn't attack them ~that~ badly

yes we know you're a bootlicker

>and is currently losing support from millions of people across the us

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Polarizing it this hard will have guaranteed backlash
I'll wait

white nationalists are the SJWs of the right.

>we're the good guys


wot... you have to be kidding

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i went to like a week long lobby for "action" on climate change event thing when i was a kid

i sear to god i heard someone there say almost this whole post verbatim about climate change deniers

>Shut down white males
>Choose policies that erode the very actions that lead to where they are
>Cries for white males to come back and help despite you turning them into 2nd class citizens

This is what is going to happen to you faggots

>white nationalists still believe in white nationalism in spite of it being a monumentally retarded idea and still unironically call themselves white nationalists in public discourse in 2k18

i mean how dumb and self defeating can you get

you could learn a thing or two from the (((J)))

Yet all across Europe It's Soaring.
I think its harder for the US because you have lived with subhumans for hundreds of Years. America also has a much deeper history with race relations it's a lot easier to guilt trip Americans than Europeans.

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what is this from?